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Monte Carlo

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Everything posted by Monte Carlo

  1. OK, I shall give it a go when I have some time. The first mission starts then it's WTF! There are heroes attacking your dungeon and no clue how to stop them.
  2. Hmmm. You have a reputation for honesty. Shall I just take it back now?
  3. I know, it looks freaking awful, like a parody of a parody.
  4. It feels like an age since I played BG2, it's on my laptop so I'm doing another game with six of my own characters. I'm trying to play the most evil, low rep party possible with some unusual character combos. Using the twinky anti-paladin kit for my main guy. I've also picked up Dungeons, hoping for Dungeon Keeper 3. It looks nice but it's pretty complicated and the tutorial is rubbish, I might have to read the manual. Apart from that it really, really looks like the original DK, one of my favourite games.
  5. Hippy.
  6. Basically, it's Walsingham. I can't tell him that I've been hiding in a tree near his rugged man-pad / penthouse for the past two years. Watching him.
  7. The technical term is "groundling". Can be modified with either "peasant" or "hoi polloi" Slowtrain, you have a near 5000 post-count and are a consistent voice of wisdom and reason on this forum yet you do not have a custom rank / title. This is a complete travesty, given some of the other crazies who have been so honoured. I might start a petition or something.
  8. Dr. Evil from Austin Powers is teh awesome
  9. Completely relaxed about it, Diablo would probably port well to consoles. Then lesser gamers can also discover the joy of Diablo.
  10. "Filling the empty hours until DA2 is released." Bwhaahhahahaaaahhahaaaa. I'd rather watch paint dry.
  11. These type of threads are great, because I loved the original and toyed with the idea of eventually trying this one. I can now see that it isn't something I'd probably enjoy so Tigs has saved me time and money. Cheers!
  12. As resident CoH fanboy, PM me if you want an online game.
  13. Rosemary's Baby freaked me out when I first saw it, late at night, on my own, having had a drink or three. It's slow-burn spookiness as opposed to visceral horror, but it is scary. Somebody will obviously chip in with The Shining, but having seen it again recently I would question it's status as scary classic. Lastly, and again in a slow-burn spooky / strange type of scary, the part of The Wicker Man (the original, dammit) where you realise what they are going to do to the policeman is also pretty disturbing first time you see it.
  14. Like hi-level AD&D, BG2 is predicated on spell combos. Some of them are irksome, but there is a great deal of variety. You can cheese your way through some of Bg2, but eventually you hit a WTF tactical challenge that makes you read the manual. DA2 had that freezing-stuff and storm spell thing going on, rinse and repeat.
  15. As a non-Marvel comic person I'd say either Judge Death (Judge Dredd) or Torquemada (Nemesis the Warlock) both from 2000AD.
  16. Except this one is set in, er, 1940s Los Angeles.
  17. Dude.... installing that game. Seriously, that's the gaming version of The Hurt Locker. That game is to operating systems what a dozen 125mm arty shells, connected by a dodgy command wire, with a Nokia duct-taped on top, are to Jeremy Renner. Stand back from the installation disc and call a professional with a robot or something.
  18. I see what your saying. But... At at least it's an attempt at something new and grown-up that doesn't involve +5 Hackmasters or Plasma Pistols or Space Marines. I shall be guardedly optimistic until the reality of the computer games industry smashes me like a broken bird sucked into a jet engine. For the record I don't like GTA et. al.
  19. All I can say is that the standard of trolling here is heading downhill and needs to be improved. This one struggles to get a D+ in my book.
  20. You...you... have spies?
  21. If you spliced Al's final going-bolo-at-the-posh-school speech with Jack Nicholson's Nathan Jessup rant at the end of "A Few Good Men" then you might cause a sort of testosterone-fuelled tear in the spatial fabric of reality or something.
  22. Angry, your life appears to be a bit like Waiting For Godot filtered through early John Steinbeck. With maybe some 1960's Ingmar Bergman black-and-white angst on the beach thrown in. You deserve a break somewhere tropical with hot and cold running dancing girls.
  23. I was completely serious.
  24. Ah. You don't need to see the actual cable to make your decision. The Telegraph wins again. Yay, "we want to believe, therefore we WILL believe". Your faith in your government is touching, if not slightly scary. So what you're saying is that for me to reach an opinion is that I actually have to lay eyes on a caveated, sensitive government document? And it's not what I want to believe, speaking as one of the more pro-American voices on this forum, which is often full of knee-jerk anti-Americans of the most tiresome sort. It's what I'm inclined to believe based on the available evidence, which is that your country is no longer particularly concerned about mine and that the current Whitehouse would happily dump a seventy-year alliance for short-term political advantage in a tough mid-term year. So, yes, I bloody well think your government would intelligence share with the Russians if it was in their perceived interests.
  25. I know which version I believe and it ain't the one coming out of la Clinton's office
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