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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. lol this is Dobby in his wild years.
  2. I never finished Infinite, because I also found it boring. Also I just don't like this typical Unreal Engine look anymore. No clue what it is, if it's the shaders or the way the player moves, but I just don't like it at all. Didn't know they made a remaster of the first Bioshock, but I also kinda don't feel the mood to replay it.
  3. Same issue I criticized about recent Life is Strange games. It's total garbage writing that will not help their cause, but instead rile up people who otherwise wouldn't really care.
  4. I think I f'd up in MW5. Had 20 million in the bank and thought I could risk jumping into higher level territory. Went there, found some nice heavies, bought an Archer and a Stalker, then went on my first mission... and oh boy did it go wrong. Finished the contract, but lost 3 mechs, which spiraled me into a huge hole of depth. Had to sell some stuff to make it back into easier territory but now I'm still scrapping by... because the running and repair costs are so high, it's hard to stay in the green. That said, now with some better mechs, the gameplay is less frustrating. Even the raid / base destruction missions feel better now, simply because the big mechs can just stomp through walls in no time, and because you have more armor, you can also withstand more enemy fire while doing so. Still wish the missions wouldn't feel all the same, though. Oh, and it kinda seems like the maps are better looking now too - especially the deserts seem to work much better in the engine.
  5. Huh, never thought that one would get a 2nd entry. Not gonna lie, probably a first-day buy.
  6. This big head alien is so lol. Not only does the uniform makes no sense, but the actual bodytype is unbelievable as well. You know what I mean.. with a head like that, no way in hell would the creature have a super normal humanoid body.
  7. I decided to wait. Got no time to play it right now anyways (too busy with Bloodborne and MW5), and in 1 or 2 weeks I won't be home till next year either, so might as well wait for christmas sale or some sale next year.
  8. Oh cool, I was about to buy Cyberpunk, but the 60 bucks price made me say nay. Though I'd rather buy it on GOG, I think. /Edit: It's 50% off on GOG as well. Should I buy now or rather wait for christmas... I'm sure there will be another sale.
  9. I (re)watched it last year. Had it in my memory quite a bit different to what the movie was, tbh. It really feels like a 90s blockbuster. It's still nice, but you really feel the time period.
  10. The problem is that it's kinda fun and addictive, but these few issues™ are what quickly ruin the fun.
  11. I still remember how hype everyone was when that first MW5 trailer dropped. Everything looked so cool and fancy. Then MWO happened and everyone got seriously bummed out ... Kinda feels like they wanted to do more with the game, but simply couldn't (lack of tech or skills or both?). And now we kinda have this abomination of the old MW5 idea and the later MWO. They really should have invested more time in better ai handling, imo. Make enemy mechs search for cover, go into real defense positions, etc. etc. I know that "good" ai is very hard to do and lots of people fail with it, but man... here it feels like they didn't even try. At least MW5 isn't the only one with that problem... I mean, let's be real here, Battletech ai isn't that much better either, and the game knows it ... the game knows it and tries to distract you with throwing hordes of enemies at you. /Edit: What absolutely gets me every time is how well the games (both MW5 and Battletech) showcase that lots of tiny tanks are actually better than fielding huge mechs. Less crew, less maintenance, less material, easier to produce in big numbers .... and with a big enough force, a viable defense against any mech, no matter the size.
  12. The hardpoints are lore-based. If you want 100% customizable mechs, you have to move into the future with the clans, where omni-mechs became a thing. Personally I think the clan stuff is just super boring, though. Can't stand it anymore. Played some more now. I really want to like the game, but it just has such .. ugh .. questionable game design. Also the steam workshop is pretty funny. There's like 5 mods or something. Why even add workshop support if modding is barely possible. I'm kinda thinking of ripping the MW5 avatar images out of the game and using them in Battletech. Feels like that would give me more joy (because the avatars in MW5 are much better looking, imo).
  13. I just noticed that it isn't possible to change my pilot name and avatar? What the hell. Also, are all maps randomly generated? Some look fine, but then you get maps which are either visually terrible or obviously for multiplayer matches (mirrored terrain features everywhere). /Edit: Also the fact the game just throws unlimited waves of enemies at you all the time is so incredibly unfun. You are never rewarded for a tactical approach, you just have to rush in and hope for the best. Not that a tactical approach with that team ai is viable anyways... Guess a big problem is that in my head I keep comparing this to the old MWO days, where we had a full lance of human players and everyone was playing hide and seek and peekaboo. MW5 bots in contrast... just rush to you. Every fight ends up being a big ball of bs.
  14. Another base destruction mission that is complete bs. Unlimited waves of enemies and I don't know what to shoot at + my party members don't shoot at anything in the base. So I run in circles, try not to die while shooting everything I see in the hopes it will count as base damage. I'm pretty close to shelving this game, tbh. Might as well play Battletech, which also comes with its fair share of problems, but at least not *those* problems.
  15. Some of the missions are real bull****, though. Just had a contract where I was supposed to destroy a base ... sounds easy, right? Well, I canceled it. First I have to get to the base while getting constantly pounded from artillery.. I can avoid it, but my ai mates just get blown up. Then, when I made it to the base with 3 surviving mechs, I needed to shoot every single hitpoint that could be found.. as the buildings where big, I wasn't able to just run through them... so I started to laser stuff for what feels like 10 or 15 minutes... made it down to 10%, but then another one of my mechs blew up and the pilot probably died (I didn't check) ... so I said f- it and reloaded... and then said f- it again and reloaded even earlier. Now I'm trying to find some other contracts that are less stupid.
  16. Wow, turns out I'm pretty stupid. I thought you can only loot / buy mech parts in MW5, but turns out it's the actual full mech and I just have to repair it. Feels a bit like a waste, tbh. The Battletech mechanic with "loot 3 parts" seems a bit deeper to me.
  17. I'm a bit confused about how the damage compensation works. Do I get the money paid additionally if my mechs are damaged? Because if I repair them from the mechbay, it seems I pay exactly the same as before.
  18. Last two contracts I've negotiated for extra salvage to get mech parts, but then there are never any to salvage.
  19. I just bought MW5 because of the talk about that sandbox mode. Let's hope I didn't waste my money on this one. : > /edit: So first mission was a total failure. Turns out I forgot everything about the game, even though I've played MWO intensively back in the days. Second and third mission went a bit better, but I'm still pretty close to having no money anymore.
  20. Still not 100% sure how much I like this multiverse thing.
  21. Well, I experience first-hand right now how big of an influence steam reviews have on sales. So while two people seemingly don't bother with it, the reviews still have a huge influence on purchase power.
  22. Thank god they still have me feeling burned out from the last couple crappy stalker games.
  23. Just watched The Power of the Dog. Bit slow in the beginning, but I guess that was necessary to establish the characters accordingly. All in all not a bad movie.
  24. I'm almost done with Bloodborne. Orphan of Kos, Laurence, the First Vicar, and Gehrman, The First Hunter are the last on my list for as far as I am aware. While I technically like the game, I'm not sure if I will ever replay it.. some of the balance issues are just too annoying. I could jump straight to Gehrman now, but at the same time I don't want to skip the other bosses ... but I'm also dreading the thought of having to farm blood vials again. Threaded Cane is actually not a bad weapon. Used it a lot, especially in the alternative mode (as a whip). Helps to keep groups at bay, and you can stay at distance more easily. For bosses I usually switched to something else and once I found the Tonitrus it was settled anyways (though Boom Hammer is also pretty nice half the time).
  25. I'm slowly coming to the realization that I love the idea of Bloodborne, but everything else about it I just hate. Kinda feeling this already since a long time, but maybe I should just finally accept it. Parrying is a vital part of the gameplay, but 90% of the time it's impossible for me to trigger a parry. Almost always it is pure luck or just random. I can't time my attacks at all, because the input latency wants me to be a psychic. Fact is, I played almost all of the game without ever using the parry function. When I look into my inventory, I have almost 800 bullets. I would love to use guns more, but what's the point if I can't parry and trigger visceral attacks with them? At this point it's just really annoying and frustrating. The parry function is just a part of the problem. Dodging and timing normal attacks suffers from the same issues. Usually I'm just tanking the enemies, which likely explains why I have such a hard time when fighting the mobs that deal the most damage... can't just absorb the damage for once.
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