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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Dungeons 2 for free until tomorrow. Have heard it's not that great, but it's free.
  2. Ah, the real culprit https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/02/16/florida-school-shooting-kentucky-governor-blames-violent-video-games-movies/344336002/
  3. I believe the most common weapon in homicides as of 2016 was the .380 with the .40 coming in a close second. Both are handgun rounds and are used by small and relatively cheap models. Did they ever confirm what the Vegas shooter way using? Not sure about used, but they found AR10,AR15, FN15, and some AKs (they say 47, but who knows). Hard to find an exact list
  4. I always thought the rifle needed select fire, detachable mag and uses intermediate cartridges. In Canada there are restrictions on magazine sizes, if I recall. I guess that may help as it'll force the shooter to reload, but is a case of less bodies so is an imperfect one.
  5. I would never a patronize a place that would use 'ur' on their sign
  6. From my viewpoint over here in merry olde England, it isn't so much about "yes, your gun didn't kill anyone", it's that it seems to damned easy for any idiot to get hold of them over there.I can point to many friends around the world and say "Yes, they are competent, intelligent people who can be responsible with a car, with a gun, what have you." But I can also point to a whole bunch more of people who are just idiots I wouldn't trust with a stapler, let alone some form of automatic weaponry. But if they are in the good ol US of A... That is the problem right there. So how do you protect the responsible people from the irresponsible people without violating civil rights? If the freedom of the individual is the paramount concern then I really don't see how we can. And if it isn't a concern, well there is always repression, confiscations, concentration camps, forced hospitalization and just making people disappear. The difference between here and most other countries is the guns are already here. Millions of them. Billions perhaps. Making them suddenly illegal changes nothing. It was illegal for that bastard to bring a gun on school campus yesterday. It was illegal for him to even BE on that campus. It was illegal to use a smoke bomb, pull the fire alarm, and certainly to shoot people. None of those broken laws stopped him. So for gun control to work the government has to go and confiscate them. How do you think that will go? Your previous post aside, that's a completely valid point about responsible people vs the irresponsible people. You say that regulating who can have what guns (outside of the really heavy weapon stuff only the military can use) will just lead to a slippery slope, then what are your ideas for solutions? It seems like the exact same ideological impasse between the two of us (though at least we can agree to disagree without going all knives at each others throats) is part of the problem in that neither side has solutions the other likes, though it often seems like one side often does not want solutions at all. I've heard about regulating guns the same way we regulate cars might be a solution, though I'm not sure how that would work exactly since the function of a gun and a car are completely different. Honestly I don't know. Raising the age of full legal majority nationwide to 21 makes sense to me. It could have prevented the shooter from buying his weapon legally. However much of a hindrance that is. Force hospitalization of people deemed mentally ill sounds very Nazi-like to me. Now people are having their freedom taken over a subjective standard that is way too likely to be abused. Infringing on individual rights is not the way to go either. Increasing the availability of mental health can't hurt but in they end the best system can only help the willing. Turning schools into armed camps does not strike me as the best way to go, although one armed teacher could have stopped this yesterday. Maybe plain clothes security, like Air Marshals for each campus. But even then they can't be everywhere at once.How about doing away with "gun free" zones? I'm wondering if we have had any mass shootings in the past 20 years where people were allowed to be armed themselves? Have to guess several, just that no one was paranoid to arm themselves in a church or nightclub. Was a cop at this school, I believe, but he didn't engage with the shooter. .
  7. I guess they couldn't find carbines?
  8. Eventually education will probably be moved to an online delivery format. I prefer my dystopian nightmare
  9. It will probably come to that, first scanners at the doors that can raise an alarm then Reapers orbiting the school.
  10. If the weapon's made after 1986, no ?
  11. What's the thing in the far left, lower row? Looks like a gun part than a gun. Also, is the 'high capacity semautomatic handgun' a flintlock pistol? Looks like one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FN_P90 Just don't drop it.
  12. Brilliant choice of image for that article
  13. Specific threats yes/ "I'm going to kill you Malcador". That will get you arrested. Generalized threats "I'm going to kill someone" not so much. It will get them looking at you, but until you actually DO something what can they do? Haven't bothered to take a look but it seems like the threats were slightly specific from reports I heard. But yeah, they can't necessarily do anything worse than talk to him - that might put a scare on him but also might provoke him. Does seem like something one should lose their firearms for though, but I forget that's a right meant to have no restrictions down there
  14. Isn't making threats illegal, though ?
  15. I think it's time for USA to change 2nd amendment from the right to bear arms to obligation to bear arms at all times. Road rage deaths will reach worrying levels.
  16. Beats hearing your neighbour play Rock Band and seeming to do nothing else than play Faith No More's Epic. Endless reptitions of "What..is..it?! It's it! What is it ?!"
  17. Obsidian just try to ride their PR coattails, no doubt. But no, nonsense kudos and crap like that is common. I suppose I will get this off GOG, seems like it is not total trash (unless Tigranes was bribed)
  18. May work better for them if they recognize gamers as the easily led sheep they are. https://www.vg247.com/2018/02/09/activision-blizzard-made-4-billion-microtransactions-2017-half-revenue/ That is a big chunk of change
  19. An academic question for me if there ever was one
  20. Nah, they'll just push back saying they have a right to go home, etc. Sending them abroad to fight heavy criminals is a win-win.
  21. Yeah that would be my guess for all digital distributions True, was a dumb question, forgot most of the world doesn't act like my company.
  22. I guess the GOG version will have the patch already applied ?
  23. Hopefully that didn't arrive with hidden bugs.
  24. Surprised Shaun White is still at it.
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