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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. From what I've read they are to move with a team of 4, but solo if none are available. Seems there were some available as the cop being lynched was joined by 3 other Broward County cops who didn't move in. Seems like the BSO's gonna have some explaining to do.
  2. Get a plain tungsten one. Never know when you'll need a filament.
  3. Half Life also gave us a platform for mods. Good memories of waiting ages for the Fileplanet queue to ping
  4. Well, all done and dusted before Trump spoke. At least we got a tidbit that he was trying to place the gunfire.
  5. Canada losing in both men's and women's hockey is glorious.
  6. Went back to Stellaris, figure I'd try to master what I have...or at least become passably competent at what I have. Certainly is tricky playing as a Xenophobe.
  7. You have a more noble view of your fellow man, than I do, then.
  8. Pretty much, this cop was old though so maybe he's not like the guys that think all cops need shaven skulls and raybans While I honestly would like to think I would, maybe not - is amazing how a second's hesitation can end up with a minute's inaction. Pretty sure everyone would want to be the hero that saves people's lives - though you're not going to save everyone as you're reacting to gunfire.
  9. Would be interesting to hear the reasons why he didn't go in, is it protocol to go in alone ? Pretty daunting situation to go into a building with an unknown number of shooters, so wonder what was said when he was on the radio. Wonder who you want to be good guys with guns in this circumstance ? Can't be students (kind of is the problem ). Definitely would have the same problem with outsiders near the school intervening as with the deputy.
  10. So there was a cop outside when the shooting was ongoing but he didn't go in.
  11. I guess you assume everyone is armed.
  12. Using a mouse ? Casual.
  13. If only people would clue into such a radical idea
  14. The thinking probably goes: "They are trained in the use of weapons and have faced warfare..." Yeah but that doesn't translate well to being a peace officer, so you'd have to train them regardless in that aspect (in theory..). Might as well just use more cops. Not to mention not all veterans are suitable for such tasks to begin with (as much as people worship a uniform), so it doesn't seem all that special when considering the larger pool of people to draw on. Apparently the Broward County cops will be packing AR-15s in schools - http://abcnews.go.com/US/deadly-parkland-shooting-deputies-now-carry-ar-15/story?id=53258747 I guess they anticipate armoured attackers?
  15. Weirdest suggestion I've heard so far was enlisting veterans to guard schools. Because veterans are special or something ?
  16. USMC wants to be a self contained service?
  17. Well yes, but I am just rolling with it. Prevention isn't sexy as it's hard work and behind scenes, sadly
  18. FN Five Sevens! But really, I would imagine just from physics alone getting blasted with rounds that don't penetrate is still going to incapacitate a shooter.
  19. So armed teachers is the solution of the day. Not a bad idea in terms of PR to have this meeting with students and teachers though.
  20. Or a Rogue Trader. Could be like Mass Effect but with more skulls
  21. http://articles.latimes.com/1997/jul/20/local/me-14688 Though maybe this doesn't count
  22. Billy Graham died.
  23. Or call it regulation of the militia.
  24. Isn't all prop usage, so?
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