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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Leveling professions is odd in BFA. Takes a lot of effort to produce stuff that isn't much use. Kind of redundant of my actual job, to be honest. Blizzard must really hate Engineering to treat it so. Waiting for the honeymoon to end so I can enjoy the community whining about everything fron level scaling to leveling even being a concept
  2. Is that a big deal for the, ahem, movement though?
  3. All they need is an ad reading "Armağan Yavuz's going to make you his bitch"
  4. http://www.sci-news.com/medicine/enzymes-turn-type-a-b-blood-into-universal-type-o-06324.html
  5. Shows nothing major, but still has that classic Tom Clancy jingoistic dialogue.
  6. The God Emperor shows his face to us at last!
  7. Music sound like something Klepacki would make, one bright spot.
  8. Well, wasn't talking only about violence strictly as I assume that Libertarian was talking about as well.
  9. And a lot of people out there who will kill you without that law too.
  10. No wonder the sub was lost, the crew were soulless zombies.
  11. Losing to Chelsea was not a shock (okay based on matches vs Conte they did pretty well), but yeesh it's time to start Lichsteiner. Hm, wonder what those Arsenal Fan TV morons are saying now. I bet they are being patient with Emery as opposed to threatening suicide with Wenger
  12. Got a late start and just finished my first zone, Drustvar, but what a zone it was. Witches' covens, giant pig monsters, assassinations at weddings, little girls singing creepy songs about their villages being massacred... y'know, the good stuff. I missed that little girl and the tea party, I guess I should have followed the road. I started with Drustvar too, they did a good job having each zone have a consistent story. Working my way to finish the Alliance story line, had missed a fun quest chain in Stormsong where you get to burn orcs alive, which is always fun. Easy to do with a healer as the dungeon queue's are nice and short, even if I have to deal with idiots and self centered scumbag DPS untermensch.
  13. Well, could end up with the public being far inferior to the private, which is an issue if you care about that.
  14. Wondering at my Youtube recommendations and why they are racing videos with T&A, gun reviews, stoner metal and videos by dudes whining about SJWs and feminism. Vacation is over so mentally preparing for the return to work
  15. Obviously some one that failed the Voigt Kampff test
  16. Sure hope not, that is going to be even worse than Iraq. Bolton seems like a typical hawk, at least reading his rationalization of trying to avoid the Vietnam draft makes me think so.
  17. https://www.pcgamer.com/burden-of-command-is-a-tactical-rpg-that-aims-to-capture-the-personal-experiences-of-war
  18. Some of the Soviet campaign videos were pretty cheesy in Red Alert, but yes, compared to Red Alert 2 and 3 it's really down to earth. Ok touche, forgot about crawling up on tables when poisoned.
  19. I guess this proves Americans just scare easily in general
  20. Depends on what you are I guess. Liberals love him for being progressive, 'cool', etc. and conservatives make fun of him for being wishy washy, some sort of SJW, etc. Then you have most people in between.
  21. Don't really recall the press doing that here, plenty of people probably did, I will check. Trudeau sure gets low effort insults but mainly from rags only dumbass proles read like The Sun (smart proles read the National Post )
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