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About vault_overseer

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  • Lords of the Eastern Reach Backer Badge
  1. Thank you and sorry, I don't really spend time on this forum anymore. I skimmed through 4 or so pages and didn't see any obvious answers. Perhaps there should be a physical rewards FAQ stickied?
  2. I'm interested in this too. It seems some people around the world have already received their physical copies, so I'm wondering whether the shipping status on the portal is accurate.
  3. https://twitter.com/adam_brennecke/status/501428909989437440
  4. There go few hundred more of my dosh
  5. I asked Josh on twitter if he's working on it, this was his response:
  6. Don't forget the part where he's a vocal Tea Party supporter and huge opponent of Obama and bailouts and government money.
  7. Supporting this game means supporting Herve Caen and he can burn in hell. That **** won't get a penny. Also, begging for money is not cool.
  8. HUGE NEWS: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/03/30/obisidian-to-co-develop-wasteland-2-on-one-condition/
  9. Nicely balanced turn based rpg with a good story and C&C.
  10. Wow, you're really thinking about it backwards. It's not charity, nobody is just giving away money for free. How do you think developers fund their games otherwise? They go to the publishers and get funding from them, while publishers end up with some level of creative control. This is exactly same thing. Only instead of publishers, they're getting funding from customers and customers are getting the game they paid for. That's all.
  11. here comes the mil. If big publishers aren't thinking about this long and hard, they're wrong. Granted, far from everyone will be able to make that kind of a fundraiser, but it still proves that people want more than what big names are feeding us
  12. No, I do not know anything about Tim Schafer. Im sure hes a helluva guy, loves mom and apple pie and regularly helps the tards. Like I said, its my perception thats rubbing me the wrong way. They obviously couldnt get the game funded through conventional methods so they did what any red blooded American company would do, mussed up their hair, turned their pockets inside out and held open a loot bag for everyone else to fill. Then, even after doubling their needs, still keep the gravy train rolling. You know, for future projects. I think that last point is what bothers me the most. Just one mans opinon, nothing to see here. At the same time, they've stated from the beginning that if they raise more money, they will put it into very specific improvements - Better VA, more platforms, better documentary. Also, of course publishers won't fund it, they think point and click adventure games are dead.
  13. Gfted1, Do you know anything about Tim Schafer? He's as far from a cash grabbing cow as they come. He's been trying to make living on small projects and community funded initiatives for a while and I trust him completely. He has taken money from fans to develop games before and never screwed anyone over. ON top of that, giving a small independent company that much funding gaming community proves feasibility of skipping publishers and, hopefully, solidifies indie trend. Once again, this is not some unknown dude milking dumb gamers, this is a legendary developer that has consistently given us some of the most unique and interesting games there are. He deserves every bit of support he is currently receiving.
  14. It's an adventure game from dudes who made some of the best and funniest adventure games out there - Tim Schafer and Ron Gilbert.
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