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Everything posted by TwinkieGorilla

  1. man! i'm getting angry just remembering how insipid this idiot-child of a game was!
  2. unsurprising. unsurprising. not that i've ever felt alone in this regard (whoo boy have i not) but i am so glad to continue seeing people who expect more from a game in this regard. cheers to you and all your kind. agreed, but i've always deemed the concept of larping to be hilariously sad...so it doesn't say much when i say without an actually consistently well-written game mixed in (there isn't, trust me. there *are* flashes but the overwhelming majority is simply mind-bogglingly retarded) how long can you really justify virtual-larping? i mean, that is if you're not the sort of lad or lass who has ever thought anything but "oh, you poor thing..." if you know somebody with 2nd Life installed.
  3. perhaps not, but what you can and should hold them accountable for is some of the worst dialogue, writing and juvenile storytelling a popular franchise has ever seen. you're partially right that they did enough things decently to warrant one full play-through but that's actually pretty piss-poor for a relationship between a Fallout obsessive fan and a Fallout game. better than POS but that's not saying much at all. hell, i still get the urge to load up my FO:T every now and again, ffs.
  4. ugh. ****ing groan.
  5. i agree. also, see my signature. yeah. and the game is filled with about 120 hours of the most inane dialogue i've ever ****ing had the displeasure to groan my way through. it completely destroyed the experience for me (to the extent that i've long since uninstalled it, lent it to a friend and am entirely unconcerned about ever getting it back. which is an interesting note considering that i've always had FO1 & 2 installed at all times on every desktop build i've owned since '98 because i play each one at least once a year). Bethesda is to Fallout what cancer is to an organic body. I just hope the chemo Obsidian is attempting works.
  6. "quoted for quote" i made it up.
  7. QFQ.
  8. yeah well, lah-dee-dah, Hines. go get another monkey & typewriter and tell him to throw us a (proverbial) goddamn bone then.
  9. **** it. all i really care about is if the "SPECIAL actually being developed" part is true (though revived VB bits would of course be a total bonus).
  10. heh. more like biting his lip because he either wants to confirm or deny the leak but can't with Big Brother looking over his shoulder. though now that i think of it...if it is a leak, yeah...mayhap this is the beginning of nervousland for everybody.
  11. Sawyer's probably biting his goddamn lip right now, hehe.
  12. no. see, i'm one of the few people alive *not* satisfied with inane **** like: [intelligence] So you say this game is a ****ing joke while fighting the good fight with your voice on Vapid Galaxy Radio?
  13. only so much as i care about living in a world full of knuckle-dragging half-wits.
  14. hope? wtf would i "hope" for? i couldn't care less, man. i'm just saying it's not going to appear in the same light as the first two did, ever. it's just too goddamned stupid of a game to go down in history as anything other than a decent game with some hilariously embarrassing moments which sold a ridiculous amount of copies to an apparently complacent, drooling mass of people with low expectations. "great" game indeed...if you suffer from asperger's and autism. exactly.
  15. Objectively speaking, Fallout 1 is the better game. Going further...Fallout 2 is still light years beyond Fallout 3 as a good game. Why? Fallout 2 helped expand upon the world of Fallout, regardless of the questionable level of humor which undoubtedly turned some FO1'ers off but turned a whole lot of FO1'ers even further on to the franchise. They're both cemented into the minds of the Fallout world and forever will be, warts and all. Fallout 3? No. No that's just the retarded cousin who ****ed the next door neighbor's cat who everybody just wants to forget about...and eventually probably will. Edit: Endoxos i so skipped your post...lulz. sorry! i just read it though and i think we're both on the same page here.
  16. heh, yep. that seems to be the general hope an' feeling around here, NMA and wherever else people congregate for games which are actually more than crappy larp simulations. i won't polish Obsidian's knob until i play the game and decide it's good because i certainly don't feel they've proved themselves with anything else to date but yes, i think this is not only the best hope for a real Fallout game we have...but it's most likely our only hope, ever. ironically though, judging by the sales of FO1, FO2 and FO3, if FO:NV is actually any good it won't sell at all. **** it though. i'd give my left nut for just ONE more "great" game in the series instead of a billion more poor to mediocre games like Bethesda is more than likely to dish out until the real apocalypse comes. seems that Bethesda's got our heroes on lock-down, sister. they can't say shizzy and they won't.
  17. hey so like...can you guys like, communicate with us at all or is it like...Howard & Co. holding you all at gunpoint. i didn't even realize friggin' MCA was working on this until NMA posted a few tweets. wtf, man? last time i asked this question i got the runaround!* *cue Groucho Marx voice
  18. hey Sawyer! when i wake up tomorrow it will be 2010 and i want some @8$#*! answers you @%#$ *!@&$^#%@!!!
  19. hey Sawyer, why don't you just make a complete overhaul mod to New Vegas before it's released in order to ensure that the game is good? *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* Merry Shistmas, peeples, sheeples and creeples. here's to hoping 2010 gives us a decent game in the Fallout series.
  20. funny. FO3 only crashed once or twice for me (though VATS got totally buggy after one of their patches. gee, thanks). i had way more of an issue with my mind going to a blue-screen every time i read and heard their horrible dialogue.
  21. well said, gent, well said. Fallout 3 was like a friend of a friend who got invited to a party where everybody else had known each other for years and tried all night to fit in but always missed the point and tried too hard, thus making him/herself look too obvious and leaving everybody at the party shaking their heads going "Wtf was that all about?" funny. i agree wholeheartedly and yet there's no way of coming off less than patronizing when saying this to a Bethesda fan. i think (i've seen their boards, trust me) they actually really, really love the corny "we're obviously trying too hard to make a joke" atmosphere of the writing. it's just so far from witty, innovative or creative it blew my mind. i really do have a lot of good to say about the game too...it's just a shame they ****ing blew it, imo.
  22. it was witty, original and much more than functional. it reacted to SPECIAL in a meaningful way and gave an experience in RPGS heretofore unseen. the proof of this is pretty solid. Fallout has become a major cult icon of gaming. Fallout 3 will go down in history as a half-respected sequel at best and a godawful joke at worst. bioware eh? i think i see where we differ. see my above mini-paragraph. it depends on what company and which individuals you're speaking of. does the team or guy responsible for: [intelligence] So you fight the good fight, etc look ridiculous in comparison to Chris Avellone? uh, c'mon. is it their fault? who knows. maybe they didn't have much creativity to begin with. maybe their parents touched them in bad ways. who knows. who cares. all i want is another Fallout game which doesn't force me to turn it off because it's so goddamn embarrassing.
  23. qft. also, the writing was actually bad enough to completely ruin the FO3 experience for me. despite hating all things Bethesda i really, really, really wanted to love that game.
  24. uhhhhhh...gee, really? maybe because Fallout 1 and 2 had good writing?
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