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About LokiPi

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    Films, food, games and dogs!
  1. This was exactly my reaction. "It was absolute horror...would be cool though...but why would you do this to us?!" With a few more choice words to boot XD @Corey Ashley Tameable creature are a definite. I've sunk so many hours into Ark and I adored it then. (RIP Fruits and Fibre my first ever dilo tames). Anyways. Would be great to have them included. Even if we don't get to ride, would be useful as a pack pony. Load up the ants and begin your trek. Basic farming elements would also be great. Like aphid farms for the dew? Apparently Ants do this in real life. @Zova love the idea of bird feathers being included in the game. Imagine being small and getting a full feather to work it. Would be amazing. It's whether the Devs will want to keep things bug related or not.
  2. Completely agree with the compass and tiered threat level. @Corey Ashley, might be a good call to add to the main post to consolidate ideas into one list. @AndJrew76 would this be alright? The wing suit is definitely something that I love, along with the zip lines. It would make traversing points which we frequently travel over less laborious. On a lighter note - the game is such a charming experience. We frequently catch ourselves speculating over the story and adore finding new caves and cracks to explore. Stay fresh!
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