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Everything posted by Thanotos

  1. I would argue the bigger issue here is that it's wasteful, needing to create so much variation to accommodate different outcomes is harmful in that it wastes time on the game and if they continue the BioWare approach to the series will hurt the entire franchise, as they have to deal more and more with every possible outcome from player choices, and end up making the entire world effectively unuseable like what happened to the milkyway in Mass Effect, it also ruins any attempt to really make the game feel like a proper tabletop RPG which is clearly the intent,
  2. Seriously the pause menu should never not be available regardless of circumstances, we shouldn't have restarting the game as a faster option to reload and when a fight is clearly lost,
  3. It is unlikely to come out on anything outside of Microsoft's library, i doubt they bought obsidian just to let them spread all their new IPs to their competitors's platforms,
  4. I came out to forcefully there, and i am sorry for it, I personally love the lower pressure environment the saves provide, and indeed i want it to be expanded upon, that said, i also do not oppose the addition of a hardcore option that limits you to only 1 save and if all 4 kids die it's game over save deleted, options are always good, especially for solo mode,
  5. The penalty to dying is that you failed, you shouldn't need some random arbitrary cost to make failure hurt more, if you can't be bothered to have enough pride to dislike losing a fight then don't demand others suffer and loose a feature the genre has been starved of forever so you can tick a random box on your personal needs list, if you need more of a cost, just start a new game every time you die, and let the rest of us have fun,
  6. I died, an issue of course because of the ridiculously over tuned damage on enemies, but not a game ender, my backpack containing hours of work worth of gear falling through the map leaving me unable to reclaim all that effort? that is more than i am willing to put up with, remove the stupid lose items on death feature, it's dumb in Ark, it's Dumb in Conan Exiles, it's always dumb, at the very least add a toggle to disable it, or have un claimed backpacks spawn in the lab after like 30 minutes of not being picked up, EDIT: I forgot about the existence of the save feature, it's such an innovation and has saved the day just now, please both retain and refine this wonderful addition to the genre!
  7. Had this same thing happen but i wasn't dehydrated before it happened,
  8. It really feels like the enemies need a rebalnce for solo mode, in multi player you can have someone closer focus on keeping enemies agrroed while the other fires arrows ect also 4 players could realiticlly down orb weavers bombardiers ect fast enough they their high damage outputs won't be as terrible but alone you are at such a huge disadvantage, because you have 1/4th the damage and 1/4th the hp the enemies feel liek they were designed for,
  9. You can't dress willow in a sword lesbian pride shirt then not give her a sword, maybe made from broken bits of glass or something,
  10. Enemies are ridiculously over tuned, even on mild they take too many hits and can nuke off too much hp even with what should be appropriate armor, change arrows to have a quiver item that they stack on so that we can auto collect arrows by running over them, make it so if a recipe calls for woven fibers it can be crafted for 3x that cost in normal fiber, to avoid needing to make woven fiber all the time,
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