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About BlindDruid

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  1. ran into this issue today. Build is: EDIT: I still had a savefile from before the cutscene started where eccea leaves the group. I waited until she sat down - she dropped the blaster this time. So maybe you have to wait until she is sitting down. At least I've got the item now, just wanted to let you know.
  2. I would totally add in a cipher for this build. Going between (lvl 4 cipher spell) will help your riposte build a lot. With upgraded starting focus to start it's available midgame to help the rogue get misses even more. Pain block might be useful as well. Apart from that the Cipher can add a ton of effects which help the rogue dealing more dmg. On lvl 15 she can even combo with any melee who has fast attack speed for her raw DMG blades and basically unlimited focus for her. Which then opens up some other builds which synergizes around the ciper. Like a Chanter with Aefyllath Ues Mith Fyr , because it applies to all spell damage dealt. It doesn't affect the raw dmg blades though if i remember correctly, but i need to check it again in one of my safegames.
  3. I play a really similar Barbarian, just opted for unlaboled blade instead of bittercut. I did take some "offensive" talents (bloodthirst e.g.) instead of threatening presence. It is a really fun build which does quite some damage if the unlabored blade proccs while HoF - or just when Autoattacking. I used a higher con though, but I can see that a lower Con works on this character as well. unlabored blade is imho a great weapon for this build. It also gives you 2 healing chain per rest which is complimenting your huge health regeneration with survival healing II/III and 25% healing from neck/belt ( i ran this as neck) and an dimensional shift which is totally awesome if you jump into enemy lines, use HoF and some enemies slip past you, you can then dimensional shift back and switch with your monk or another partymember if you need to. It's only 1 per rest, but it can certainly help for a messed up pull.
  4. I have several playthroughs on PoTD difficulty and always ditched druids. This time I played this build. Boy - what a blast. It is the most fun build I have ever played due to it's flexibility in all areas. You can deal tons of single target damage, CC enemies, buff/debuff/ offheal. You are a jack of all trades - and you are a master of all aspects as well. Not a master of none. For partyreasons I went with spiritshift boar though - I wanted a stormcaller-hunter - with the pet having the knockdown talent - in the grp as well. And the synergy between those 2 builds is absolutely breathtaking and one of the strongest 2 class synergies in the entire game IMHO. (Cipher/Monk lategame is another combo i really love) The Dot applied by the shifted druid gives the pet the extra damage from the DOT-Effect, the Druid can easily help the pet in staying alive with Nature's Vigor AND his CC/DMG spells (I opted for this as 1st level spell) while the hunter debuffs the lightning DR of enemies for your druid. Plus they can apply flanked to the target whith proper positioning. As a cape I do have another on hit item which i really liked in a few fights, because I felt that it made me stay alive to do my job - especially the scripted ones : Cape of the Master Mystic "Dodging" a spell or followup and beeing able to heal/ reposition/dispell was well worth it in my playthrough. And the RNG-God gave me the recommended cape really really late in my game.
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