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About GammaReagan

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  1. Many (including myself) have complained that TOW is a far too short/small game but the fact is that Obsidian did not have the resources to blow all their fuses on something that perhaps would not work out for their audience. Indeed the Byzantium part of the game is a bit swift and concentrated but I believe that it has rather got to do with trying out the idea of TOW than being sloppy. Luckily enough, we'll have at least one DLC to look forward to this year.
  2. Well, the backside of Adelaide's solution is that her crops will make the inhabitants of Edgewater healthier and that fewer, as a natural consequence of that, will die from malnutrition and as a natural result of that, the amount of fertiliser will gradually decrease. Using volunteers wouldn't be a good solution either, as that might increase the production but decimate the population in the process. For a while an increased hunt on marauders would solve the problem but eventually Edgewater would run out of them as well so indeed it's a short-term solution. Perhaps the inhabitant could learn to actually fish (rather than collecting fish that's already dead) and prepare it in more...traditional ways than shoving it in cans along with who knows what kind of chemicals. I read up about it on Wikipedia and it seems interesting enough. Thanks for the tip!
  3. It’s the Self Governed perk which means 50% post armour damage to corporate soldiers. It’s not to be found among the tiers.
  4. But as always the people would not have any saying in it and perhaps not even any awareness of it all, which is quite disturbing. The problem of feeding the colony seems however to be fixed once the colonists aboard the Hope are revived. Haven't read that book, but I think I get the idea of what you mean.
  5. He would probably also call me "jackass" if I didn't. With this said, I take the opportunity of wishing you (and everyone else here) a Happy New Year!
  6. It really could be anything but yeah, the fact that Earth's "gone dark" does of course not have to mean that it's been destroyed but either as you say, they don't care anymore or there are other problems preventing communications. Even though we can imagine in what state Earth was left behind we don't know for sure.
  7. 1. Max 2. Nyoka 3. Felix 4. Parvati 5. SAM (Nope, no Ellie)
  8. Eva - now that's a lady I _can_ kill. "Yeah people can't eat this and nothing seems to grow the way we want it to so we'd better alter people's very DNA instead..." That's not quite how to do it. Adelaide obviously has another method working.
  9. Well, Reed Tobson is a corporation man, so working for another corporation should perhaps not be a problem for him as he would in the long run not have to answer to the Board anymore. SubLight are more interested in getting the job done than filling quotas. When it comes to pissing off factions (no matter what character, as I'm not gonna play evil) I'm really only interested in annoying the Board If you've finished the SubLight questline and killed Eva Chartrand, you'll have an extra treat from SubLight coming up at Tartarus!
  10. To be honest, I would not want to see a Fallout/TOW crossover ever, unless Bethesda clean up their act a bit by getting themselves some decent writers (and of course cease with the Fo 76 folly). Should you start with playing Fo4 and then work your way backwards, you'll soon enough find that they're only recycling old ideas, even ripping off themselves. Btw, the creators of Fo 1 and 2 went on to Obsidian. Just saying... Don't mention it. Will finish my 6th playthrough tonight and... What do you think, should I start on a 7th?
  11. The following is a bug that has occurred during each of my play throughs (currently I'm on my 6th). It's nothing dramatic and doesn't ruin the gameplay in any way but still it's a bit annoying. Any time after having landed in Byzantium and gotten to the street level through the elevator for the first time, the elevator's door is closed and there's no way to open it other than leaving the area ("running around the block") and then immediately return. Mostly, upon return, the elevator's door will be open again, but not always. At first I thought the bug was triggered after completing the Why Call Them Back From Retirement quest, but now I've realised that it can occur at any point. The problem is easily bypassed by simply using fast travelling back and forth between the Unreliable and some point in Byzantium, completely avoiding said elevator so my question is: has anyone else experienced this?
  12. I don't know whether this'll help in future plays but remember to be completely off any ladder before attempting to jump or you won't make it (I learnt that the hard way).
  13. First of all you need to compromise and have Cass give you Anton's research without killing her, or this will not be an option. When you return to hand over the research to Anton, choose the dialogue options suggesting that he should take better care of his staff; give him something to think about (of course _without_ having him kill himself, duh ). Some time after the quest is completed (I'm not sure of how long it'll take in game as I just happened to return to the Groundbreaker only days later) you will find him sitting at a table at the Lost Hope and engaging him in conversation he will tell you why he chose not to go to Byzantium. I can only concur! They're not only companions with skills and abilities but there's some real substance to them as well. Well, no, it's not the most exciting story/quest of TOW, but I kind of like SubLight so I always go through with it anyway. But for your alternate story, there.. ghosting SubLight might, looking at their overall reputation, not be a wise thing. They'd probably just take over the C&P factory anyway, killing Reed Tobson and whatnot, but perhaps having Reed work for them as the factory's manager? I don't like Reed's attitude regarding his workers, or for that matter the deserters, but forcing him to leave Edgewater and suffer death by marauders is a bit too harsh. That's got that sorted out. I only killed Cass during my first playthrough (when I completely missed out on Lillian), but as I also missed out on something else in Roseway, my reputation with Auntie Cleo's didn't reach over 65% (not 53% as I believe I previously wrote). However, due to the good ending that will come to Cass as well as Anton Crane if you choose not to kill her, I've never done that again. By the way - you can always kill Clive! ;))
  14. As the previous poster pointed out, the timeline doesn't quite allow for it, but the reason why I have at all been pondering it is a little detail mentioned in Fallout: New Vegas as the npc "Mr. House" talks about having sent a colony ship to space that will arrive at its final destination in a hundred years (Fo:NV takes place in 2281, 204 years after the great nuclear war), but as I found out that the time of the Outer Worlds is set to 2355, it simply does not work out. I don't think that it's too far fetched to initially suspect that Obsidian might have snuck in a reference or two to Fo:NV in TOW (as they, after all, developed NV) but I was wrong concerning this one. Anyway, should you choose to play only one of the Fallout games, it should (imho) be Fo:NV!
  15. Hi! Answering your questions means a lot of spoilers so I've covered them up here below. 6. Now that's an interesting thought that I've pondered myself. Would indeed appreciate if anyone could shed some light over it.
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