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About crimsonskill

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  1. It's very difficult to not feel like some of the design of this game was rushed and cheap (low-effort). Like trying to have all these skills and trying to figure how they can be implemented into gameplay. For example, the high cost of Tinkering makes it so that users will want to invest more points into lowering the cost. In my own experience, I've personally had a really difficult time with this mechanic. Firstly, I went really out of my way to spend a ton of points really early in the game into getting that 50% discount. And Tinkering was still really really rough on my finances. I use Spacer's Choice Light Pistols as my main weapons. Spacer's Choice Handguns - body counts at a discount. One with a pulse clip, and one with a shock clip. The Tier-2 version isn't available until level 12 (since it's a level 16 weapon, and afaik, you need to be at least 4 levels below an item to access it anywhere). Thus, I had to use it from level 1-11. And as I got closer to level 11, the cost of Tinkering them (even with 50% off), was insane. I would have liked to get them to at least level 12 along the way. But I didn't even get them past level 8. Maybe level 10. Can't really remember. But I also had a Spacer's Choice AR and Saber as my third and fourth weapon which I Tinkered up even less. Like I said, this is just my own experience. If there's more to this design that I'm not understanding, I would like to know about it. Because even going a non-tech build, it seems really necessary to boost Science just to get the Tinkering up. I guess the Tech category in general is important for any combat-focused build.
  2. There have been some over-exaggerations going around of companions on Supernova. Yes they have permanent death. However, it isn't a problem whatsoever as long as you understand the design. For any build you do, there needs to be a strategic investment on playstyle. Companions are no different from any weapon or ability. Lone-wolf is most effective if you intend to play a highly focused style on some build. Like melee ninja, melee tank, sniper, handgun, dialogue, stealth, etc. You can also do mix builds. But you will need to invest in whichever mix you're using. Aside from a build that focuses on companions, when using companions in any build, it's a mixed build. You will need to invest into companions no differently than whatever else you're investing into. This includes investing into financial stats and perks because your spending will go up to accommodate a squad of three. I don't play a companion focus for Supernova. I play a very mixed build that includes companions. One is heavy armor close combat, and the other is medium armor mid-range combat. I use a sort of gun-fu/Star-Lord style with light armor and handguns at close range. This setup was highly effective for me all the way through Supernova. What you're doing is basically a bureaucrat build. It's the go-to build for a close friend of mine in pretty much every game he plays. Yes you will want to push your Leadership stats to 100. Start the game so both Inspiration and Determination are even. You might as well put three points each into Charm and Temperament. Make sure you're also choosing perks that benefit your companions. You can talk your way through most of the game while your companions do most of the dirty work in combat situations. TBH - I probably would have designed Tech to be something closer to Andromeda. Where it has nothing to do with medical, tinkering, or repairs. It would probably be more geared to three different user abilities (spells per say) which this game doesn't have (aside from companion specials). Like EMP grenade, plasma turret, concussive mine, (just as three examples). So one could be equipped at a time, mapped to a button, and have a cooldown similar to companion special.
  3. Please DO NOT listen to anything OP is saying. First and foremost, Supernova mode is the actual normal as described here: Permadeath on companions is ABSOLUTELY necessary for the baseline mode. Immortal companions should only stay on easier difficulties such beginner modes. Users playing the actual design of the game should not be able to exploit immortal companions. Such as sending them in as sacrificial lamb meat shields while sitting back sniping. Due to knowing they will survive anyway. This can only be prevented if companions have permanent death. Thereby, requiring users to actually play wisely. Including with companions. As is what a baseline difficulty is meant for. Saves, sleeping, and fast travel are three mechanics that are fine in Supernova for the most part. There only needs to be a few minor adjustments to improve. Firstly, it's well known that Botanical Labs choice is underdeveloped (this definitely needs to be reworked). You end up having to land at Edgewater even if you choose Botanical Labs. The only real advantage to Botanical Labs is cosmetic because you have access to the hat shop. Certain spots in the game should allow all three mechanics in Supernova - Sleep, Fast Travel, Manual Save. For example, if choosing Botanical Labs or Edgewater. Whichever choice should reward users with a permanent spot to do all three of those things exactly like your ship. The same goes for getting your own housing. The only other thing would be temporary paid inn solely for sleeping. So a user can go to an inn, pay a fee to sleep there, and it autosaves. Nothing more is required. The only thing for companions that I can say might need a bit of tweaking is lack of congruence with NPC stats for difficulty level. Seems they still use the same stats from normal difficulty despite Supernova/Hard difficulty using higher stats for NPCs/hostiles. Companion stats should be adjusted according to the difficulty setting. But this isn't even that much of a big deal. For the most part, as long as you're using your companions properly, there will never be a problem in Supernova using them effectively. Nothing really more needs to be altered for Supernova.
  4. Don't use gunslinger build from that video somebody mentioned. It's really bad. Max Dexterity is much more important. So add 3 points to Dex. Then 2 points into Perception. And 1 point into Intelligence. That's if playing lone wolf. If playing with companions, just do 1 point in Perception, and add a point to Charm. This setup will start you off with a high default Handgun and Dodge is the main focus. Science is another one generally worth boosting. Adds energy damage and needed for better Tinkering. But also crucial if using a science weapon. If using companions, make sure there's at least 20 into Leadership for your first (Pavarati). And 40 when you have two. Boost the Inspiration to 60 at later stages of the game. Otherwise, for solo play, Leadership is useless. For perks, always start with sprint speed. Both vats perks are important. Get lone wolf perk or companion crit depending on solo vs team. Don't waste perk on hp for this build. One important note is any financial perk is pretty important when playing with companions since you will need to be spending more money. Otherwise, go for the durability as your fifth perk which will is super useful for this build that uses guns more often, and thereby, deteriorating faster.
  5. Supernova is the baseline design for this game. It's not difficult. Normal mode is easy/beginner. It even says it's good for learning the game. Food and water is readily available, so not actually a big deal. Yes you should be choosing from the very beginning because that's where you're setting up your man attribute stats that cannot be respeced. This especially goes for deciding to play solo or with companions. If you're going companions, it's a good idea to make sure your Inspiration and Determination are even. And make sure to keep them up.
  6. Water = sugar drinks and caffeine drinks. So no there is no game breaking lack of water.
  7. Supernova is very obviously the baseline design for this game. Therefore, the actual normal difficulty setting. The current "normal mode" is a beginner mode, therefore, the actual easy setting. There is no real hard mode in this game for more advanced users. I've actually seen reviewers claiming this game is way too easy. Yet it's because they're playing on a beginner setting labeled as "normal mode". If a game was only allowed to release with one single mode, the design of that single mode is what the normal baseline difficulty for the game should be. There should be a legitimate danger level for this single difficulty setting. You should not be able to get away with playing carelessly. It's how a normal mode should play. Games like Dark Souls deliver this quite effectively. Yet, as it stands, this baseline difficulty is available in the game, but labeled as hard mode which is what Supernova uses. There is a legitimate danger. You are mostly required to have a decent understanding of the game design, and apply this understanding effectively to progress through the game. From stat point distribution to equipping the proper gear to careful and sensible combat. Companions aren't immortal. So you can't exploit them by throwing them into enemies as sacrificial meat shields while you snipe, just because of knowing they will be fine after combat. All of this is exactly how a normal baseline difficulty works, despite being labeled as "Supernova". Everything in Supernova takes advantage of the full design of the game according to a legitimate normal difficulty baseline. As long as you play sensibly according to the design systems of the game, it really isn't difficult for any user in general to progress through the game. It should not be labeled as a hardcore difficulty. Because you get actual hardcore users complaining that this is not difficult. Supernova doesn't offer hardcore play. But it 100% does fit a normal difficulty setting in every way. As for the current difficulty labeled as "normal", it is a beginner/easy mode. It even says in the description that it is recommended for learning the game. This is in no way shape or form what "normal difficulty" means. (Normal difficulty, as described above, isn't for learning. It's supposed to be the difficulty that plays to the according to the full design of the game. As it would be if it was the only difficulty available. Therefore, you play according to a solid understanding of the game mechanics, and being required to apply that understanding to your play.) A beginner difficulty is what you might want to choose when learning how the game works, and shouldn't be labeled as "normal". The enemies are weaker, and do less damage. You can get away with playing much more carelessly. Such as not utilizing cover as much or needing to take advantage of game mechanics and positioning. There's no hunger or thirst which makes most of the consumables pointless. It even gives you immortal companions. Great and wonderful for learning as a beginner/easy mode. Not for a normal mode. Personally, I clicked on normal mode without reading anything when I first started playing this game. I found out very early on while browsing the internet that Supernova had more to it. After reading through the description, I realized that normal mode was missing a huge portion of the design. So I restarted the game on Supernova. At first, it seemed a bit difficult. But after awhile, I realized it was perfectly fine. Supernova isn't really a hardcore difficulty. But as difficult as a game should be at baseline. It is very much the obvious normal baseline design for this game. Therefore, should be labeled accordingly. The only thing maybe is that companions use the lower hp and damage from the current "normal" mode. Rather than the proper setting for NPCs in Supernova. But even then, have been highly effective throughout the entire game. I chose a playstyle that utilizes them, so I've always had two with me everywhere I go. And they've been very useful and effective for combat, and everything else. Especially with them not being immortal, it's actually a real normal game. Not too easy, and not not overly difficult. There's no reason to label Supernova as "Supernova" when it is a perfect fit as the normal baseline design of the game. It should be labeled as - normal. With the current normal mode being more accurately a beginner/easy mode. Especially when some game reviewers are playing "normal" mode, and calling the game too easy. The current labeling of the difficulty settings gives users the wrong impression, which ultimately hurts how the game is received.
  8. First, I'll explain. There are two categories for companion point distribution. Put points into Inspiration to improve offense. Put points into Determination to improve defense. Yet the 40pt bonus on the offense side is armor (defensive bonus). The 40pt bonus on the defense side is crit damage (offensive bonus). This makes things quite difficult in regards to point distribution. There are many examples. But one being a playthrough in which was 3 points away from 40 Determination with 7 away from 40 Inspiration. Would like to have just added 3 points for the armor bonus. Since that is what I was investing in more for more defense for my companions. So that I can distribute points elsewhere. But since the companion armor bonus is in the companion damage section, I had to add 7 points in.
  9. As far as I can tell, this game uses up to three autosaves, and overwrites the oldest one whenever a new one is made. I have been playing this game almost two weeks, and this happens every single time. If I delete one or two autosaves, any new autosaves will overwrite the current existing ones. Rather than create new ones. For some reason, it eventually reverts back to doing it correctly. I don't know if that reason is restarting the game. So I'm not sure how it goes away. But it will happen for certain simply by deleting one or two of the three autosaves. Thanks!
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