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Everything posted by Cl_Flushentityhero

  1. "Traitor" with Don Cheadle is pretty cool. It pulled more punches than I expected, but still brutal by movie standards.
  2. http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/in_cold_blood I had forgotten about In Cold Blood.
  3. We can hope . . . . In my experience, the tendency for RPG shooters is to deflate damage values to create a perceived progression among guns and skills. The problem with this is that no matter how tactically you play the enemy will still have a pretty good chance of returning fire before you can cause them to die from lead poisoning. Actually, this happens a lot with normal shooters as well. Far Cry 2 is a good example.
  4. Hey, it hasn't released yet . . . Just kidding, I'm sure AP will be good.
  5. Fedor is actually the last boss in the game. I predict a first round TKO for Thornton by gunshot.
  6. I for one will hold out until the insurgent expansion pack "Allah Protocol."
  7. I'm guessing GB is large enough for two teams then, since Brothers in Arms just released a few months ago. Either that, or they're totally not making Q1.
  8. I thought Albatross was the flying fortress in Bionic Commando.
  9. There aren't all that many CRPGs, so you could pretty much substitute that statement with anything other than medieval fantasy.
  10. Hmm, I've recently been turned on to a TV series called "The Unit," which is actually pretty spy despite being about a special forces team. I have to cringe my way through the housewife subplots most of the time, but otherwise an awesome show. If you liked the movie "Redbelt," The Unit is written/directed by the same guy.
  11. You played "parts" of a MGS game? Blasphemy! MGS games aren't known for their PC ports, and I've been an almost exclusive PC gamer for many, many years. Okay, but MGS games are absolutely meant to be taken as a whole, particularly in terms of story. I really don't think it's fair to rag on the characters and story when you haven't even played all the way through a MGS title.
  12. Then I think I will pass. If they are going for a Jason Bourne-lite approach, play style, setting then I can play many other watered down games like that. I was hoping they were going to take the setting, atmosphere and subject seriously. Scratch one more game off my list. Even with goofy things like punching armed enemies out and dual wielding SMGs, I suspect AP will take its actual themes more seriously than the majority of games.
  13. Not sure what you're trying to insinuate, but people pirate on consoles too.
  14. But not always very spy. 90% of the time Bond, Bauer, and Bourne just end up using pistols.
  15. Jack Bauer reminds you not to drive and dive.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5T5rc71qGQ Definitely something like this
  17. Really? I seem to remember a free demo that just included the statue of liberty mission and the tutorial.
  18. Hmm, are the hold attacks at all linked to stunning people for takedowns? Or are they just a way to mix up the standard combos and do more damage?
  19. Regarding longer combos, it seems like having them *extended* with skill progression would actually be less practical, even in a game. I mean, other than aesthetics, what's the in-game benefit of dropping somebody in 8 hits if you can drop them in 4?
  20. Yeah, what neighborhood did *you* grow up in? On another note, there isn't a whole lot we can say in response to 'it's awesome, trust us' (paraphrased). Either it is, or it isn't. To a certain extent I see what they're trying to do, and I think it has killed balance for more games than it has assisted balance. It also makes me wonder what will happen to the other weapon categories, and whether the gunplay will have a solid visceral feel to it. As usual, I hope my skepticism is unfounded.
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