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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. Well their source code just got leaked so I can't really see anyone from Sony laughing today
  2. Oh well, doesn't look like I missed anything.
  3. I just got back guys; is the Ubisoft show over?
  4. They have Blizzcon for those.
  5. Probably. I most likely will never know for myself though (no longer a 360 owner).
  6. Catwoman tease talking.
  7. Anyone even remotely interested in Halo 4?
  8. Which stream? Also: link please. gametrailers.com/e3 has an entire stream that should run all day. Thanks. I was watching the conference on the Msoft site.
  9. Which stream? Also: link please. If you have kids it'll most certainly be good stuff. Problem is I don't have kids, nor am I interested in the "YOU are the controller" novelty. I have the Wii and I haven't used it in ~a year.
  10. Sony conference at 8:00 pm EST So, do you believe Sony and Nintendo could do better? I'm curious about the NGP/Vita. So yes, yes I do believe.
  11. Microsoft: Weakest of E3; 2nd year running.
  12. I'm sorry Harmonix but nothing can beat DDR.
  13. Definitely. I've never played tomb raider before but I'll be watching this now.
  14. I think this will be the rest of the show.
  15. I bet that game will make his daughter view him as a hero even more. Dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Other than the cute father/daughter bonding moment.
  16. Tim Schafer... Sasame Street.....
  17. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the E3 razberry award goes to: Star Wars Kinect!
  18. The applause for Fable. also Minecraft!
  19. Industries biggest bull****ter: Molyneux!
  20. But it's true! See? There's a female now. It's not a sausage fest anymore.
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