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Everything posted by DragorTheDrake

  1. the code was not letting me paste it i have terrible luck.
  2. ive tried that it does not work ive renamed it multible times but it never changes
  3. how do i covert this to a gamedatabundle? and the this one to a stringtable?
  4. there is no column under user settings i cant find it has the program changed or am i jsut stupid?
  5. okay i realised that my problem might be the fact that i dont have my file coverted to gamedatabundles but when i try to convert them it does not work what am i doing wrong ive tried also saving them as JSON files but that isnt working either i need help with this.
  6. ive started working on making my own mod for the crimson helm to add an enchatment to it ive been reading the great guides that are on this forum and just online in general but i cant seem to get it right ive been editing the crimson helm item details changeing it unique and trying to change its decription like ive seen others doing for thier mod but when i go in game and add the crimson helm to my invetory no change have occured even thou ive added the changes to the overide file it has no t worked what am i doing wrong?
  7. yea i relised that so thats what ive been trying to do for the past hour but i cant seem to get it right i dont know what im doing wrong
  8. Just a little Mod request to add an enchantment to the crimson helm was gonna be potencially added to the community patch but it seem that wont hppen for some time now can anyone help?
  9. Hi guys great to see that this mod project is revived the question I wonder is when can we expect the next update and what changes to item, abilities, classes and other tweaks to the overall game can we expect?
  10. @Boeroer @MaxQuest @Phenomenum Is this mod still getting updated? are there anymore changes planned in the not so distant future?
  11. Hi Im just wondering when is the next update for the mod planned and what changes to items, abilitys etc if an update ever comes out at all?
  12. its fine i thought that actully on the subject of the Crimson Helm i was wondering what would the description of the item be once its enchanted? I was thinking something along the lines of "wearing this helm fills your sight with a bloodied haze of rage as if you are no longer that of kith anymore but more akin to that of a Blood Red Fiend" just something I thought up
  13. I was saying that because Boeroer stated in his post on updates something about deltro cage helm enhantment and i was wondering what he ment by that as i thought it was the crimson helm that had the problem with the enchantment.
  14. But then if you look at my charecter with the build i plan on going (which i got through console commands for this demenstation) you can see that the crimson helm does not or do you mean that the plan is to change the enchnchment on the deltro cage slitly?
  15. in just wondering because heres the Deltros Cage Helm in the game right now with my current charecter build.
  16. Deltro cage helm? doesnt that already have an enchantment? dont you mean the Crimson helm?
  17. continuing on this point from my last post I forgot to also ask what changes the next update to the patch would contain for the game?
  18. So guys when is the next major update for this mod planned to be released?
  19. may i ask how many update for the comunity patch are planned for the not so distant future how many bugs and items are you guys planning on fixing how many still do need fixing?
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