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Everything posted by Skarpen

  1. Don't you agree that Holocaust denial and Germany war crimes denial shouldn't be accepted?
  2. I seriously don't think someone from a country that achieved like 25% of worldwide cases and deaths should instruct people on what works and sharing a know-how like an expert.
  3. It had some potential and was cancelled so people think it might be better than it would probably be.
  4. The last good console was SNES. From there it was only worse.
  5. Social Justice in a nutshell:
  6. My bet is on Covid related health issues.
  7. Are we living in Orwellian nightmare? Recent poll shows only 18% of Germans feel they can safely express their opinion publicly, only 34% feel they can do this among friends. Those are not a good numbers. https://www.worldatlarge.news/world-conflict/2019/5/29/only-18-of-germans-feel-they-can-exercise-free-speech-in-public-34-among-friends
  8. Just finished the final season of Dark. It seems it actually is possible to wrap up nicely a long, complicated story with multiple plots and character arcs. Kudos to the creators for a great story.
  9. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/07/01/us/seattle-protest-zone-CHOP-CHAZ-unrest.amp.html Capitlistic military once again destroyed communist utopia.
  10. Why there is no black people in this drawing?
  11. Then that's incompetence.
  12. No, I don't. I also don't agree with the view that if people talk about people on welfare, they are talking about POC. In fact not all people on welfare are POC and not all POC are on welfare. I know it's a shock, because most of liberal progressive people hold that view. Any examples of those "dog whistles"? In other words don't look on what your taxes are spent. The government knows what they are doing. Shut up and obey. Didn't expect that stance from you, though. Did they caught the thugs that beat up and stole the phone from a child though?
  13. Huh? Please show me the part where she said anything about race?
  14. OMG. USA really dropped the ball with coronavirus. 1/3 of population... https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-wrongly-says-we-have-over-120-million-dead-from-covid.amp
  15. I always smile when lack of argumentation lead interlocutor into personal attacks As for comprehension let me help with yours. You have an opportunity to see and maybe understand the motives of Trump supporters. Trump recently blocked some H1-B visas. Of course the usual culprits are screeching they need workers. Feel free to read comments under articles about tech companies criticizing Trump decision. As well as tweets in response to tech companies and their CEO's tweeting about the visa block. That might might give you a clue about why people vote Trump despite his shortcomings. ------------------------------------- A very interesting point of view. This is very brave as I'm sure this lady will be attacked.
  16. They say so themselves: https://nypost.com/2020/06/25/blm-co-founder-describes-herself-as-trained-marxist/
  17. True. Fortunately USA is done with Obama as president.
  18. I have yet to see a single instance of you showing a conservative view or stance. You seem like those trolls who post on conservative sites who always start with "I'm a conservative, but...". Your constant confusion about Trump support that result in a rant every couple of weeks is most probably a result of you not watching and/or reading any conservative news/articles/discussions etc. there are plenty of detailed statements from Trump supporters on "why Trump". The reason you are not familiar with those is simple. You are not in any way, shape or form a conservative.
  19. Defund the Police!!!!!!!!! I got shot, where is the Police!!!!!!!
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