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random n00b

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Posts posted by random n00b

  1. That's it. Customers can be rather scummy, selfish, and egotistical. I hate 'em.
    I'm sure the feeling is mutual... :closed:



    Don't like it deal with it don't buy the game.
    Yeah. I guess if you ever find something you don't like about life, you'll end up kissing the barrel, right?


    Because trying to change that which you don't like is simply out of the question.



    WHich makes me wonder exactly what kind of bosses the game will have that an AK or shotgun won't dispatch. Cyborgs? Aliens? Demons?
    How about some dude in a bunker? You know, the flesh-and-blood kind, only behind six feet of concrete. Hell, scrap the concrete. How about a guy that's a mile away, riding on a bike?



    Thesis: I do not like video games forcing me to do things. It is one thing if a video game doesn't support a given option (like it's Metal Slug and I can't sneak around), it is another if I could be playing it "my" way, but because I didn't give my daily sacrifice to the Great Merchant God, I'm forced to play it some other way.
    I can sympathise with the feeling of frustration when a game forces you to take a certain approach, when others that would appear completely consistent with the setting simply are not presented, without explanation.


    What I do not agree with is using that as an excuse to explain things that obviously don't fit with the mood of the game. AP is supposedly a somewhat serious spy-themed game, set around present time. They ran out of ammo in The Matrix. Bond runs out of ammo, as does Bourne. But simply because you don't like to be forced to a conservative use of your one favourite gun, that is reason enough to implement a design element that makes no sense whatsoever, from an in-world POV? I don't think it's a matter of realism, but a matter of setting consistency. People die when they are shot, and guns can't fire forever.


    You don't like running out of ammo as a result of indiscriminate use of your resources, so you demand infinite ammo. I don't like dying as a result of me making stupid decisions. I like my stupid decisions. So I demand god mode enabled by default.

  2. I'm going to clarify my earlier post, lest Very Bad Things Indeed happen from a misunderstanding. What with mods threatening crackdown and all...


    The jab at Hades was more of an example to point out the irrelevance of official Christian dogma and past actions when discussing instances of religious fundamentalism, than an opportunistic bitchslap. Yes, those Westboro nuts and their "God hates ****" campaign is very much comparable to Iranian religious leaders advocating execution of homosexuals. The crucial difference, I think, lies in the fact that such policies are no longer proposed seriously (let alone implemented) in the West, and any unofficial attempts at enacting this kind of bigotry is curbed quickly and decisively by the authority. Executing homosexuals is as unacceptable as depriving people of their right to have an opinion and voice it, something that's simply unthinkable today. That is the parallelism I was trying to establish with my previous comment.


    Mr. Phelps and his crew are "good Christians", in the same measure a serial child rapist/killer is a "respectable citizen".



    @DN & Kyle: Are you sure you can't do that by PM?

  3. How did you make that =/= mark? :shifty:


    *is jealous*

    I wield the full power of Unicode. :biggrin:


    And, I'm bored.



    This time it is his responsibility again. He is Lead Designer on the game and he should follow the lead of his fellow obsidianate J.E Sawyer and David Gaider of Bioware. Heck, he did that during KotOR 2 development.
    Well, I don't know about "responsibility". But I know that the chance of having the lead designer answer my questions regarding a game I highly anticipated was one of the main reasons that led me to register here, to begin with. *shrug*
  4. The bible says we should stone heretics
    Yes, this is something I often hear. But is is actually true? My knowledge of religion is patently limited, so can anyone provide verbatim quotes from the Bible/Quran that actually encourage physical violence against "heretics"? Also, interpretation and context are important.


    At any rate, what does the Bible have to do with this, at all? It's not Christians that are executing homosexuals in Iran.



    I think the big question is, should the EU step in further? Also how far willl Iran go to execute and punish heretics for apostasy? Should the EU let this moral conundrum slip?
    The same EU which failed to get their act together regarding the Muhammad cartoons fiasco, you mean?



  5. That is, certain weapons are better suited to particular situations, and making a poor choice would only make thing more difficult for you.

    That sounds nice, but how exactly and to what extent do you make weapon choice have an effect on the mission?


    That seemed to be the case for Blood Money, but in the end, the fiber wire is all you ever needed.


    Fallout also had a great variety of weapons and ammunition, and in the end, only a handful were really useful and effective enough to use on a regular basis, with almost complete independence of the encounter.


    Bottom line is, it's very difficult to preserve suspension of disbelief when combining stuff like "superspy skills" and "realistic" aspects such as meaningful weapon choices, ammunition types, etc. Simply because a bullet is a bullet and it'll usually do a number on you.


    Realism fun.



    I'd be very thankful if someone (preferably MCA himself :biggrin: ) would come and explain their stance/reasons for these designs.

    Yeah, one of the things I liked so much about these boards back then when K2 was in development was how MCA would routinely interact with users and answer questions about the game. I wish we could have that back. :shifty:


    I would really like to hear what motivated this design choice.



    You're reading too much into "Kill Bill" comment Pid

    Pehaps not. This is the game that "will change the way you think about RPGs", remember?

  6. Why not?
    Well, you put forward a good example of why you would want to, but I was asking more in a general sense, as a rule of thumb, maybe, as the apparent current tendency in games is not to deal with that at all.


    In your example, not showing what happens in the room serves an explicit purpose. But keeping the spectator guessing about what happened only works in very specific instances, I think.



    I never said anything about cutting existing scenes out of movies, so I don't know why you are asking me this.
    It seems I made a poor choice of words. I didn't mean cutting stuff that's already been filmed from the final version. I meant deliberately curtailing the sex, just because it's sex.



    My point is that you can tell a story about sex without needing to show any actual sex.
    Yes, I never disputed that. I still think that not having a rather clever writing or a plot reason to do so will result in an artificially prude work.



    TV shows like Law & Order rarely show the actual murders taking place, because they are about finding the criminal and bringing them to justice. When a story is told from the point of view of the investigators, it's common for the story to start after the crime has taken place. And just to be clear I'm pointing out that tv shows and movies can be about crime and murder without actually showing the audience the act, not saying that it's fine to cut existing scenes out.
    That's sidestepping the issue, really, since that doesn't really deal with crime, but rather, how third parties are affected by it.


    Take "Mr. Brooks", for instance. That's a movie about murder AND how it affects people. While the movie is not *explicit* on murder (doesn't show brains spilled about, this is comparable to not showing full frontal penetration, I think), it would just not be the same without the visual shock that seeing somebody shoot people in cold blood induces.



    A war movie might be more concerned with how soldiers deal with returning home then any actual battles. Or a journalist in a war zone trying to cope the the violence occurring around them. You can make a movie about violence without showing the actual violence, only the effects of it.
    But is it then a true "war" movie, without the "boom!" shots? I don't think so. Even films like Thin Red Line and Apocalypse Now, that focused heavily on how war can break people, aren't shy on the visual violence department. And they do it for the simple reason that it's easier to empathise with the characters (and therefore, make them more credible), if crude scenes of mindless violence are shown to set the mood.


    Can this be extended to sex? I'm not sure.



    The point of these dates storywise, as with the outings you can go on with male friends, is really the conversations with the characters.
    Heh. Again, miscommunication. I'm not really interested in the mechanics or rewards or even the specifics of it. I'm more interested in the numbers of games that deal with sex as casually as The Sims do.
  7. Yes, but can you get them inside the areas where the quest givers are? Sentries can be (and often are) killed by muties, but from what I saw, they seem content with that, and they never get even close to fighting crucial characters. I'd love to install a mod only to find that it allows for the main quest to be broken. Love, as in Shift+Del.

  8. Also, the normal restrictions on AI that allow places like the city in which the Bar is located to be free from mutants are taken out in Oblivion Lost, so there is always a chance that any area can be wiped clean of human life before you even get there.
    Um. You mean you can actually get to Rostok and find everyone there dead and replaced by snorks? Wouldn't that break the main quest?
  9. So.. someone does something that you disapprove even though they have every moral and legal right to do it.. it' sokay to steal from them? L0L Pirayc is theft. Theft is immoral, and wrong. It's garbage to support it even side remotely.

    Even though I disagree with gabs 99,9...% of the time, she's not supporting "pirayc" in her post. You are making assumptions based on... what do you usually call it... ah yes. A "mythical myth, r00fles!"


    So, yeah. Stealing is wrong and all. But being glad that a POS DRM scheme that cost EA the big bucks was destroyed within days of release seems fairly legit to me. Breaking the DRM does not imply stealing.


    How can this be, Magical Volo? ;)

  10. Oblivion Lost is supposedly quite interesting. I haven't tried it.
    Does it do anything apart from buffing up monsters? Any new content? Weapon changes?



    STALKERS original weapon settings were horrible...

    I really don't understand this complaint, unless you mean how the weapon degradation is wayyy faster than in real life. Why were they horrible?

    I assume he was referring to weapon damage, rather than shooting "feel". I hated how the AKS74U was nearly worthless when compared to the Obokan, and that in turn did very little by the time you got your hands on the Vintar. And, um. The silly fake names sucked too. :)
  11. Yeah, so, I know that STALKER is popular enough in these boards to have its own spoilers thread, and I'm about to give the game another go (never finished it the first time around, quit at the entrance to the NPP). So, are there any noteworthy mods? I know about float32, but it didn't do anything for me. Anything that enhances gameplay somehow? Rebalance mods?


    Co-op? :grin:


    Also, has any of you tried Priboi Story? Looks pretty cool.

  12. The problem is man, you tend 'call' people on anything you disagree with slightly, and then seem to feel a need to always get the last word. Half the time you end up focusing on a tangent point to try and show somebody up, 'cause it's not working with the main topic of debate. Not cool.


    And yeah, I'm fully aware I'll get a scathing one liner response from you or you'll call me a troll, but I reckon you needed to hear it.

    Wow, you "reckon I needed to hear it"?


    Gee, thanks. It's a wee bit troubling however that you're monitoring my needs so closely.


    Now, how about you lay off the armchair psychology and find a point to discuss that isn't me? This is the second time in my brief time here that you post with the express purpose of attempting to slap me down, rather gracelessly too. Find another pastime.



    Indeed. A movie/book/game/whatever being "about sex" doesn't mean it requires explicit sex or even any sex scenes at all. A story might be about the characters beliefs, fears and insecurities concerning sex and relationships without it ever being necessary to show the actual act.
    Yeah, you can make a movie about sex, without any sex whatsoever. But again, why would you? Is there any particular reason why you would want to cut out sex in a movie that's heavy on sex, where you wouldn't cut murder in a movie about crime, or battle in a war flick?


    Not saying it can't be done or that it mustn't be done or anything.


    At any rate, what you are describing is all part of sexuality. I don't think I have seen any games dealing with that. I don't know if that would lend itself well to the medium, either.


    I'm perfectly fine with the level of explicitness in The Sims. It works, and the game doesn't need more. But then, what other games are there where sex is featured as just another element of gameplay?

  13. This is not the topic.


    Feel free to argue against a side opinion because you feel that's more interesting than the actual topic. But don't expect me to join in further.

    I wasn't the one who said that Basic Instinct could be rewritten to revolve around chess. If you make an attempt at diverting the attention away from elements of an argument that you aren't comfortable discussing, don't get all defensive when you get called on it.



    The point is largely the opposite. That the existence of sex, violence, insert outrage of the month in games does not require some elitist definition of meaning to fit within a game. Just like it doesn't need it within movies.
    So, let's backtrack a bit. You went from:

    "I haven't seen sex inserted meaningfully into any narrative."


    "My argument isn't that it's impossible. It's that it's nothing to do with games or game writing. People just use sex 19/20 times just to titilate."


    And now that last bit. I guess it's sarcasm and mockery that's induced CG's (and my own) confusion. Because your stance was crystal clear from the start, and you haven't changed it a bit. Nope. Not at all.



    Movies regularly and consistently fail that same test.
    Most do, some don't, as proven by the examples provided. At the risk of sounding repetitive: the fact that 19/20 fail at meshing it well with the plot does not prove it can't be done. But no, I'm not saying that flawless plot integration is a must, either. Just my personal opinion that when used well it can enhance certain kinds of stories. As with 99% of the rest of plot devices. :(
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