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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. There's hope, and then there's also reality...
  2. Risen 2 to be released on April 27th 2012
  3. This is not what Josef Ackermann & Co. want.
  4. Has someone just made a Crysis movie? This is actually what I thought too. Somebody did play Crysis 2 there. Ironically, I think Crysis 3 will rip off this movie in return.
  5. This way of thinking is a fallacy. Why create another US model when we already see that the US of A is slowly disintegrating? We don't want to go down that road. It's no wonder the EU parliament is located in Brussels. It's this Brussels mentality (actually coming from France) that endorses centralization. Very dangerous I'm afraid.
  6. Nobody wants an European superstate, and it would be a huge mistake to model such an entity after, say the USA. Europes strength lies in it's diversity, but there needs to be stronger coordination on the financial sector, more common legislation i.e. Energy, Human rights etc., but the last thing you want is centralization, 'cause centralization is always prone to lots of corruption (see USA). Volo, stop being an idiot now. We all know you have a minority complex towards Europeans, no need to exhibit your butthurt so blatantly.
  7. So you wanna have the uninformed, politically and economically illiterate and non-enlightened people that change their mind like from one minute to another depending who's right-wing party currently talks the smoothest way, you want those people let decide over the fate and future of the EU? Sure thing.
  8. R00fles! Edit: Just to clarify: Britain has also to show commitment duties, not just veto rights. Why is it Britain always has such a negative, asocial stance towards continental Europe?
  9. Finally got my C&C Generals copy. Gotta say, while it is in no way as good as RTS giants a'la AoE, SC1 or even the first two C&C games, it sure as hell is better than the latest 3 C&C games. It's a good thing EA decided to reboot the series with a (mostly) fresh team, 'cause that's exactly what the series needs in order to stay relevant. So far, I'm enjoying it. Chinese sure know how to **** up their enemies.
  10. This has actually the potential to be better than that Battle LA movie, which doesn't really say a lot...
  11. TFU 1 was already bad, but TFU 2 was a disaster. Don't buy.
  12. I don't think so. After an 11 hour marathon of negotiations, politicians tend to be a bit stressed out and therefor say things that could be perceived as "overreacting". The media though has to take it by word.
  13. Yeah, I think we figured out that one a long time ago, but saying BioWare's reputation is now weakened because of DAII is a bit thick, no? I've seen EA studios and others that only needed to produce 1-2 failures, and they were shut down soon after. EA can't kill BioWare that easy, not to mention since the BioDocs are EA Vize presidents and thus do have a lot to say about their studios. Not to mention BioWare now became it's own label. Now I see that DA2 isn't Bio's best effort, but it sure is still better than 90% of most other games out there. BioWare would have to release 3-4 titles in sequence that get 60% scores and sell under 1 million units to let the EA board reconsider a shut down. SWTOR right now is pretty much the biggest risk they've taken, if that one tanks, there're gonna be consequences for the Austin studio at least I'm afraid. The one I don't really care.
  14. You kiddin' me? People gonna literally throw themselves over ME3 when it's released, 2 million+ Beta testers for SWTOR and a huge-budget PC exclusive with cutting-edge tech funded by courtesy of EA tells me BioWare is now stronger as ever. DA2? Why, pretty good game overall, considering the short dev cycle. Just wait how fast DA3 is gonna sell, regardless of the usual whining of course. BioWare gets lots of puplicity, that's the best thing that could happen to them. The worst thing would be just getting ignored.
  15. No it wasn't. The girl looks like it's out of some ****ing Final Fantasy game, the old man is so clichee it's not even funny. Everything looks too clean, Blizzard must have exchanged the whole CG team or something as this video is as creatively bancrupt as it's get. Compare it to the awesome Diablo 2 videos, or SC1, or War3.
  16. BioWare in name only. I wonder if gay/lesbian romances are in. Doesn't matter. It's a Bioware studio now, so they gotta keep up with the quality, otherwise it will only spoil Bio Edmontons repuation.
  17. Holy cow they got giant worms in it - how original!
  18. Epic's new game is Fortnite Hmm, could be fun.
  19. Woah, that was bad...compared with Blizzard's previous CG efforts.
  20. The Last of Us -Survival horror from Naughty Dog
  21. Ray Muzyka interview about Generals 2 Bioware + AAA strategy + PC exclusive = Day1 purchase
  22. Can I ask why? I'm curious. Isn't Volition working on a new Action RPG? Don't know though if this is gonna be a new IP or Summoner 3.
  23. Metal Gear Solid: Rising turning into Metal Gear Rising: Reveangence, developed by Platinum Games.
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