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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Some people have short memory: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-08-03-activision-diablo-3-has-over-10-million-players 10 million units sold in the first three months. Dunno about you but that sounds pretty swell to me.
  2. You seem to care enough to keep writing walls of text how crappy Blizzard games are. Diablo 3 is so far the best Diablo clone I've played since Diablo 2. Probably sunk 100 hours of time into it. The last time I bothered to spend so much time on a game was F:NV I think. HoTS is excellent. God bless Blizzard for still making big PC games.
  3. http://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20130522214715-10904058-the-technology-behind-xbox-one Reminder #1: The Ignite engine they're using for FIFA 14 is XB1/PS4 exclusive, while the PC version uses the older FIFA 13 engine. Reminder #2: The FIFA 14 demo showcased on stage was actually pre-rendered originally running on a PC. Electronic Arts - Bull****ting everyone
  4. Maybe this sounds a bit naive: Getting the coalition forces out of Afghanistan entirely? At least the US & co. can make that choice.
  5. It's a lot more complicated than that. Drone strikes tend to have **** accuracy. So even if you're gonna manage to kill the target, so do hundreds of other people in it's vicinity. If you kill some taregt in Afghanistan where dozens of families get killed too, it tends to shatter entire communities that eventually will turn to radicalisation. This news of course is being spread around the entire Muslim community on the globe, and being perceived as an attack on Islam as a whole. Of course it's easy to say "Well **** them, bomb them into pieces too", but a) not only is this kind of thinking just wrong, but b) also turns into a "national security problem" for the countries that do these attacks. So expect the rapidity of these revenge attacks soaring as cowardly drone strikes continue. At some point, we're gonna have a global Israel/Palestinian situation here. A perpetual war machine that will beget more revenge attacks which will beget even more drone strikes ad infinitum.
  6. Yup, and they don't break anymore either. Speaking of which, are we gonna see some more consoles RROD/YLOD-ing this genration? Unlikely. Those 28nm AMD SoC designs are really excellent. Not to mention the overall power consumption will by far be lower than launch 360/PS3. Also look at that massive cooler in those pictures. Bigger cooler = better air circulation & lower noise.
  7. While this act definitely was cowardly, so are the drone strikes that kill thousands of innocent people and shatter whole communities abroad. This kind of radicalisation won't stop as long as the US and her lapdogs allies stop with this nonsense. The difference of course is that the latter doesn't get any media coverage, hence no outrage. But that doesn't make in any less wrong. As I said before, Imperialism is always going to bite you back in the ass. And as "the war on terror" will continue, so will the rapidity of attacks in Britain & Co.
  8. Most people really don't care about BC anymore. And you only need to look at the Wii U to see how BC can go horribly wrong. The entire CPU has been compromised in favor of Wii BC. If you wanna play PS3/360 games, well....buy a PS3/360. Expect cheaper refreshes of respective hardware being released this Fall anyway.
  9. "The insignia of the Finnish Air force 1918–1945" Aha, and why are they still parading around with it today?
  10. Bottom line is: Imperialism always bites you back in the ass. You cannot expect to play cowboys with your American masters and going for "adventures" in foreign countries, messing up people's lifes there and then not get repercussions back in the homeland.
  11. It's still quite disturbing and troublesome that *any* nation within Europe can parade around with a Swastika on a flag and not receive EU sanctions public international scorn in return.
  12. British amiability in a nutshell.
  13. Don't ever trust pre-order prices until it has been confirmed by both MS/Sony. Don't expect the prices getting revealed ~1-2 months prior launch.
  14. Nice data from Blizzard: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/9691895/diablo-iii%C3%A2%E2%82%AC%E2%84%A2s-one-year-anniversary-infographic-5-20-2013 14.5 million Diablo 3 players.
  15. I think that was their goal but I don't think it's gonna work well.
  16. Nice and thorough hardware analysis: http://www.anandtech.com/show/6972/xbox-one-hardware-compared-to-playstation-4/2
  17. What needs to be done now is very obvious: Import more Somali counselors to assist the poor and oppressed perpetrators on the path to become productive members of British society again.
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22630304 Nice places produce nice people I guess.
  19. So now we need Sony storming out of the gates and finally announce that they have the exact same DRM & Used games policy. THE INTERNET would explode.
  20. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/jimquisition/7358-Xbox-One-out-of-Ten Achtung: Cynicism.
  21. I don't really care about gadgets like Occulus Rift, Kinect or other nonsense. But at the very least, mainstream games are going to be less compromised in terms of content creation. Bigger maps, more NPCs, more everything that is relevant to improved gameplay and story-telling. That's the only thing I care about.
  22. Back on topic: Little countdown to Crytek's new IP and Xbox One exclusive "RYSE": http://www.crytek.com/games/ryse/overview
  23. Also what BruceVC said. Sony had to fire 10000 employees to get back on their feet, but their Playstation business is still leaking.
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