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Everything posted by Bartimaeus

  1. You know, if you watched the show at 100x speed, you could be done with it in 5 minutes.
  2. Yes, and it's not very good, . Weird, don't remember it being too difficult to get the hang of. However, while I did say it was "decent", I don't think you're missing that much if you don't end up playing it all the way through, . It's a boss rush game and if you're not even into the combat that is 99.9% of the game, it would simply be torture to play all the way through.
  3. Don't get me wrong, if you're into the classic "young boy goes on a coming of age adventure", it seems very good, especially for something made in the 70s. From what I know of Amentep and the animes that he's watched, it seems almost certain that he'll enjoy it...but it is simply not particularly my cup of tea. The positive things I can say for it for personally me is that the art and level of detail is probably unparalleled for a show that came out during this time period, the first three episodes at least were serialized (i.e. totally narrative-driven and not episodic at all, which will presumably continue), I like the Nausicaa-esque post-apocalyptic setting, it has a suitably serious tone, characters aren't in any way contemptible, and there's really nothing bad about it... Nevertheless, it still feels like something that has the character and narrative stylistic trappings of being made in the late 70s, and everything is in service of a type of a story that I'm simply not that interested in (especially given that it's not quite totally grounded when it clearly feels like it should be - when I saw our protagonist hold on to the edge of what was effectively a cliff literally by his toes in a clearly absurd manner, I gave out a big sigh). In other words, as I said, it simply lacks appeal to specifically me. Amentep will almost certainly sing its praises for all the same reasons but with the helpful context of it actually appealing to him, .
  4. Future Boy Conan, episodes 1-3. The BluRay is doing something goofy that's making it so the Japanese dub isn't easily playable, but the English dub seems...good-ish. The girl, Lana, has a kind of crappy voice...well, actually, her voice itself is fine, it's more the direction that's the issue. If you like lots of unnecessary mouth sounds and lines said way over-emotionally for no good reason, then you might like it, but I don't. The show itself is about what I expected so far, which is a classic boy's adventure feeling show (i.e. it's okay, but not particularly appealing to me), although the post-apocalyptic setting is a little in the vein of Nausicaa, which is a good thing. The physical feats that the boy can perform are way too ridiculous and the show basically deflates itself constantly as a result. Dude flies around like an NBA player that also happens to be a monkey. It's still a 70s anime, I suppose. Well, I basically have to watch the entire thing, so I guess I'll have to get used to everything...or die trying. I probably won't die. P.S. Unless something really unexpected happens, I probably won't post much more or perhaps at all about Future Boy Conan - it's unlikely to be a show that is interesting to write about.
  5. Yeah, I bet, that sounds terrible. ...Of course, I'm not sure there's much of a scenario where the Joy-Con is better outside of where it's literally strictly required. I played Furi on PC a few years back, the gameplay was decent enough. The story/dialogue, though...
  6. This reminds me that I'm supposed to try K-On at some point.
  7. When did female Japanese popstars all start to sound a bit like chipmunks anyways? ...Or is it just anime songs where they all sound like that? I know that wasn't the case pre-2000...
  8. Ran and Myao, episode 9. Uh...although there's been some subtle changes in our two main characters over the course of the show, this one in particular had some more prominent character development...and there was almost no attempts at humor at all except for just a little bit at the very bookends of the episode, which is a pretty big departure from the rest of the series. It was not...a fun episode, but it was the best one. Episode 10: All I wanna be...is someone who gets to see...a giant woman, a giant woman! On the other hand, if @majestic became the (anime) Joker, maybe he could finally beat some well-deserved sense into the currently terrible anime industry that is doing this crap to him...start a movement, get some heads rolling, get some better shows, .
  9. Actually, I think I have seen that episode of Voyager. I've seen a small number of episodes of the original series (probably around 10), a great deal many episodes of The Next Generation, and probably like...a third of Voyager - but in random pieces spread throughout the entire show's run. It's funny that your favorite part of the series is SuperS...er, excuse me, StrikerS, . Man, it's too bad Crystal didn't do the right thing and make Makoto and Ami a couple so that it could confirm some of your long-held shipping beliefs, right? That would've been great. Well, hey, Crystal still has to cover the final arc, right? Hopefully Vivid will end this great run while being everything you've ever dreamed...
  10. He didn't even guarantee a win over them, he just said they were going to beat them. I guess that sounds similar on the surface, but it's really not - I listened to him say it and it was just standard coach speak. It was a pretty stupid controversy.
  11. Lucius Demake. I murdered my entire family as well as the police and priests investigating me for murdering my entire family in the name of Satan. Good times.
  12. Yeah, I really don't know if I can recommend it to you, because I don't know whether I should like it in the first place myself, even though I do. It's not fan service-y, but boy, it is so dumb in many other ways. The first episode especially was like "what in the world is this...". Still, it must be doing something right for me to like it...right? That, or I'm simply susceptible to a certain type of appealing garbage - either way, . Nanoha: Are you ready to be done with Nanoha yet?
  13. Episode 7 of Kitten Samurai: The first 5 minutes of this episode were Myao trying to get the attention of a handsome samurai flying a kite on a beach. Why is he flying a kite? Well, that's what she wants to know - turns out, it's because he's a little bit of a scientist as well, and is trying to collect the energy of a lightning bolt from the kite into some sort of contraption he's made. He tries to explain how lightning works to Myao, but it's futile because she's simply too dumb - she keeps trying to relate basic concepts that she does know to the things he's saying, but literally everything she thinks is all wrong. The next scene is of her then trying to explain electricity to Ran and saying it's essentially a miracle solution for everything, . (e): Episode 8 of Sake Hunter Ran: Myao broke her neck. ...As you can see. Yup, that's the episode premise.
  14. I had an opportunity to purchase an OLED Switch, but we don't really use the one we have undocked for various reasons + if I personally want to play a Switch game, I usually just emulate it instead. So it's kind of like...what's the point? Now if you were in the market for a Switch right now and it was available (i.e. you), that would make a lot more sense, .
  15. I need like...a "LMAO" emoticon. Let me search the Steam community market real quick here... Is it "Einhart" or "Einhard"? You spelled it the latter way twice, then the former like four times. I'm pretty sure Einhart is like an ancient male Germanic name...
  16. I think "family" movies are pretty much the definition of cinematic trash - throwing in a literal cartoon character does nothing to change that, . It was totally trash, it just...wasn't particularly offensive or aggravating trash! The last interview I ever saw with him was when he was at some awards show some years back and was completely off the walls out of his mind and insisting that nothing or nobody actually existed and everyone was simply characters in his mind or something. Anyone know if he's, uh, doing better?
  17. Classic anime. Don't remind me of how some people insist that everything between Chibi-Usa and Pegasus is totally cool because technically she's hundreds of years old or whatever, so ignore her appearance and the fact that she's obviously a 10~ year old in pretty much every way. Also, introducing a new character via a drama album and expecting your viewers to know all about them is hilarious.
  18. Believe it or not, it's...not completely terrible. It's not GOOD, of course, but once you deal with the fact that it's obviously primarily made for children, it's...it's mediocre for the most part, with some actually decent parts and only a few groan-worthy parts. I've unfortunately watched way worse actual literal children's entertainment...but I've also watched plenty better, too. Year? I don't know what "The Game" is...or if I do, I can't think of what, .
  19. Has anyone here besides me seen the first one? Please tell me I'm not alone in this cold, uncaring universe...
  20. Oh blast, I should've known that. Nanoha is only...well, what you said - not nearly as bad. Phew, good thing you didn't start Pretty Cure, then. The Lexx one feels a little mean-spirited with no context, even though my assumption is that you wouldn't put a quote of that nature in your signature unless you at least didn't hate the person in question, . https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/8b6idgr3eihnhpu/AxAquIN22g.mp4 I do so love editing a million things into my posts after-the-fact, .
  21. Episodes 5 and 6 of Meow & Ran: Men are completely and utterly worthless in this show. I'm O.K. with that, given that it's obviously a semi-girly play on these kinds of male-dominated swordplay/martial arts action shows, . I don't really have any major complaints about the show (besides that it's perhaps just as formulaic as Sailor Moon is even with some mild twists and turns, ) and I've kinda grown to like these two dummies even as oddball as they and this show are, so I guess I'll be finishing the show for sure.
  22. Episode 4: Myao ("meow"?), the retarded martial artist, is on the road and starving to death, comes across a traditional Shinto shrine, appears to pray to the Christian god for sustenance and gives the offering box her last coin, then realizes her error in stupidly giving up her last coin when she could've at least bought SOMETHING to eat with it, kicks open the offering box in a rage and then steals its contents...just so that she can find a map that was stuffed into the box by a man that had being chased and subsequently killed by bandits a little bit earlier precisely for said map. Yeah, it's that kind of show: trash! (e): Okay, actually, I posted too soon: this was surprisingly averted in a not trashy way - in fact, the entire episode was actually pretty good. Hm, maybe? At least unlike Nanoha, it doesn't have literally like 15 seasons and 40 movies or whatever it was that I counted out that one time - I probably wouldn't keep watching because while it's enjoyable enough as a chance of pace from other stuff, that wouldn't really be good enough to watch over the next 20 years of my life like you'll be doing with Nanoha, . See? I told you! Although from what you actually said about it, it was really just okay with a helping of sweet ambivalence. Big improvement over the previous disaster, though. Ick. At least Mari's just a gross character instead of a gross person.
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