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Everything posted by Bartimaeus

  1. I played through all of Subnautica semi-recently. It's a little janky (made in Unity...), but it was a pretty awesome game. Unlike most survival games, it's not a ridiculous "FARM A MILLION OF EVERYTHING" game, and there's a main quest and objectives to follow along (or don't if you don't want to). I was pretty thoroughly impressed with it, and I say that as somebody who rather expressly dislikes the survival genre. Everyone I knew that played it seemed to love it, and, well, I guess here I am also recommending it as well!
  2. Basmati rice is like $80 for ten pounds here now. I might as well already be dead.
  3. Tales from Earthsea (2006). Terrible and inexplicable writing. Bizarre and unlikable characters. Film moves at a snail's pace - nothing ever seems to happen, which is all the more unforgivable when there's absolutely nothing going on character or even action-wise. Decent animation and forgettable music is about all I can say for it. Ocean Waves (1993). Solid. Better than I expected given its reputation. Although it had somewhat confused characters and plot, it still managed to be decently entertaining and I was probably only annoyed once or twice (compare to the above, where I was annoyed about 5 minutes in and it never let up). I've finally watched every Ghibli movie.
  4. "Anybody that needs a test gets a test; they're there, they have the tests, and the tests are beautiful," Trump told reporters during the visit, touting the administration's response as more than 270 cases of the virus were confirmed across more than two dozen states as of Friday. "The tests are all perfect, like the letter was perfect, the transcription was perfect, right?" he added later. "This was not as perfect as that, but pretty good." "The tests are beautiful" -Trump on Coronavirus
  5. Frozen II. I got through the first fifteen minutes and pretty much wanted to shoot myself and ended up pausing it. Has anybody that's seen this have any words on whether it gets better after that? Does this have to be exclusively watched with little girls (i.e. my nieces) to enjoy? I always try to watch these types of movies by myself the first time so I'm mentally prepared before watching them with anyone else (because I'm weird like that), but I'm finding this really painful.
  6. You can even literally just say the complete opposite, that those without degrees often look down upon those with it for being "liberal-educated" or "wasting 4 years of your life and thousands of dollars getting a worthless degree", etc. People (all of us!) tend to like looking down on each other either way you go - even if there's no logical reason to do so, we'll eventually come up with a rationale. Just one small measure of feeling self-important and better than others.
  7. Four controllers in two years means I'm officially buying knockoffs in hopes for a more reliable alternative: https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Xbox-One-Wired-Controller-Version/dp/B07D12RPHX/?th=1 to you, Microsoft. Xbox 360 controllers lasted way longer - really wish I could buy those again.
  8. It was pretty darned good. A friend and I both watched it and we both agreed that it was not really a movie that would be in our interests (and therefore we're both automatically kind of predisposed against it), but it still managed to be great.
  9. In addition to what ShadySands said, this is also a good point. The same incompetency and/or corruption getting more and more entrenched is never a good thing: at the very least we can say we tried to throw the scumbags out, even if it turns out we just put more scumbags in. Then you throw them out the next time, too...and, you know, you'd hope that eventually someone half-decent eventually catches on in the primaries. Somehow though, it seems like we just keep cycling through incompetents or scumbags, if not both. Well, I voted for somebody I didn't think was a scumbag both this time and last, and I got multiple other people to do the same, so I can at least say I tried...I guess.
  10. Yeah, IMO has like a ~0% chance of occurring. He is all about defeating Trump.
  11. Gee, I really hate it when I get a notification for a new post in a thread I'm following but then I check and nobody's posted since I did. Really annoying bug - wish the forum software developers would fix it.
  12. Looking like it'll be a tough night for Bernie, as Biden is overperforming in the South - he'll have to overperform elsewhere to make it up (aka bigger than expected margins of victories in California and Texas), which probably isn't terribly likely. About what I expected after SC, and especially after everyone that dropped out and endorsed Biden. Biden has been weak with white voters when there were other moderate options, but his strength with black voters became quite the edge when the rest of the moderates dropped out and enough of the white voters came back to him. Looking to be a very similar situation to Hillary vs. Bernie in 2016, only perhaps closer this time. (e): Yeah, things are even worse than I feared, with Minnesota, Massachusetts, and Maine (to a lesser degree) all turning against Bernie. Bernie would need to have an absolutely crazy California to reverse this damage, which can't really be expected. Any bets on a Biden VP? Klobuchar unfortunately makes the most sense to me. (e): I revise my earlier statement: based on what I've seen so far, I think Bernie quite probably will do worse this primary cycle against Biden than he did against Clinton. The difference two days makes, eh? The Democratic Party saw how Trump won the Republican nomination with a heavily splintered field and wanted to make sure that didn't happen to them, and it seems they have succeeded. It's a better plan than arriving at the convention with Bernie having the most delegates and denying him the nomination if your #1 goal was to absolutely make sure Sanders didn't win, but it's still going to super depress youth turnout in the general...which they probably weren't counting on to begin with anyways, as unreliable as it is.
  13. hate the 17th game, but it's likely to pass
  14. Ultimately, if Bernie can't earn 50% of the vote and was only previously the leader because of an absolutely splintered field, then he did not really deserve to win. We'll have to see how much Warren hurts him and how much Bloomberg hurts Biden tomorrow to really see where we stand in the "who screwed who" blame game, I guess.
  15. That was a mistake I thought PoE1 already made, and that wasn't even turn-based. If you're going to slow down combat and make each fight more meaningful through increased difficulty and required strategic consideration (which are fine goals in of themselves), you have to reduce the amount of fighting in order not to bog down the game with random trash fights that take way too much time and effort to get through. I can only imagine the problem will be amplified manyfold with turn-based combat.
  16. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/02/texas-polling-sites-closures-voting Good old voter suppression.
  17. That's bad news for Bernie. Both Biden and Warren can probably now figure to get above 15% in California, which will hurt Bernie a lot.
  18. what am I doing with my life lmao
  19. Problem with that is that Bernie has earned the most money through this primary season by a bit, and with an utterly ludicrous amount of individual donors - which you would think would translate to turnout and votes, but...hasn't really? The youth turnout has been right about the same or even a little lower than usual. Biden, in comparison, hasn't even had any money to advertise or organize a ground game in Super Tuesday states while Sanders has been hammering most of them with both. Still not really translating to votes, though.
  20. For as much as Bernie swears by and leans on support from youth, they've still been such an incredibly inconsistent and weak voter bloc this primary and last - the bulk of the blame will fall on them for not turning out if he does not win. They all spit rage at Trump and then complain that Democrats like Biden and Buttigieg are hardly better, and then don't bother to show up for the guy whom they overwhelmingly apparently love come primary day.
  21. To be fair, that's 3 attempts now with the first two having ended almost immediately, so not as meaningful as it sounds. We're definitely headed for a brokered convention at this rate, though - looking like an awfully polarized Democratic electorate...
  22. It's probably the closest thing for those of us that haven't played Divinity but have had the [mis]fortune of playing Dragon Age.
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