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Everything posted by Bartimaeus

  1. Unrelated, but did anyone else hear about MSI's well-liked CEO falling to his death from the top of their headquarters in Taiwan today? Unknown if accident, suicide, or homicide.
  2. Imagine how much more stupid this game would be to play through with a melee build.
  3. Their attendance numbers were at 95.6% last year, which is right about average - however, that says nothing about the number of home fans vs. away fans. I never see any Bills games, so I haven't seen first hand if their fan attendance is bad.
  4. Bills have announced that they will have no fans at their games, and I've heard the Packers are contemplating the same. Redskins are possibly changing their name. Cam Newton signed with the Patriots.
  5. The Red Turtle (2016). Bleh. Highly rated, but I have little to no appreciation for visual storytelling, and this was a very dull Little Baby's First Art, so it was not for me.
  6. Yeah, some time after watching it, I learned that the director is an actual bonafide pedophile that wanted to do way weirder and grosser stuff with the film, and it was pretty much a miracle that it turned out as well as it did. The Handmaiden (2016). I forgot I had gotten this a while back, forgotten who made it, had no idea what it was about before starting it. Whoops. That was different.
  7. People are dumb. I live in a tiny, tiny town and have been hearing fireworks go off every once in a while every night from 11PM-2AM for the past couple of weeks.
  8. How do you know it's a controller? These sorts of trailers usually look more like some kind of scripted movement specifically tailor made to look smoother and more cinematic than normal controls (that, or some people have gotten really good at just making it look that way, since nobody who actually plays games moves the way trailers like these show the player moving). The real question is why is the field of view about 60 degrees, what the hell - feels claustrophobic...and not in a good way. The player's hands coming directly out of their face is not helping matters, either.
  9. Shrine is a stupid, unpleasant area...but at least it wasn't another crappy swamp area that seemingly every Souls game has. Barely remember the boss.
  10. It's a twist on an Animal Farm line: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
  11. I've played through DS1, DS3, and DeS on NG+ at SL1, I definitely have a formula down for how I approach things in these sorts of games by now, .
  12. I was shocked that this guy was a Lord Soul, given the obvious and painful limitations of his design. Don't think I got hit even once by him, but of course, with Souls games, I usually spend a few minutes being super cautious and studying a boss's movements before I start attacking.
  13. Could American Evangelists Spot the Antichrist? Never gave any credence to Revelations or any similar prophecies throughout the Bible, always felt Revelations was written by a true madman ("John of Patmos", aka "John the Revelator"), but it is rather eerie and unsettling how specific some of these get. Some of them, of course, are loose interpretations, but that happens when dealing with vague "prophecies". The ones about having a conflict at the southern border and attempting to exact payment out of that southern country while also inflicting distress upon their people is a little too much specific for that to not be uncomfortable...
  14. That sounds like a classic dad move to me. Glad to hear he made it.
  15. It'd probably be a little more noteworthy if Obsidian, uh, was actually managing these forums, . Give thanks to the moderation team, not MIA Obsidian (who might very well not feel so kindly if they actually noticed...).
  16. I remember getting rather annoyed by Smelter Demon, but I'm not sure why, since he looks very pedestrian in that video. Strange Telephone (2019). Reminded me of Yume Nikki, which I never played much of because I didn't really like it...but better. At the very least, I finished it. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/e8fo9ecnw5xxgov/xDSEjcnuGo.mp4 Yes, this is an actual game that I played.
  17. No - though I may enjoy cartoons, I am decidedly not an anime or manga person, . My scanning interests lie more in the realm of music and books.
  18. That sounds pretty fair. The four biggest things probably are: 1. Scanning in images and editing them in Photoshop (at 1200dpi, even a single image is very memory hungry - at a 16GB limit, I usually had system stability issues when attempting to do this); 2. Memory editing; 3. Running virtual machines; 4. Running new emulators (the Switch, WiiU, and PS3 emulators are all very memory-hungry). I also very frequently have multiple browsers open while doing any and all of this, and I am often encoding stuff, along with anything else I might be doing.
  19. Bet that feels nice. Still debating on when I want to upgrade to a Ryzen...anyone know if RAM prices are decent these days? Haven't been watching the market for a while, since nobody I know has been looking to upgrade. Don't feel like paying a trillion dollars for 32GB of DDR4 (and at this point, 32GB is my minimum since I was very frequently running into my limit when I used to be at 16GB).
  20. Still happens sometimes, think it must depend on some fields being set on Facebook itself or something. Can see it here on Raithe's post in the first page:
  21. I mean, if I'm the only one that has an issue with it, then it's probably just easier to stick with posting the Facebook direct links. It's way more trouble for all the people who do that (which is not just Raithe) than it is for me to work around it, .
  22. All these Facebook memes/images you guys post never load for me. I think I have a container that prevents anything from a Facebook domain from loading if I'm not actually directly on a Facebook page or something. Probably for the best.
  23. It looks so tacky.
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