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Everything posted by Bartimaeus

  1. @Hotaru: I'm deleting from my brain what I don't want to see or hear. Or at least I'm trying to, but you keep giving these horrible screenshots of the terrible things being shown in this show! Uh, is SMC schizophrenic? That's rhetorical - I know it's actually just bad. @InsaneCommander That's the episode that I started to realize that Minako was the best, .
  2. Yeah, but Usagi is the only one who can Remove Curse anyways...of course, she seems perfectly capable of casting it on others as is - maybe it can't be self-targeted?
  3. LMAO They actually did try to fully explain the detail about where their money comes from, exactly how I predicted they would because it'd be the stupidest thing possible to do? And it was...just as dumb as could be imagined? Absolutely incredible, top notch stuff. @KaineParker I'm not certain about Confusion, but Feeblemind at the very least is permanent, .
  4. Not quite, but close: it's because she's always confused, so it doesn't actually change anything for her. It's classic "weakness-becomes-a-strength" stuff, majestic!
  5. Hey, they're not as scary as the SMC aliens, so at least it has that going for it (sorry no Ami, there was literally not a single picture of her on the wiki for some reason - everyone else had multiple, and I didn't feel like finding a different wiki to get one of her, lol).
  6. I don't know why, but for some reason I seem to usually like silly 80s-90s jpop such as this. It's not like I listened to anything like it growing up, but it's just kind of...pleasant easy-listening. Also, did we just ID HoonDing as being from France? A mystery I've been waiting way too many years to solve, and he just goes ahead and drops it in the anime thread thanks to Sailor Moon. ...Kind of explains his reality-skeptical nature, really. @KaineParker In Usagi's defense, I don't think she's made any claim that Naru's been her best friend for a long, long while (indeed, when the subject of "best friends" comes up, it's...always been in relation to Rei, I'm pretty sure?). It'd be super crappy to be Naru in that situation.
  7. Deanna Troi being the closest comp for Rei in Crystal is...very ungood. She was always by far the most annoying character on (what I've seen of) TNG for me, especially once you consider how much screen time she gets. I guess that's the point of the comparison. Don't need to link me the Phantom Menace review - I have that whole thing just about memorized, including that line, . Why is everyone such a...creep in Crystal? Ugh.
  8. Not totally relevant, but Dr. Seuss' wife's suicide note after she discovered he was cheating on her while she was ill: Rough way to go.
  9. Guys...I'm starting to think that all Sailor Moon Crystal and no Sailor Moon non-Crystal makes Majestic a very crazy boy. While I have some appreciation for early 3D stuff...I don't think I could endure that ReBoot show from the video you sent of it. Maybe it's something you had to have seen when it came out, .
  10. >Luna what >James Bond, Star Trek Man, you need to stop watching stuff that you know you'll hate - in 99% of cases, if I get a feeling that I won't like something, I don't watch or play it. The other 1% is when somebody else literally holds a gun to my head with the safety off and their finger on the trigger a la @KaineParker and Thus Spoke Henry Kissinger. No, I'm never going to be able to remember its name. That or someone else is watching it and I guess I have I'm around and don't feel like doing anything else...which, now that I think about it, is actually how I've seen a couple of 60s/70s James Bond films AND a few of original/TNG Star Trek films. If that's what you're doing, that's understandable, but it mostly sounds like you enjoy torturing yourself
  11. Hey, was this a thing at all in the original show in Japanese? I recall once upon a time somebody mentioning power levels or some crap in Sailor Moon and going "huh, what?", and not being sure if it was something they completely cut out of the English version because it obviously literally mattered not even the tiniest bit, or what. Yeah, I would say you could probably cut down your write-ups a bit - I know I did a bit from when I was watching S, and you're writing way more than I was and this is torture instead of fun. At this point, we know everything with the show stinks, and it's not going to change. It is a little funny though, because while I was reading all of that, I was thinking that even stuff like characters saying something dumb or really obvious for no real reason, which did happen some in the original show because it's nominally aimed at children, is beginning to be really annoying to you. Or villains just deciding to leave or stand around while their minions fight when they could've actually helped out and defeated the Sailor Guardians - that happened literally constantly in the original show. But stuff like that you would've forgiven and completely forgotten about within like 5 seconds while watching the original show - Sailor Moon Crystal is not nearly so lucky, and is it any wonder why? In other news, I just remembered yesterday that I still have Sailor Moon S: The Movie to watch. Completely forgot about that, so I can do that before I move onto SuperS. Aw yeah, .
  12. I feel like I've heard this story before...several times.
  13. On the other hand, watching a single SMC episode can ruin your entire day, so you should really just watch the entire thing all at once so it can only ruin one day. It's only logical.
  14. The Queen's Gambit. Yes, I'm finally watching it ten years after everyone else did*: through the first two episodes so far. Really great, although the first episode kind of threw me for a loop because I forgot that Anya Taylor-Joy was the lead star and not the little girl that dominates that episode, so that kind of sucked to see her just ripped out of the show since I would've been pretty cool with a story on just her, but it's fine. *In Coronavirus-Adjusted Time, of course (or CAT, if you will).
  15. Uh...isn't the former much more likely to make the latter many times worse? You know, dwindling areas that are habitable and animals' deadly survival instincts all...
  16. I would just like to note to everyone that the 5 minutes ago version of myself was referencing the classic "so hot right now" meme (even though I think I didn't do it 100% in the correct format), and I was not actually saying that the character I was referring to is hot. After all, my name is not Mamoru Chiba, .
  17. Deus ex machinas are so hot right now, .
  18. MSRPs for GPUs are rising (ASUS and PNY have already added hundreds of dollars for their new MSRPs, and that's just what I've seen), and apparently Taiwan is going through a severe drought, so shortages and prices are expected to continue to be bad (and possibly get worse) for the foreseeable future.
  19. Hey, I love base 16 (I'm all about powers of 2 - as a mildly OCPD person, they're literally my favorite kinds of numbers!), and I actively use it...not quite daily, but a hell of a lot more than your average person, that's for sure. Base 60, on the other hand...well, that's just the problem, isn't it? You can't fit it into the other hand, it's just too big! This is why the Mayan civilization isn't around anymore, I tell you what.
  20. To be fair, he said that they simply invented numbers, not our specific numerical system. I just read that apparently the Mayans are thought to have invented the very first known numerical system 300 years before the Egyptians...but: 1. It was base 60, and is that really truly a numerical system; 2. It doesn't seem to be corroborated everywhere, so I don't know if that's true. The good news is that the Mayans also did many horrific things, so the point about cancelling still stands.
  21. In fact, they actually toned it down. What the hell, Naoko Takeuchi? What the hell. How dumb would you have to be to have read the original manga, hear her statements about the 'inappropriate liberties' they took in the anime, and not find anything incongruous about it all? Well, apparently not all that dumb, because piles of people seem to agree with her. Also, sorry about mentioning the shiny skin thing! I figured since you've watched a lot of anime, it's probably something you'd seen plenty of times and gotten used to, seeing as how I am nominally a non-anime watcher and feel like I've had the misfortune of seeing that particular shiny skin phenomenon a number of times, and it always immediately makes me think everyone's faces look so much weirder and grosser than they would ever need to be. There have been a few different times someone has sent me an anime clip from something random I'm not familiar with, I've seen the weird skin patches, stopped the video and taken a screenshot, then photoshopped it out and been like, "wow, huh, everyone's faces suddenly got significantly less creepy-looking - why is this a thing again?". Still don't know why.
  22. The transformation you've undergone regarding the manga from now vs. like a couple of months ago has been amazing to see. Hyperbolic here, but it feels like it went from "well, I've heard from people who have read the manga that [bad or problematic element of original Sailor Moon show] was done totally different or wasn't even originally in the manga at all - those show adapters were sometimes just doing their own thing, ya know?" to "almost everything that was ever wrong is actually the manga's fault one way or another". Glorious. Yeah, I do remember you mentioning that, but that's the thing about details: if you don't have a good explanation, it's almost definitely better not to explain it at all. They said over and over that they would stop at nothing to carry out their mission - as far as I know, they probably just used their powers to rob a bank or something so they could buy one. That'd also be a bad explanation, just as "they're really talented...but also still not even out of school" would be - so it's really just better to never say anything about it directly if you don't have something good to use. But of course, if your mind is wandering because the show stinks... Speaking of terrifying animation, is it just me, or does "shiny" skin in anime pretty much always look weird and off-putting? Like in that M screenshot you gave earlier, she's got weird patches of shiny skin (below her eyes, below her mouth) - it's like looking at a lizard person for me, creeps me out. Might be just me and my distaste for anime art styles, though...
  23. I loved Chibi-Usa's introduction, one of the top moments of the show for me, and helped set a good tone for her strange character. But uh, you know, objectively speaking, yeah, it's all pretty bizarre, .
  24. @majestic Yeah, so Hilda season 2 is going pretty good, . Kind of miss the Pretty Guardians, been tempted to start SuperS, but I figure I should watch a few episodes of something I *don't* like first, and Hilda's sadly not that. Maybe I'll try an episode or two of Jojo's or that Thus Spoke Somebody spinoff KP mentioned and probably confirm that I'm just not enough of a weeaboo to enjoy anime at large, even the apparently decent stuff. But what I'm definitely not doing is watching a show that I despise with every last fiber of my being, unlike a certain somebody in this thread. ...Although, wait - I just said that's what I *should* be doing so that I can appreciate SuperS more. Maybe I actually SHOULD watch a few episodes of Crystal first! Okay, fine, just for you @KaineParker, here goes an entire episode of Thus Spoke Theoden of Rohan. Normally, I wouldn't commit to watching an entire episode because I'm such a viscerally negative person that will curl up into a ball and die if I try to sit through something that I hate, but it's only 24 minutes. It can't possibly kill me, even if I hate it with every fiber of my being. Probably. This isn't going to go well, I can just tell by the title card. Hoo boy. Episode 16: At a Confessional. It's the first episode, but okay, I guess it's also the sixteenth episode, whatever that means. It's probably a bad idea to drop straight into a spin-off series like this, but you're the one that recommended it. I had to switch to Japanese audio because the English VAs were very obnoxiously anime, and that's probably the only thing worse than obnoxiously anime Japanese voice acting. Also, I can turn down the volume to like 10% so the only thing I can really hear is the tone of what's being said while reading the subtitles. The episode didn't make me want to die, there were actually some funny parts, dialogue could've been a little tighter at times but it's an anime so what can you do, and the animation and some of the characters at the end of the episode both made me want to die. All in all, not nearly as bad as I expected. Don't think I could watch an entire series like this, but...four episodes might be doable, and then I could start claiming to everybody that I've totally watched Jojo's and please don't question me anything about it because I know absolutely nothing. @majestic So, uh, I don't know if you noticed this or not...but your tone about Crystal has been getting...just a teensy tiny little bit negative as of late. Just something to monitor while you're loving the show. It's easy to start getting hyperfocused on the little things when the rest of the show is so incredibly perfect, so it's a good thing to remind yourself to just enjoy it while it lasts, you know? bro they didn't have time for that in the original show, the hell makes you think they're going to in this one lmao; although now that I think about it, an unnecessary detail that will presumably be poorly handled and unreasonably explained is the exact type of thing that this show would dedicate time to, so you know what, it probably will happen at some point
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