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Everything posted by Bartimaeus

  1. Not going to lie, I was pretty weirded out by the amount of merchandising Evangelion has - a million different games almost universally of extremely low quality, endless amounts of pachinko junk, toys, manga, books, crossovers...why does this weird little short anime series have just endless waves of garbage merchandising? I guess because people buy it...
  2. Anything that makes shippers upset is always good news to me.
  3. Yeah, that's fair. Now tomorrow, go back and re-watch episode #4 (Together Breakfast) and marvel at the complete tone shift, .
  4. @majestic That was my episode, . Though I can't yet explain why this particular character episode is "my" episode until you're later into the series, not without partially spoiling some things - there is more to this story, obviously! Okay, good to know. Man, seems like you had finally just made the halfway mark like last week or so, and now you're near the end of the season all of a sudden.
  5. Unfortunately, I think you were actually right when you said it probably looked better just cutting...something about this looks pretty silly: But on the other hand, now I can do this!: Truly stupendous. SU:
  6. @ArtistFormerlyKnownasKP One thing you're probably overlooking for SuperS:
  7. Yeah, I figured it out, I never even noticed the cover - I'm glad Steven specified that it was a part of the "disastrous graphic novel adaptation", . Although that episode is indeed one of the great ones of season 1, it is *not* the episode I had in mind. I bet you didn't expect that from that episode given how it started! If you saw the titles of the next handful or so of episodes, you might be able to figure it out...maybe! Probably not! (e):
  8. I have a deep-seated fear of someone trolling me by making it so I can't switch back by taking my name themselves. Although I haven't been particularly attached to this name for over a decade (I do keep using it for consistent identity reasons however), it'd still be annoying!
  9. Imagine being an American Sailor Moon fan in the 90s/early 2000s and SuperS being the official end of the show - ay, caramba! Nah, it's still up there. Most every show has chunks that you'd like to revisit less than the rest...SuperS is I guess that chunk for Sailor Moon, .
  10. Viz Sailor Stars: It should be noted that Sailor Stars was never dubbed in the U.S. outside of the Viz release, and the Viz release of it was released at the end of 2019, so it's still a bit more new than everything else in terms of people posting clips from it. I've only seen exactly what you've linked (also, great scene, ). Funny, I have no idea what the memes for Evangelion are. I watched the entire show except for the movie in literally one sitting (probably the most TV I've *ever* watched in a single sitting in literally my entire life - it wasn't even that the show was particularly great or anything, it was just weird and interesting and I had a totally free day, so...I just kept pressing that next episode button and soon enough the entire day was gone and the show was over) and never interacted with the community in any way.
  11. Nah, that sappy-but-well-written character-driven garbage is exactly what I live for with characters I love, so I totally get it (and is why I recommended Steven Universe in the first place on the basis of what I thought you most loved in regards to the Sailor Moon characters - that and the fact that it has other good qualities besides just that). It's impossible to get the feelings you do without actually seeing the show and loving its characters like you do, but I get it on an empathetic level. This is one of my favorite character types (when executed well, of course) - unfortunately for Makoto who most strongly represents this in least Sailor Moon, it comes right after the difficult-to-adequately-encapsulate (oxy)moron/paradox character who's all over the place that is Minako, . Once again, a big middle finger to Kevin Sorbo (...and anyone else that was a part of that show's willful slide into 'Hercules in Space'), . (e): also my b about the Evangelion thing, thought for some reason you'd seen Evangelion already
  12. Unfortunately, I think I already have a pretty good idea, actually...
  13. All four of what you watched were good episodes. While I've watched through the entire series twice (soon to be three if you keep watching), there are certain select episodes I've seen more than that because I occasionally like to revisit moments special to me, even though a lot of the series is pretty etched into my brain at this point. There are even some episodes I've seen closer to ten times because they consistently make me feel in a way that not a lot else can, especially taking the fact that they're repeat viewings into account - like I said, this show feels like it was made for me, so even though I've seen some parts of it so much already, my brain still completely turns off while watching. You've got one of those very special episodes not that far off... The Test episode:
  14. I considered editing it to reverse cleanly, but decided that was way too much work for...that.
  15. The only thing I'm really left wondering is what happened to...
  16. I'm just gonna finish this. Episode 36 an episode technically sailor moon I guess officially the last episode of Sailor Moon SuperS, I finally made it
  17. What if you're someone that thinks S is the best (i.e. of the objective highest quality by various measures) but whose actual favorite is still season 1? I have the fondest feelings for season 1 - perhaps because it was the first, perhaps because it had some attributes that the other seasons didn't have (like more random and low-key episode concepts, less Mamoru nonsense since he hadn't really joined the group yet, the girls' relationships still being in their infancy, probably being the funniest season, etc.). Not to worry, I didn't, . Similarly, I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about the show until the second season as well - I just knew I wanted to see where it was going. Ugh. Well, that's boneheaded. Apparently, Kevin Sorbo himself claimed some responsibility for it. As if anyone needed ANOTHER reason to hate Kevin Sorbo...
  18. I initially read this one very differently until I noticed that there were double 'R's at the end. Phew, that was a close one.
  19. I do wonder if you'll enjoy it. It seems like majestic is enjoying it well enough, but my impression is that he's not (YET?) in love with it. We'll see if that changes. If he doesn't love it by the time he hits what's probably my favorite run of episodes in the series (assuming he makes it that far, which is the second half of season 2 continuing for a bit into season 3 - the end of season 2 runs directly into the first chunk of season 3*), then I'm probably a worthless hack fraud and you guys can launch my sorry hide from a trebuchet or whatever is the anime equivalent out of this thread. It's a show that's...kind of difficult to ever recommend without caveats because, well, as I'm sure majestic can attest to, it can be a bit all over the place, especially with how it starts for like the first 10 episodes where it seems like it's going to be purely a goofy/slightly off-color kids' show. * (explanation of development issues because of Cartoon Network shenanigans)
  20. Yeah, I've done stuff for specifically that effect too - something like 60-120 seconds and then a 1-3 second alternative version before going back to the normal version. I don't think basically anyone ever notices, though - the chances of someone sitting on a page with specifically my avatar on screen while actually happening to be looking at it when it occurs is probably very unlikely. If even one person gets weirded out by it, though, it'll all have been worth it.
  21. Not exactly the point of the thread, but: Brother of NBA Rockets player Damien House's wife and three children killed by drunk driver while driving 115mph with a .15 BAC. Perhaps it's my unfortunate and much too frequent personal experiences with irresponsible users of alcohol speaking (indeed, it was to my great relief that when my drunk-driving father died, he did not kill anyone else on his way out), but I truly wish nothing but lonely misery for those who put other people's lives at risk by driving while impaired. There are so many other ways to put yourself in danger or harm yourself that don't involve putting others' lives at risk that everyone is entitled to pursue if they so wish - don't be absolute scum, please.
  22. When I've had two versions of an avatar I can't decide on, I would create a two frame gif out of them where the second frame would be on like a 60 second delay.
  23. That first episode was basically "we want to make a billion DBZ references, how do we do that without breaking our universe...oh, by setting it in a DIFFERENT universe, OBVIOUSLY!". Well, you're past the group of weirder episodes I mentioned, .
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