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Everything posted by Bartimaeus

  1. And for being made by Madhouse, it doesn't even look all that good. ...I mean, it looks a lot better than most of the crap that came out around that time, but still, . I'll keep you updated on Nadia. I need to watch the next episode of Sakura something fierce (and Devil Lady), but a busier than average week prevented that...and I won't have time today, either. MAYBE TOMORROW.
  2. Deltarune 2. Will I ever get tired of Toby Fox and his ridiculous Undertale shtick? Almost certainly not, because this stupid crap is great.
  3. Another episode of Nadia, another episode that is primarily characters just yelling at each other over dumb stuff. However, unlike the previous episodes, this one felt like it was actually written by some of the people that made earlier episodes, because instead of being dreadfully boring and annoying, there was actually some fun and enjoyment in it. Not only that, but the episode's animation looked like it was made by the original animation team. The next episode...GASP, actually had something materially happen in regards to the plot, even if it only was at the last couple of minutes of the episode and the episode ended on a cliffhanger. Incredible. Could've really done without the 6 or so utterly worthless episodes in between, but maybe we're finally at the end of the tunnel here. Maybe. Maybe after I've finished Sakura and need something totally different yet slightly familiar, . Just kidding, I'm never watching K-On, I already told you that. And if I ever write any posts to the contrary at some point in the future, you can rest assured that they're lies told by my evil doppelganger. However, my evil doppelganger isn't so bad, really, so you should continue to converse with him.
  4. I actually took a screenshot of this. Sure, there's more context...but the context just makes it a little more applicable in regards to Love Live! and the people who showed up to that concert, . So...in other words, skip Love Live!, watch K-On, right? (e): Stupid link re-directs because it's some piece of crap website. Fixed.
  5. Probably nothing too crazy like that - plus, it wasn't the right shape, it was too long and thin. Which I still think is odd, because all of the really hot peppers do generally look more like reapers or ghosts, i.e. thicker and shorter. Don't know what it was, maybe just a mutant of some normally-not-that-hot variety - that occasionally happens. I love the taste of jalapenos, but 99% of them are somewhere between "literally not spicy at all" and "a little spicy". Except once every blue moon, maybe one out of every couple hundred or so (I eat peppers on/with pretty much everything, though like I said, nothing too extreme), I get one that's somehow hotter than your average habanero, and it's always bit of a shock, especially since I use weaker peppers more plentifully (and sometimes more directly) than hotter ones...for obvious reasons. So I don't know for sure what that was or what happened, but that unknown pepper was really freaking hot. Let me clarify: I think habaneros are very hot. But...they're not like, in the realm of "this will make you have a seizure or throw up if you try to eat one when you're not that into spicy foods" like something crazy (e.g. a reaper) would, and for someone who eats spicy food pretty much every day, they're hot but they're not going to kill me. So relatively speaking, habaneros aren't that hot, . I've been eating spicy food since I was a kid because my parents loved spicy food, which is presumably why I'm a bit more resistant both on both tongue and digestive tract levels. However, my stomach still feels like a volcano even though I ate hours ago, so that's not great.
  6. Had some kind of pepper (vegetable or whatever, not the spice) that just about killed me inside some fried corn quesadillas. Knew I was in for a bad time when I popped a tiny shred of it into my mouth and instantly started sweating and my gums started to tingle, and never mind my tongue. I could barely stand or see, and apparently I was deathly pale. Don't know what it was, because I got it from a friend of a friend that grows a bunch of different ones and it wasn't one I recognized (long and thin, which is weird, because the hottest peppers are usually more bulbous in appearance). A bit hotter than how hot I normally go, which is usually just habaneros. My digestive system isn't normally sensitive at all to hot stuff, but I have a feeling I might be feeling that one later on.
  7. Oh yeah, she just sounds so cool, relatable, and likeable. Possibly the very worst kind of sugary snack. Yeah, honestly, the one SuperS episode probably look better than that episode did. It was really bad.
  8. Silly little cartoon, but made me really consider the idea that solar power is really the only thing that can actually grant you power autonomy on a long-term basis. Everything else, 99.99% of people are dependent on corporations' (or governments') infrastructure and logistical capabilities and having those entities keeping that entire system running. While solar power may still require acquiring and getting the actual tech up and running, it's really the only thing your average home-owning person can do to make themselves less dependent on that system. Where it makes sense and where local governments don't try to restrict it, of course. Couldn't help but think back to @Guard Dog and his previously mentioned use of solar power, and it was like, yeah, okay, I kind of get it now.
  9. Episode 27 of Nadia. This episode's animation looks like it was made by the same people who made that one really strange-looking episode of Sailor Moon SuperS - looked positively wack. Not even the main characters looked like themselves - looked like fan animation...or worse. (what is this, an upscaled DVD source?) I mean, wow...that, uh, none of that's right. These aren't even in between frames or anything - these are the key frames that the show kept pausing on! But...contrarily, finally, the episode was a bit less annoying and our characters had more to do than just yell and scream at each other over trivialities (even though it was still total filler that wasn't particularly interesting), so at least there's that. And then the 28th episode was like 1/3rd clip show, 1/3rd filler, 1/3rd...mind-numbing nothingness. Good gosh, why did they bother to continue the show after the first arc ended? If nothing else, the animation and fidelity got better although it still feels and looks like it was made by a different (and significantly worse) team from the first arc. I'm just so bored and annoyed out of my mind watching this, please let this end as soon as possible. It's like every episode is a bottle episode where characters are just...talking at each other while doing absolutely nothing: shot, reverse shot, shot, reverse shot, repeat 1 second animation loop ten times in a row, repeat frame, more uninteresting and repetitive dialogue. Gah, it's so bad! I hate to say it, but Utena was better than this - at least it was weird and fascinating and had the illusion of things continuing to move along most of the time. This...doesn't: it's not visually interesting, the characters are flanderized and either boring or annoying, and absolutely nothing is happening in the plot or world or with the characters in any meaningful way. This is an advanced level of nothing is happening. If the first arc was about...a 7.5/10, this is more like a 3/10, and that might be generous. I am greatly displeased.
  10. Gosh danged forums ate my post and I didn't save a copy and it didn't save a draft. Unfortunately, the opposite happens: even like tums amplifies it. Usually, the solution is stuff like habaneros, jalapenos, grapefruit... No, I don't know why. Maybe my stomach acids are too base instead of too acidic? I'm not sure. See, maybe what I have is worse in short bursts, but I can do stuff to prevent it from happening - seems like you have the worse deal overall by a bit. Speaking of snicker cakes, I think chocolate is what triggered the last two "acid suffocations" I had, so that's definitely something I avoid before bed. Yuck at your story! Good thing I've never liked (pink) lasagna anyways, .
  11. Nope, it was definitely the spice stuff, because I doubled down and had more to make sure and that was a bad decision. Still don't really know why. There's not even anything weird in the ingredients. I have had an endoscopic exam, although not for that purpose. Presumably, if they had found something like that, they woulda mentioned something, but I don't know for sure, . Anyways, I'm perfectly fine as long as I don't eat stuff I shouldn't, so I think I'll be okay...I think.
  12. Yeah, I know the feeling: I have to be careful not to eat certain things too close before bed, because whatever the flap thingy on your stomach that keeps it closed at the top always has been very weak for me*, I've had a number of times over the years waking up literally suffocating in my own stomach acid. Haven't experienced the real fun of acid reflux until it's directly in your mouth, up your nose, and in your lungs - "tasting" your stomach acid through your nose is a sensation indeed, . ...But the good thing is as long as I don't eat dumb, then it completely averts the problem entirely, so at least there is that. Anyways, hope you get better, all of that sounds miserable. Cardcaptor Sakura: The Gang Gets Walkie-Talkies.
  13. Sorry, been too busy to watch anything over the last few days, maybe get to it sometime later today. Everything is terrible and everything will continue to be terrible. Seeing that crowd lose it when Chibi-Usa did the infinite iframe backdash over and over while being hit over and over and not a single one landing was pretty hilarious. Good watch, .
  14. If only I had read the manga before watching the show - the show would've looked utterly brilliant in every way in comparison. Or wait, if I had read all of the manga first, that would've required that I liked the manga and how it handled everything, and therefore I would've thought the show did everything wrong. Alternatively, if I had stuck with the manga while not liking it, then I probably would've never tried the show to begin with! What a catch-22, . But yes, some retroactive appreciation... It's tough to balance between character comedy and character drama*, isn't it? So often, shows go too hard one way without enough of the other...and that's assuming they do either well from the get-go. Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Steven Universe...these are the ones that did it right for me by and large. Steven Universe and Sailor Moon have their warts, of course, but they got the key balance that made them work and forgive whatever flaws they had. That's why they're special! (...To me.) Romance isn't the end of the world...um, if it's done right and not completely annoyingly or stupidly or fanservice-ingly... Yeah, I guess that's the problem, isn't it? Not just the attention, but also the time. They let that entire thing wax and wane and fester and heal over five entire seasons. That was some serious planning that not a lot of shows can afford to take a chance on...and well, what happened with Lars and Lapis is literally exactly why. Sigh. I mean, not that I ever loved Lars to begin with, but I had literally just finally truly fallen in love with Lapis with her appearance on the moon after having struggled a bit with her the entire show and then the entire thing just...cosmically farts out of existence. SIGH.
  15. Sure. It just should've been at least somewhat better, . Yes, because Minako wasn't even Minako in the first 41 episodes. So you know, maybe K-On wasn't able to do it, but the opportunity is there, . Enduring horror and trauma together does seem to tend to give individual characters their own moments on top of building greater bonds between them themselves as well as the viewer. However, for both of those, at least for me, the greatest and most memorable of them were in the smaller and more grounded challenges they overcame, not the big bad terrors. The same way Pearl's tragedy is one of the biggest focal points in Steven Universe for me, and that story is actually pretty simple in concept and a bit besides the point in regards to the overall main story. You could take out that entire character arc from the show and while it would be much less rich for it, the show would still ultimately work. I think having a good mix of individual and common challenges and adversaries (and of all kinds, both simple and grounded but also crazy and fantastic when warranted) is probably the best mix for generalized story-telling. At least for me, .
  16. Ghost in the Shell Producer Confirms How Much the 1995 Anime Film Cost to Make Just about three million USD flat in 1995, 5.4 million today. Interesting. Consensus seems to be that the only way it could've been possibly made so cheaply is through borderline slave wages and huge amounts of unpaid overtime (that, and the movie has relatively little motion for much of it which surely helped reduce production costs). Sounds about right.
  17. And the Vikings somehow miss every game-winning kick ever. Good lord, that was a gimme.
  18. You never watched Magic User's Club, so not that, Reservoir Chronicle does not and will not ever exist, and I'm pretty sure Love Live! was merely a fever dream. Why don't you try watching a real man's anime, such as... From the clips you've posted of it, watching that in particular makes *me* feel creepy, even knowing that I hate it. It's a gross and unclean feeling.
  19. Not sure how I feel about Saints getting smacked 0-17 against the Packers Panthers at the half here after whooping the Packers last week. I'll just keep telling myself if it was week one until tomorrow I guess...
  20. Guess I misinterpreted - I was more interpreting it (and the other one) to mean "watch this next" rather than "watch this one with someone else next", . If I ever do try K-On, nobody will know. Nobody... ...I'm really tempted to contradict myself and be like "okay, in unrelated news, episode 1 of K-On, here we go..." right in this exact spot, but sadly, your hopes and dreams have been foiled by my lack of not already having it, . ...I mean, it would take me literally about maybe 60-120 seconds to get it, but that's a lot of time and effort I can't afford right now, . It's a whole lot better than Love Live!'s. Song was...uh, well, it wasn't death, so there you go. Seems like something that's more easily appreciated when you know the characters and their singing, . The thought of this made me laugh. Whoops, can't be having that, that [2009] is still right there. Bad Bartimaeus, bad!
  21. That's true, but the action is generally the weakest and least interesting part of the show anyways (not that it's usually BAD or anything, mind you), so I don't care *that* much. I'm at the point where I fully believe Sakura - everything is going to be okay, . Yeah, it's definitely next level stuff to be testing, . And I totally get "no idea what's going on". If you ain't met the characters in question yet, then it can be really difficult to have any kind of grasp over what's happening to them or what they're doing, even if someone spends many, many posts explaining exactly that... I've had a lot of "who the heck is that again" for characters you've mentioned many times but which don't stink in my brain because I haven't seen them, . Nadia and Princess Tutu are kind of separate from other shows like e.g. Sakura, Devil Lady, etc., because they aren't really watched in the same "time slot"/manner as a result of watching them with someone else, . So really, you should be asking me to stop watching Devil Lady instead...but man, I'm intrigued and am just trying to really figure out whether I actually like this show or not. I THINK I do, but I'm still not a hundred percent sure, . If nothing else, it's pretty short... lmao I'm sure I must come across the same way. Action really needs to be appropriately used for me to at least get (or even like) it, and some shows/movies totally do it right for me and others numb my brain. It's especially bad for me when it's in something long, something highly dramatic/serious, and yet I just don't care. If it's something stupid and silly like "80s" trash or such, it can be a totally different experience even if the action is dumb. It just depends.
  22. You know, I was always under the impression that Steins;Gate was massively lengthy, but I just looked and there's the original 24 episodes season and then another 23 episode sequel (or was it prequel?) season as well as a movie. That's not that crazy. And then I looked at the "games", "books", and "music" section and then I go "ah, that's why I thought it was so humongous". Japan has a real problem with basically just making endless shovelware of every kind in every possible medium for flagship franchises.
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