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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. Check that article again. They aren't driving Mercedes or going to the doc for free medical care ( oh wait yeah they are- the Red Cross) but proportionatly they're definitely whipping everyones- behind...
  2. First Black, first woman. Not another ugly Republician white guy is gonna be the president (And only Obama, Clinton, McCain even have a chance) If you're right about the elections over here, nick, you can come back and plummet me with "told u so" emocicons in November. Here is a list of presidents of the past. Make comparisons, if you will. 58 historians interviewed by C-SPAN in 2000 came up with this (history hasnt changed in 8 years BTW) my favs are lincoln and FDR, then washington BEST 1-lincoln 2-fdr rooselvelt 3-washington 4-teddy roosevelt 5-truman 6-wilson 7-jefferson 8-kennedy 9-eisenhower 10-lyndon johnson WORST 1-buchannan 2-andrew johnson 3-pierce 4-harding 5-W harrison 6-tyler 7-fillmore 8-hoover 9-Ulysses grnat 10-arthur Susan Page "Putting Presidents in Their Place" USA Today interview with CSPAN historians (2/21/00)
  3. According to Game Infromer Mag KOTOR III is #1 Most Anticipated Game with 85% chance of being made. The basicly say OE will do it.
  4. Resistance 2 Linky ^
  5. Should KOTOR 3 have a surname? Knights of the Old Republic III: ???????????
  6. So far we got KOTOR 2 (TSL) as #1 game. We got favorite thing about a games as KOTOR 2 (TSL) better dark side. We got most people wanting an RPG KOTOR 3.
  7. Hey nick lets end this. Sorry. Theres nothing wrong with being British. Or Canadian. Most Canadians I meet tend to be odd though, but you gotta love their bacon. Hey DAWUSS why does your sig say stuff about Omlette. And why is Omlette an Obi-Wan Kenobi nerd?
  8. That is how to correctly put canon.
  9. besides battfront 2, Im gonna start kotor 2 new game soon and replace my broken copy of bauldurs gate (havnt played for 2-3 years) all for xbox (ORG)
  10. says Hi-Def audio device? Says Dell on screen but Gateway on exterior (same i guess) Pentium dual core intel windows vista premium (originally basic) ATI radeon xpress 200M 1.6 GHz AOE III REQ
  11. I don't know. Someone said something about Berlin rapists?? This thread probably is finished. I can't even tell what the topic is without looking above at the title.
  12. * Master Chief appears * "I need a weapon." Vader - Master Chief Showdown Its not that good but oh well (I didn't make it)
  13. Yeah she was a Major in SG-1. Lt. Col. John Sheppard (Atlantis, Joe Flanigan) used to be a Major too, but that was still Atlantis. I'd be very careful, Walsingham. Oh damn! Flaming panties! *ducks as it heads toward Walsingham* I'm off to find that Travelers chick, cya!
  14. Sorry, I didn't mean civil war. I meant Raul, Castro's brother not coming to power.
  15. Poor Europeans, maybe the date needs to be set back a wee bit further. We've all got to stop limping around, Europe needs to stand, and with the U.S., compete. We can't be thrown down by Asia. Most embarrasing is the fact that the "third world" is surpassing Europeans and even Americans. One day we might say to a Mexican or Cambodian, "Please sir, may I have some more?"
  16. McCain liklely won't win this though. You know that right? No ones going to vote for him, because theres a black and a woman running this time.
  17. Says Captain grammar. Nah I'm just being careless, little Brit.
  18. Texas is a joke.
  19. Thats pretty sick. What was that the Red's idea of a Fun Fest?
  20. My best guesses are Charlie Crist, JC Watts, Lindsey Graham, or Mark Sanford and my long shot would be Joe Liberman, THAT choice would light a fire in the tinderbox. But he really can't afford another "moderate" on the ticket with him. I've also heard Phil Gramm, Mel Martinez and Jeb Bush mentioned. I doubt they will get a serious look though. My preference would be Sanford, Crist, or Watts. Any of the three would make a fine President. EDIT: Ah I see, yeah, running mates. Sorry.
  22. This thread isn't going anywhere anymore.
  23. Well, hopefully Cuba can go democratic. Like that can happen... Raul. Thats pretty much what I said only not as perhaps, clear.
  24. Go Hillary Clinton!! We need a Clinton to clean-up after a Bush! Clinton/Bush 20 years + yay!!!! Second choice McCain and third Barrack Osama.
  25. Bungie cannot do Halo 4? Why? They split from Microsoft. Microsoft owns the IP. Microsoft isn't going to just return it to Bungie. Besides, Halo is best to stay a trilogy.
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