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Mamoulian War

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Blog Comments posted by Mamoulian War

  1. Sigh, my original post has been lost while I have tried to edit it, so here we go again...


    I would love to see again some spiritual successor to Infinity Engine games (thad means 2D isometric games with handmade HD backgrounds), which are still one of my most favourites game I have ever played. In order of preference, my dream wish would be:


    Sequel or game based in the Planescape: Torment universe - IMO the biggest jewel ever created in gaming industry. A game with such huge quality would be for sure hard to make, but anything with the half quality of the original would beat most of the shovelware we get from big publishers nowaday.

    Van Buren - I want finaly to play this game I hear so much about :)

    Icewind Dale 3 - but in AD&D 2nd Edition Rules again :)

    Arcanum 2

    Lionheart 2 - Original had an awesome idea and very inspiring setting, but unfortunately, the game have looked to me after leaving Barcelona, very rushed and unpollished. Realy big shame, I had realy big hopes for this game when I started to play it.


    I know it would be very hard to get the rights to all these jewels, but one can never stop dreaming, right? :)


    So, if getting the rights for all these games would be impossible to get for you, just start your own IP, with the quality as close as possible to original Infinity Engine games, and I bet, you make lot of 30+ years old gamers, which have grown up with SSI, original Bioware and Black Isle games, very happy :)


    Thank you for reading this.

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