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Everything posted by Winterfox

  1. ...you mean the Jedi Knight games have original scores? I mean, I played Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy, and all I remember is the constantly repeated Star Wars theme.
  2. Dude, it's Visceris. What d'you expect? And... if you really are going to college.... Gosh, I fear for the next generation. Or the current generation, or whatever. Don't they at least require that you can communicate in coherent English to graduate from highschool anymore?
  3. I, for one, much prefer BG2 over BG1. So shoot me.
  4. Shh. The influx of Bioware refugees are so going to feed you to a giant cheesegrater.
  5. Exactly. Gosh, the abominable n00bs. *cracks whip* </tongue-in-cheek>
  6. According to the magazine article, the size of the party remains the same: you, and two other NPCs.
  7. Eh, some people want to see continuations, and as it turns out, a lot of people's visions of Revan surprisingly concur. I've had a few people who tell me my Revan's almost exactly as they've imagined their own. Me, I read fanfiction because... 's always interesting to see other people's take on certain characters, ideas and such. Besides, some of the fanfics are phenomenally good, and good reading is always welcome.
  8. Since KotOR2 will take place 5 years after KotOR, that child must have grown pretty damn quickly. Wow, accelerated growth! *rolls eyes* Please, the "descendent of the previous protagonist" has to be one of the most hackneyed ideas ever.
  9. But just how "set in stone" is it? Release dates get changed and delayed all the time.
  10. Nomi Sunrider managed, somehow, to cut Ulic Qel-droma from the Force. Additionally, there's a sessile lizard-like animal called the ysalamiri, found on Myrkr, that can create bubbles wherein the Force "doesn't exist" -- any Force adept within a certain radius of a ysalamiri cannot tap into the Force.
  11. From the CUSWE:
  12. Uhm, and piss off... what, 80% of the players? Sorry, but what use would a lightsaber be at the end of the game? For killing the final boss?
  13. I'd sacrifice my cousin's firstborn to see Coruscant in KotOR2. Jedi Academy's version of it leaves... something to be desired, shall we say.
  14. All right. *washes your brain with battery acid*
  15. if they can wipe your memory, i don't think some hair and a missing jaw is too much of a stretch. It seems that we'll be able to choose the gender of the PC. I don't think anyone'll go so far as to give Malak a gender change. Now that would just turn the whole thing into a really bad sitcom.
  16. Aegeri, would you be interested in my take on Revan's fall, then? Ahem, that was shameless pluggery. Feel free to shoot me.
  17. People who make judgments about a product that hasn't even been released are just lovely. Ignorance makes the world go 'round.
  18. Eldar said: Eh, I'm not so sure about that. Melkor/Morgoth, IMO, behaved like a spoiled brat. First he went, "Daddy's so mean! He actually dared to chastise me! I'm taking my ball and go play elsewhere!" He basically kicked over lamps and killed the trees he didn't like with the aid of his pet spider. His attitude toward the Valar's creation was mostly "Ahhh, I can't create these toys! So I'll break their toys! Hehe!" Tolkien's characterization is pretty flat on all counts, anyway, for the good and the bad guys alike.
  19. I adored Yuthura Ban. Her explanation of the Sith Code, as well as Uthar's, makes it seem so... sensible. No stagnation, no suppressing human (in a non-species specific sense) emotions but rather, putting them to use. It is reasonable and it makes sense -- the kind of subversive, insidous "evil" that is far more threatening than the "I torch people at random!" Malak or Vader.
  20. Good lord, please no! This is Star Wars, not Forgotten Realms! The Force is all that's needed, thankyouverymuch. Please don't turn this into another generic fantasy setting. However, there are Force adepts that are not Sith or Jedi. The Witches of Dathomir is one such example, although I find the concept and execution of them quite laughable. There are also some non-intelligent animals that can counter or use the Force, such as the vornskr and ysalamiri of Myrkr.
  21. Yeah? Neither of them had any trace of personality. They were just "there" to be Big Bad Ultimate Evil. Boring.
  22. Replayability and non-linearity are two elements whose importance is often blown out of proportions, IMO. PS:T is linear; KotOR is linear. Both are rich in story, writing, and characters, but don't offer that much replay value (aside from "try this quest the different way, try a different party composition, explore all the nooks and crannies..."). Both, however, are some of the most memorable experiences I've had with RPGs. The first time I played either of them was almost magical. So yes, give me this kind of game over the "replayable, non-linear" games the likes of, uh, Morrowind any day.
  23. No, I believe the upcoming game is "Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords." Correct?
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