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About Psychified

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  1. I am not running windows. I use a Mac. Well there's your problem. Man why so many Mac haters lol To be fair, I don't hate Macs, they have their very specialized uses. Macs are the best, hands down, for music composition and audio recording software. However, because of Steve Jobs' monopolistic fantasies, they don't play nice with other, non-Apple, technologies. They are designed that way on purpose. So, when you have software that needs to work with the most possible arrangement of hardware (video games as one example), Macs have a hard time. Developers have to go out of their way to design Mac friendly coding and programming to make a separate version of the game that will run on a Mac. Imagine Sony's stranglehold on their servers that prevents Playstation from having cross platform play. Now Imagine that paradigm being the whole company. Games set to release on all (or most) consoles would need a whole separate, designed from the ground up, version to even run decently on a Playstation, while the other versions could be practically identical (PC requires some additional work). Playstation would go out of business. Developers already have to contend with the special treatment games need to run well on a PC, and we've seen what happens when a port is mishandled again and again. Most developers, at the end of the day, do not have the resources and/or desire to design a wholly separate version of the game to work on a proprietary monopolistic platform not designed or popularly used for gaming. It is simply a huge money loss. So while my comment was admittedly sarcastic (sarcasm is my first language), It was also factual. If you are playing a game on a Mac and there are problems (especially problems that users on other platforms are not having), 99% of the time it is because you are using a Mac. Thank you for the info I’m not a big pc gamer, I stick with the PS4 and Xbox but want d to try this game and just didn’t realize all the technicalities of mac windows blah blah. I am not a computer genius by any means lol thank you
  2. I am not running windows. I use a Mac. Well there's your problem. Man why so many Mac haters lol
  3. That's the Mac Mini and Pro, not iMac, which have new versions. If a 2013 iMac is listed as "new" on Amazon, that's on Amazon or the third party seller. OP, did you ever try running the game in its own fresh user directory? That's a good troubleshooting step. No but it's too late now, steam finally came through with a refund. But thank you!
  4. I am not running windows. I use a Mac. I may be confused here, but if you say you've got the PC version of PoE 2, how is it you're not running Windows? That was the purpose of my first question, whether you're running Windows from Boot Camp or not. If you're actually running the Mac version of PoE 2, then we're back to my original advice: since you're trying to run this on the bare minimum specs for Mac, that's probably why it's not running right. Remember that running the PC version of this game on its bare minimum requirements is causing all sorts of problems ranging from... well, let's just say they're similar to your problems. One last question: you also claimed that you've got a "NEW IMAC, NEW NEW NEW", but your own specs screenshot indicates the unit was made in 2013. Uh, that's not new... Hm, you know that is a good question. I bought this Mac 4 months ago. New according to amazon. I had no idea. You can tell how computer savvy I am. My reasoning is that if you've developed a game meeting those minimum requirements should be enough to actually be able to play the game. Thank you for pointing that Mac error out I'm not a happy camper right now. I am using the Mac version, not the windows version. Also, if the developer is going to sell a game at this price and claim the minimum requirements for that game are enough, but the game doesn't run, then give me my money back. I want to play this game. It's the PRINCIPLE of it. It doesn't work. Just give me my 60$. That 60$ refund isn't going to hurt Obsidian. Seriously. To be honest, I would see about returning the Mac if it's still possible (I think Amazon gives you up to 3 months for certain hardware? I know I once returned something around 4 months after purchase and all it took was a chat with one of their reps). Apple got some flak recently for not having updated its iMac line in years and continuing to sell machines with outdated specs as "new". You could have a high end gaming rig for that kind of money. As for Deadfire, I would contact Obsdian technical support directly as Gfted1 said. If the game doesn't run, I'm sure someone will make it right if you get into contact with a real person. Steam finally looked at all my files and gave me a refund. I had no idea about the iMacs and the return policy was only 90 days. I emailed obsidian support five days ago an no response, so. I got my money back now on to a different game.
  5. I've tried the Nvidia solutions but I don't think my graphics card is considered high performance like it says on the support page. It didn't work anyway. I have no choice but to wait and just flush that money down the toilet. Thanks for responding though
  6. I am not running windows. I use a Mac. I may be confused here, but if you say you've got the PC version of PoE 2, how is it you're not running Windows? That was the purpose of my first question, whether you're running Windows from Boot Camp or not. If you're actually running the Mac version of PoE 2, then we're back to my original advice: since you're trying to run this on the bare minimum specs for Mac, that's probably why it's not running right. Remember that running the PC version of this game on its bare minimum requirements is causing all sorts of problems ranging from... well, let's just say they're similar to your problems. One last question: you also claimed that you've got a "NEW IMAC, NEW NEW NEW", but your own specs screenshot indicates the unit was made in 2013. Uh, that's not new... Hm, you know that is a good question. I bought this Mac 4 months ago. New according to amazon. I had no idea. You can tell how computer savvy I am. My reasoning is that if you've developed a game meeting those minimum requirements should be enough to actually be able to play the game. Thank you for pointing that Mac error out I'm not a happy camper right now. I am using the Mac version, not the windows version. Also, if the developer is going to sell a game at this price and claim the minimum requirements for that game are enough, but the game doesn't run, then give me my money back. I want to play this game. It's the PRINCIPLE of it. It doesn't work. Just give me my 60$. That 60$ refund isn't going to hurt Obsidian. Seriously.
  7. Thank you both, I am just happy to get some kind of response from someone. Steam support isn't helping and Obsidian support still hasn't answered my email.
  8. No I have other PC games, all working top notch. I mean unity engine games in particular. Have you seen this thread: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/97377-how-to-report-a-bug/ yes I've seen that thread and all the others on the support page, it has a list of issues and steps to resolve those and it didn't work for me. And no I don't have other unity games. I haven't been able to upload my log file here though, it is grayed out.
  9. This is my second post in hope that SOMEONE will help please. I paid 60$ for this game that I cannot even play. Black screen, partial loading, names don't generate, dialogue doesn't generate, sounds randomly disappear, there are just so many issues with this game and NO ONE WILL HELP ME. I have done EVERYTHING it says to do in the tech support section. I have a NEW IMAC, NEW NEW NEW. Updated EVERYTHING. My specs meet game requirements. I cannot play this game!! I have done the beta version, I have uninstalled and reinstalled, I have changed the frame rate, adjusted the graphics settings EVERYTHING your tech support says to do I have done and SHOULDN'T have to. Seriously we shouldn't have to adjust our own settings on YOUR GAME.
  10. Seriously, no one is going to help? No tech support from Obsidian? I know you are seeing my posts so what is the deal? So I just eat the 60$ right?
  11. Uninstalled and reinstalled the game thanks to no one. It didn't help. Thanks for taking my 60$ for free. You're welcome.
  12. Thanks for all the help, Obsidian. And if you couldn't tell, that is sarcasm.
  13. Update: now the game DOESN'T WORK AT ALL. It won't even load. I have a NEW Mac. fully updated.
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