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Posts posted by pantherus

  1. I really enjoy having these threads where people talk about their own positive experiences from KOTOR 2 (fav character, fav combinations, etc) - so I'm starting another one, which should hopefulyl get some laughs for people:


    What are some really funny things that you've had/seen happen during your time playing KOTOR 2? They could be the effects of a bug, humerous placements of characters, clothing/weapon combinations that look funny, even particularly funny quotes!


    Let's put them all in and have a good laugh.


    For my one - My Female Exile was talking to Atton on the Hawk and he went through the animation of typing on a wall board...except his character was facing mine and directly in front of me!! She should've slapped him for taking such disgraceful advantage! :)

  2. can't really add to what has been said already by way of advice. But it sounds to me as if your head is screwed on straight, and you know how to plan ahead soberly. That's good for you, but also good for whoever employs you. So keep your spirits up!


    Thanks for that :p


    Just a bit lost in the wind atm I guess.

  3. Do modding tools tend to come with the games (in some cases, like NwN), or is there some kinda central net-based place to get them easily?


    Sounds like I'm going to have to get my A into G to get a better system to be able to run these games and mods...oh well :p


    thanks for the advice - and no I'm not 3 feet tall with hairy feet; although my british co-worker keeps teasing us that we're all hobbits... :)

  4. Actually, Go-To was pretty useful in that mission to the temple, wheere you have the mines. He doesn't detonate them, and then he can deactivate the radar thingy. Other than that, I just like the fact he's a giant floating Death Star. He was a pretty cool character, except for the fact he's boring.


    Mira can do that too - and she's more useful (as a Jedi) in the rest of the mission. Though I suppose a dark-sider would only have the fat one to choose :p

  5. I'm in New Zealand as well and it's pretty much not the best place to go looking for a video game job. It's possible I believe - but for example, if you wanted to jump in and start making RPGs? It'd be very hard to find somewhere. If you were in US or even Europe you could at least knock ono the door to become an intern to begin with, or QA, but here... well, pretty hard. I guess somebody somewhere is making those Barbie Gameboy Advance games.


    The others will be able to tell you more about the first Q.


    Joy - mayhaps a move across the Tasman is required... :ermm:

  6. Well, before I go and say too many tired ideas, I would love to here more ideas that actually occurred in the forums,


    As you may have noticed from the title - this is part 22 of the discussion, and there are now 32 pages of posts in this part alone. The sticky at the top has links to all the old parts - all of which contain extended numbers of suggestions, ideas, and discussions about K3. Sit back and read through them at your leisure (when you have about 3 days to spare :ermm:) to see what others have said. It seems innumerous people have come and gone from the discussions over it's lifetime (pretty much since K2 came out it seems...) so the only way you would get all the previous suggestions would be to read through them yourself.


    If someone does email stuff to you then all well and good - but I'd go hunting myself if I were you :)



  7. Not sure if anyone can help me on this.


    I'm dead keen on joining the gaming industry as a med-term goal for my career. But not quite sure what to target in the short-term to help achieve that goal. I'm a huge fan of RPG games in particular (it was KOTORII that pointed me to these forums initially) and I'd love to be a part of making something like that.


    I'm currently working in the IT Support industry while I complete my Comp-Sci degree extramurally.


    I was wondering if someone could give me a couple of pointers in regards to:


    - where should I set my sights at this stage? My programming skills in themselves are still in the early stages, but that will build in the next couple of years as I keep learning; I wouldn't know where to start in terms of learning how to mod games etc, and my limited finances (I'm married and saving for a house...) means I can't really afford a decent quality computer or games or modding tools to play with. Any tips?


    - does anyone know of where I could go in New Zealand to get an entry-level job of some kind in the gaming industry, does Obsidian have a sister company of subsidary in NZ?


    In short - I want to do it, I'm sure I'll be able to learn the skills to do it, I'm just not sure how to go about it.


    Any help would be much appreciated.

  8. Only time I really enjoyed Mission Vao's presence, was when I had Zaalbar kill her. She was pretty useless and annoying.. But in all fairness she was a ok interesting character, I just wished they'd made her more valuable to the party.


    It is a little unfortunate. In these sort of games, however much they try to support intrigue, strategic playing and using stealth and stuff - old-fashioned hack 'n slash seems to work best. In Mission's case, anything she can do - someone else can do better. The basis of the scoundrel class (especially as she's created, and with persuade, stealth, etc) only really works in these games as the primary player - so you can customise them to your liking (and have the Jedi abilities added on later in the game).


    I think a main reason Atton is popular in K2 is that he does become a Jedi later, and you pretty much HAVE to use him for quite a while. Plus the "man with a quick wit and a dark past" character is a lot more immersive than the "spoilt brat with Wookie bodyguard" character.


    Having Mission trained as a Jedi would've cool to work through...

  9. Graphically, GoTo had a tendency to constantly block my view with his huge round ... self ... by zipping in front of me or just plain floating too nearby. With the lack of anything to really distinguish him from another ranged npc, he wasn't worth using. He did have some funny cut-scenes tho. :)


    Doesn't HK refer to him as "the fat one" at some point? ;)


    He had some nice things - but nothing really useful (who uses Stealth...ever...really?), even his droid killing...thing...ain't that fab - how many droids do you really fight after his yacht?

  10. My favorite character is Jolee. He is one funny giy. ;)


    but GOTO is at the worst charecter of any game I've ever played he's completly useless.


    G0-T0 does kinda suck...it's like they gave him all these abilities, none of which are particularly useful enough to make him worthwhile bringing. I don't think I've EVER actually brought him on a mission, with the exception that I swapped him in for influence points to hear his backstory.

  11. Candurus can be useful if you powerup his repeating gun and give him master rapid fire. He'll deliver someware around 7 shots.

    In K1 you had too many Jedis that could esily kill anything and had decent skills. This made using the non jedis seam pointless.


    Having ranged support can be REALLY useful - see my original post about HK saving the lives of 2 Jedi on the fine mission! ;)


    How can you say that K1 has too many Jedi? K2 has WAY more Jedi in it...


    But yes - non-jedi DID seem pretty useless in K1 - unless you wanted ranged support, or a droid to do hacking etc. Notice that nobody on this thread has said that they like using Mission...

  12. Relax bud - there are a lot of bugs in KOTOR II - but it is very doable. I personally (on Xbox) have never actually had a game killing bug.


    In general, bugs can be avoided by ensuring you have plenty of save games (and it's often good to have a new save game at the start of each planet that you don't touch in case something is seriously stuffed - as least you just start the planet over instead of the whole game.


    With your one:

    - have you paid money to the little dude outside the cantinas? I believe it's about 2000 credits and he can push the exchange to either like you more or hate you more for attention.

    - have you met the red ecplise mercs yet? go back to your ship and take a look - you should've got a message to tell you to go back and check it out.


    if you have, then load a save game and give it another crack - do some of the quests differently - you'll manage it >_<

  13. Just a random poll to see how popular various characters are...


    My pick goes to T3-M4. He's just an arrogant little pike who's got that "I know something you don't know" attitude. He's made it so that he has control over the Ebon Hawk's running; and of course there's his little maverick scene on Nar Shadaa. He's darn useful to have around for all his tech abilities, and he's not bad as fire support once you get 2 pistols going accuratly on him - plus the flamethrowers and stuff you can use too. A ****y little sod who is pretty obviously based off R2-D2 from the movies.


    Edit: OK - not sure why poll didn't come up...now editing won't let me add it...just say who your fav is :brows:

  14. I didn't finish K1 (I played K2 first ...), but I did get far enough to meet/get the wookie ... in fact that may have been one reason I never got back to K1. :)


    K1's definately worth finishing IMO. You never actually have to use Zaalbar (only Mission is required for a short time) and you can stick with your current squad - only downside is you're basically stuck being the tank of your party until you get bastila if you don't use Zaalbar.


    But K1's story is probably the most immersive in a game I've ever played - various other games came close (Baldur's Gate II, Jade Empire, KOTOR II (probably next closest)) but K1 stands out for me, so much fun to play. Unfortunately the story doesn't vary a lot for me as far as LS/DS and male/female goes - so replayability is not nearly as good as K2 had, with different characters and influence trees to follow and such.

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