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Jedi Master D Murda

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Everything posted by Jedi Master D Murda

  1. light side can suck my balls..................................................... ...................................................................professionall that is B) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!! I say the same about the darkside.
  2. but the light side is weak, and the only cool jedi are Obi Wan, Yoda, QuiGon Gin, and the guy with the mask <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I take great offense to that. The lightside is not weak, Yoda said so himself in Ep V. Luke asks "Is the dark side stronger?" Yoda answers "No! But it is more seductive". The darkside is weak, not the light.
  3. My first two times through I will be teaching my apprentice in the ways of the light and then the next two I will be teaching them the ways of the Sith. "You have been well trained, they will be no match for you", "Give into your anger". But I honestly prefer the light side.
  4. Definately a hot pic of Natalie Portman. I love that girl. Um.... back on the topic, I would love to raise an apprentice the same way Yoda trained luke. "Feel the force around you", "Control, control, you must learn control.", "Beware the darkside, fear, anger, aggression, the dark side of the force are they". Can't wait. I will be teaching my apprentice in the ways of the light. "Luminous beings are we, not this prude matter."
  5. there are better animations the more skilled you get at something as far as i can make out of whats been said in the past *crosses fingers, for the revan scorpion style :D * <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know that there are new animations, I have seen them in the trailer. But I still see old ones. I was hoping that they would at least replace those.
  6. Read all the posts JediMafia. You will find the answer you need in some of them.
  7. Perhaps you didn't take notice of all of the details of the first game. After the war with Exar Kun and the war with the Mandalorians the Republic is in the worst possible shape. The Jedi on Dantooine pretty much tell you how weak the Republic is. The story for KOTOR II makes sense. You get too fooled by the light side ending, sure they destroy the Star Forge but lose a lot of Jedi and Republicans while doing it.
  8. How about facial expressions? There were barely any facial expressions in the first when we would see our character's face. Will there be more happy or sinister smiles other than in cutscenes?
  9. Me, personally, I was hoping or expecting better fighting animations. Everybody had the same animations while fighting except for Malak. After playing the game I was hoping for animations like Malak's because it got sort of boring with the current animations, but I still play it though. After seeing the new animations of KOTOR II I am still a little worried because I still see old animations but they did promise new animations and unique stances and such. Gonna have to wait and see.
  10. *puts on flame suit* You guys are crazy
  11. Carth was... aight. I had no trouble with his whining, but it did get annoying when he found out you were Revan. I am neutral when it comes to him.
  12. I whole heartedly agree with that. I love to see that grin. You can actually see some evil emotion... priceless. Hopefully they will have more of that. I also agree with you Darth Gandalf, I would've like to see a lot of hair as well, I guess it's the way of the younger generation.
  13. Uhhh... back on topic... i think that this new PC is a blank slate, but obviously there is more to him than meets the eye.
  14. I think I would rather a "Who hates Carth" thread myself. <_< Uh... I would want Revan back, won't say why because I already have couple times before.
  15. Maybe Revan didn't follow some kind of ritual when you end on DS to become The Dark Lord and was told by these Sith Lords and was exiled. What I want to ask you is do have a theory of what Revan might have messed up and what loose ends he might not have tied?
  16. What night cleaver said. Force Clairavoyance does AFAIK let you see through doors, walls and such - and let you see the auras of people, but that's all, I think. I meant more like KOTOR 1's cutscenes... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're thinking of Force Sense. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, you're right. Force Sense is seeing through doors and walls etc. While Force Clairvoyance would be more like seeing something in the future, something like what luke had a vision of when he was training with Yoda on Dagobah when he saw Han and Leia in pain in a city in the clouds. That would be more like Force Clairvoyance to me.
  17. Where could have Revan messed up? And what loose ends did he not tie? Maybe this is due to him not regaining his memory perhaps. Master Vrook believed that their journey started right at the academy when they turned. I remember Zhar saying that Revan was eager to learn about Sith teachings. I think there was more that Revan learned more than just about the Star Forge and the Council didn't know anything about this.
  18. Good points. Like Vader said, the Death Star was insignificant next to the power of the force. This could probably apply to the Star Forge as well, while it helped the Sith it wasn't all that important to them. Darth Malak enjoyed having Bastila as his apprentice because of her battle meditation but rathered Revan instead. Also I know it is unlikely for these guys to work together but why would they be against each other in the first place. Don't they have any knowledge of the original Sith Lords and how they destroyed each other? Or was this unknown to them?
  19. While that can be true, Revan could have been a pawn that they were using. If I have read the SW forums correctly it seems that Count Dooku was a pawn so that Anakin could take his spot. As I said even though Revan was both smart and powerful, I think he was too headstrong to think that he could have been a pawn in an even larger picture for these Sith Lords.
  20. Perhaps the strife between the Dark Lords is not as big as the opportunity to take out the Republic once and for all. They perhaps put there egos aside for once and pounce on the Republic. Question is where were they, and why wait until this time to take on the Republic? And the obvious question is where is Revan and what prior association, if any, does he have with these Sith Lords?
  21. Not sure if I'd like that . I'd not mind a rival, but Luke didn't have much of a chance to win and even if he had, I doubt the relationship'd have survived once they became aware of that they were twins <_<.. but he point is that if there's gonna be something like that, I want to be able to win, not just stare dumbly at the two of them or try to wooh er all in vain since she has only ears/eyes for the other one.. <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Luke never really liked Leia in that way. I am saying that our PC should stay away from love and focus more on an apprentice. No wooing or anything like that. I am saying they should stick to how the Jedi view love: forbidden.
  22. Their should be a romance between two party members instead of your PC and a party member. It would be like this: you are luke while Han and Leia are falling in love. I think that would be cooler.
  23. But why would they wait for such a short time to come out of hiding. Revan would just get more powerful, if possible, and it would be suicide to come after him after just five years.
  24. That flirting with Carth was uneasy for me but it was cool killing him at the end though, so I guess it was worth it. But I guess killing him on Telos would depend on whether he is whiny or not. Most likely Dustil will be with him and Karath and Malak are dead. Unless you played DS.
  25. Something being unlocked at the end of the game.... sounds good to me. B)
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