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About Kampel

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    Buenos Aires
  1. Sentient Animat as a race or as Eothas godlike would be fun (golem, animat or animated armor lookalike) For a PoE3 i would like a more neutral starting setting (instead of starting Pirate setting) and you can develope your story from there.
  2. Yes, you should lvl them up as often as you can, both equipments and abilities. Tho it has some problems: 1) AI you set for them doesnt stay the same, wizards will blast your own dudes with AoE even if you set the AI to only auto-attack. 2) You cant delete the character you dont want, you have to add them to the party and kill them 3 times for permadeath. 3) Lvling them up is actually really tedious to do, you need to add them to the party and go to main land to be able to click the "+" icon, there is no "lvl up" button on their character screens.
  3. I want to add: -Different and immersive loading screens. In a RPG game with so many loading interruptions if you use an ugly, annoying or immersive-breaking loading screen it feels like you have to digest a tv commercial each time and it becomes a tedious waste of time, but if you put interesting/interactive or immersive loading screens like the "first person view of the map" like Icewind Dale's and Pillars1 use then you avoid this kind of problem. *I cant stress enought that in this kind of game NOT having different immersive Music and Loading screens in different maps is an undeniable f**k up. -Skippable beginning "tutorial/story" content. Deadfire is the kind of game in which players replay the story several times, its a game that rellys so much on the first unchangeable desicions you make for the creation of the main character that any unskippable tedious tutorialous(?) content becomes an annoying task real quick. If you want to try a new build to see if a character works out or if you want to roleplay a new one from the start, you are forced into all that tedious unskippable contat like (Maje, Pirate fort, First part of Neketaka) before letting you explore the "open world" and enjoy the "open game". its the main reason that prevents me to keep trying builds and replaying the game. Not only that but all the DLC are end-game enabled so if i want to come back to the game and play those with a new character its a mountain of annoying repetition to reach that content. *I consider this a massive development problem which i hope is adressed and solved for a Pillars of Eternity 3. *Editted to try to explain better the points i made using better english (sry its not my main lenguage) I don't think that not having different loading screens (and/or different music) for different maps is a screwup so much as it's potentially a missed opportunity. OTOH, this sort of stuff would require more money. And when they're on a limited budget, I think that most people would prefer that the limited development money be spent on playable content, and not loading screens. It seems to me that different loading screens and different loading screen music is a very low priority luxury, not an important priority. Also, I don't consider the beginning content thing a "massive development problem". You do. But again, it's a question of the prioritization of resources. Yes I understand, thats why i have only complaint about that in this thread. *By the music I meant different music throught the entire game, not on loading screens. If 60 hours of content rings with the same music it becomes tedious. On the second point I consider the beginning content thing a design mistake. In my understanding and seeing how they made the game's mechanic, the God's challenges, and everything else they expected the players to play the entire game several times so anything that affects that replayability is a real problem. I havent complaint or expected this to be fixed for this game, i just wanted to point it out for the next one in case by any chance a dev reads this comment and considers it.
  4. I want to add: -Different and immersive loading screens. In a RPG game with so many loading interruptions if you use an ugly, annoying or immersive-breaking loading screen it feels like you have to digest a tv commercial each time and it becomes a tedious waste of time, but if you put interesting/interactive or immersive loading screens like the "first person view of the map" like Icewind Dale's and Pillars1 use then you avoid this kind of problem. *I cant stress enought that in this kind of game NOT having different immersive Music and Loading screens in different maps is an undeniable f**k up. -Skippable beginning "tutorial/story" content. Deadfire is the kind of game in which players replay the story several times, its a game that rellys so much on the first unchangeable desicions you make for the creation of the main character that any unskippable tedious tutorialous(?) content becomes an annoying task real quick. If you want to try a new build to see if a character works out or if you want to roleplay a new one from the start, you are forced into all that tedious unskippable contat like (Maje, Pirate fort, First part of Neketaka) before letting you explore the "open world" and enjoy the "open game". its the main reason that prevents me to keep trying builds and replaying the game. Not only that but all the DLC are end-game enabled so if i want to come back to the game and play those with a new character its a mountain of annoying repetition to reach that content. *I consider this a massive development problem which i hope is adressed and solved for a Pillars of Eternity 3. *Editted to try to explain better the points i made using better english (sry its not my main lenguage)
  5. At the top of my head I would like: -Different setting than pirates and medieval, maybe somewhere in the world or in the near future in which Animancy became the norm for technological advancements so it would be like Arcane-steampunk thing. An animancy driven world. And waaay darker story -Return of endurance or a better system for resting and wounds, something which doesnt break the entire resource management point
  6. This ruined my plans for this weekend
  7. My first run was Shifter/Monk(the one that gains resources by dealing damage), had incredible fun with it. I do recommend multiclass, martial classes like the ones you mentioned add a lot of utility and power while spiritshifted (otherwise you would only be able to autoattack on animal form) For multiclassing with rogues i think the best choice is streetfighter, you will have a ton of "Full attack" abilities and almost all its passives work great while spiritshifted. They complement perfectly.
  8. I am experiencing this issue, tryed to make a clean installation and it presists. When ship combat starts all the characters are supposed to make gestures until the "cinematic" camera movement finishes and allows you to issue commands but its not the case, everyone starts the fight in autopilot and im stuck just watching until the cinematic movement ends.. this means most of my front liners get killed before i can even press pause. Its a huge handicap I tryed clean install, did not fix it. I tryed ticking all "auto pause" options from the menu but it has no effect while the "cinematic camera movement" is running. Any ideas?
  9. I would like to be able to lvlup characters while at sea, lvl up characters not in the party but in the crew of the ship without having to add them to the team and enter a map, to be able to kill/delete/disband characters instead of having to kill them.. Quality of Life..
  10. Maybe if the paladin is a KindWayfarer with Hand Mortars as secondary weapon set built with high Might and Int for big heals and AoE and giving at least 2 other characters the healing bombs and scrolls he might have enought support/healing to pull it off. Have in mind that in most dungeons or close spaces you might not be able to reach the enemy with all five characters at melee range so you will be using a lot of expendable items (scrolls, potions, bombs) and secondary weapons and if thats the case a KindWayfarer is a good choice to be the one in the back
  11. I want this so much. current loading screen distracts and takes away immersion.
  12. I would like to see a class that consumes items as resources, for example it could consume a weapon to summon an animated blade, same with other kind of items. I imagine this abilities to only consume the item if the summoned blade is killed in battle or something like that if possible.
  13. I can fix all that with this change: Empower only refills after resting in an Inn only, you need to empower the Figurine to use it in battle.
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