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Everything posted by Fiach

  1. I've only seen 2 episodes so far, was a bit slow to start, but when it did kick off, I liked it, hopefully it will keep t up, different strokes
  2. Outcast. Exorcism based TV show. Not for the squeamish, but good so far. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4229954/
  3. You just undermined thousand of years of military training and preparation. Yes you can be prepared and sure of your responses in actual combat before your first battle. It has been done since first militia was formed. I agree the cop should not face a civil suit, he should be facing capital punishment for failing his duties. I'm talkng specifically about the civil suit, it's up to each service branch how they procecute deriliction of duty. I disagree to a large extent with your assertion that you can predict accurately how anybody will react when face with a firearm assault situation, also the guy was a cop, not military, I doubt if the police have as rigorous a training regimen as the army, but military personnel are not exempt either from the fight or flight response inherent to being faced with a life or death situation. I know of military personnel who have committed suicide because they shirked their duty and some who have committed suicide because they followed orders and ignored their gut reaction to intervne.
  4. I don't think it right to sue the officer, but that father is coming from a horrific place of intense grief and assuredly not acting in a rational manner. Here in N Ireland, a man's son was killed in a terrorist attack and he sued the British govt. For the amount of money he paid for his sons education. Grief is a terrible motivation. The cop, well, you never know how you are going to act when actually in the face of combat. Death is a scary proposition for anybody to face, doesn't matter how much you train. Dunno how he was armed , maybe just a handgun, or maybe the extent of gunfire he percieved to be such a threat, that a handgun would have been little use, maybe he figured it was more important to live for his family than to die for someone else's. there's alot of hazy details of what actually happened that day. But, I guarantee you, unless you have been in a gun violence situation and actually in harms way, until that moment, you will not be able to accurately predict your own response, let alone somebody else's.
  5. Was at the cinema last night and saw the Avengers poster....just too many people in the cast...i think something like that dilutes the experience for me. I saw The Cured instead. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3463106/ It's Ireland's contribution to the zombie apocalypse genre. There was an outbreak, a cure was found, those treated, still remember what they did. They are repatriated back to their homes, their families and authorities hate them. Those not cured are going to be exterminated. The Cured figure, once the uncured are exterminated, The Cured will be next, so they become terrorists, bombing army barracks etc. While there are plenty of zombies, the film revolves around a brother and sister in law and the guy that created the brother as a zombie and helped him kill the woman's husband during the outbreak, plus a doctor trying to find a cure for the Uncured that are left. Low budget, but still carries it self well, with a rather abrupt ending, I would actually like to see a bigger budget version . https://youtu.be/fSutgzDY_I4
  6. I've never been this drunk.... I don't know if that's a good thing, or a bad thing
  7. Bought the Royal version in the Japan psn sale on Friday, now im working up the courage to start playing it
  8. Went to a First holy Communion (Catholic thing) for my wee niece, good time was had by all, didn't imbibe, saved myself for my weekend movie and wine event instead.... At which a good time was also had by all....errm....me
  9. Wasnt there some joint euro US space ventures that got all screwed up cos the EU used metric and the US didn't?
  10. Yeah GD, I specifically meant that genre and the imagination required to envisage it, otherwise I woulda thrown in War and Peace to appear more literary even though I never read it
  11. Dragon https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1718199/ Kung phooey movie. Really good martial arts movies with a deep and moving story. It starts off rather disarmingly, looking like a badly choreographed Jackie Chan slapstick Fu inspired pastiche, that turns into an investigation revolving around the dead bad guys, that leads to an investigation of the guy that killed them by accident. Everything is connected. The trailer is a HUGE SPOILER, viewer discretion.
  12. May I recommend this Irish whiskey for you to try, Redbreast..... you're welcome, Slainté https://youtu.be/I6stmin_260 Or Bushmills https://youtu.be/4vkbw58Lfjk
  13. I am always amazed at the longevity and popularity of LOTR, Considering when it was first published, it's so hard to imagine such a huge body of work with such epic scope could have been written back then, There was nothing comparable at the time or since then, which could rival it. Nowadays, bookshops are full to brimming with high fantasy novels, coming from the base created by JRRT, as regards GRRM (coincidence initials?), I think I got as far as the fourth book and couldn't finish it. On saying that, I have the Blu-ray versions of all the TV series released so far, waiting for the final season, so I can binge on the whole thing in 2019. I've only watched 2 seasons, but the prolonged wait between seasons really annoying me, so I'm waiting....at least this will be finished as opposed to the novels
  14. Salem, watched a few episodes, pretty good so far, creepy, gory, decent sfx. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2963254/ https://youtu.be/eQIAN4pZ3gE
  15. You may find this interesting/touching, Richard Dreyfuss meets Robert Shaw's great granddaughter on Irish TV. https://youtu.be/wKX0n99hX5U
  16. Anything with Al Pacino, once he opens his gob, oratorical gold issues forth. Too many scenes to choose from, this choice is as arbitrary as it gets, I could pull ten scenes from nearly every movie he has made.
  17. Finished season 2 of The Last Kingdom, binged over the weekend to the finale, it was really good. Only 8 episodes per season, so no filler, it rollicks along at a fast pace. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4179452/ Tried Medici : Masters of Florence, couldn't get into 8t,I like period drama, but it never felt dramatic, very subdued over the two episodes I watched. Tried The Mist., Managed a half of episode 1, dunno if it improves but seemed very diverse and politically correct, as if they were ticking off boxes, College Football team rape, pansexuality, anti sex ed., homophobia , locked a black dude in jail and that was in the first 20 minutes.....oh and a dog got killed... Hated that.
  18. Guilty pleasure confession..... I actually liked the movie
  19. Watched (well, kind of) three episodes this evening.I had the same reaction of the first 10-15 minutes, where I was thinking about turning it off. I ended up skimming through another 15 minutes or so. They spend way too much time yakyak with family issues and I never like the constant "flashback" intercuts method of showing the events that led up to where the show opens. But once Will finds the robot I perked up. It's the best thing on the show. I don't like what they did with Dr. Smith, and not because she's a she. She feels (in 3 episodes) like a straight up "bad" character, she's not sympathetic-bad at all. I can understand not wanting comic-relief or slapstick like in original series but being so unsympathetic makes her uninteresting, is all. She's boring. The actress is ok, the chr. is one-note and dull even with obvious attempts to humanize her a little. The rest of the cast is adequate but nothing stands out about of the chrs. They're serviceable, not memorable. All the family drama (parents are estranged, struggle for who's in charge of decisions re: kids and work) bits are a snooze. I kept FF for 30 seconds or so then watching 5 minutes, FF 30 seconds, etc. Robot is the best thing tho and I kept watching for its scenes, wondering what the background for it is going to end up being. If I watch more however, I'm going to be skimming a lot just to see Robot mostly. I don't think I could take 7 more episodes of modern-style-dysfunctional Family Robinson. I didn't get as far as the robot, just to where they exit the ship, I'll give it another go, to see the robot. I loved the original as a kid, so maybe I'm being a bit pernickety with my rosy glasses
  20. The Alienist Watched half first episode, couldn't get into it, found the acting and direction very heavy handed, it was near pantomime-like. Anyway, it's about a psychiatrist/ologist (yes I know the diff, I just didn't watch long enough to decide), , in 19th century USA. He helps police gain insight to particularly gruesome murders.
  21. A friend of mine is trying to set up an awesome Glamping experience in the west of Ireland, with an aeroplane, double decker bus etc. They can be a really unique and entertaining experience if done correctly, there is a UK glamping place that uses Mongol yurts!
  22. Irish RV is a Bedford van a mistress and a surfboard! But yeah, would love an RV!
  23. Now with extra Leonard
  24. The Last Kingdom https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4179452/?ref_=ttfc_fc_tt Just started Season 2, very good. Gore, greed and political machinations as Britain tries to throw off the yoke of Norse tyranny.....or something like that....and shiz.
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