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Everything posted by rhugga

  1. Picked the Ranger's lion companion. Worst AI ever. You constantly have to baby sit this dummy. Even once you have it attacking a target it will just stop and stand there getting beat on like a dummy. Just an FYI. I hope the other ranger pets aren't like that.
  2. Any way to change the level scaling setting in a game in progress? Won't let me do it. Have way outleveled stuff now and combat has become hands off. I have it set to critical path only.
  3. I'd like to know. I'd rather not waste time retracing steps, rolling back to saved games and pixel hunting thinking I missed something or am doing something wrong if the quest is just simply bugged. Now in my 5th play thru attempt and I keep seeing the same quests that seem buggy and broken. A Bigger Fish (at first I couldn't complete the quest with Martino, so I came back later on and now he is completely missing) Shadow Under Neketaka - got towards the last step and it won't advance Those are the two I've run into in this new play-thru. Starting to keep track now.
  4. I'm just killing time until DoS 3 and trying to recoup my money since I won't last long enough to see the DLC for this game.
  5. barbarian (berserker) / rogue druid / ranger (marksman) chanter / fighter (just a few skills chosen to increase engagement) wizard priest / monk Just pure ownage.
  6. Check out Divinity Original Sin 2, you won't ever have the desire to play PoE again. Ever.
  7. I play this game on the console of my Samsung refrigerator.
  8. I am very disappointed in Obsidian right now. I've been underwhelmed with POE 2 so far. I think D:OS 2 was way more fun the first 50 hours. I hope they get us a monstrous patch before the end of May to make up for it. Not me. I feel POE2 is far superior than DOS2. I just finished POE2, and have never finished DOS2. I got about halfway through DOS2 and grew bored with it. Combat is nothing but continuous reloads for me. I'm not sure how much fun reloading is to other people. Normal difficulty is quite difficult for me. I'm sure people will say I suck, but I don't suck at other games like Dragon Age: Origins or similar games. As for bugs, I haven't really encountered any game breaking bugs. I had a couple crashes to desktop (especially when changing party members on the boat, better to do it at an inn). And some quests had weird dialogue if you did things out of order, but I was able to complete every single quest in the game except one. The last survey mission for the map maker guy in Queen's Berth. For some reason I only found one unidentified island I could name, never could find the other and I looked everywhere. OMG "far superior" Fanboi much? I haven't even played this game all the way thru and already I'm bored and chomping at the bit for another DoS 2 play-thru. In fact I'm installing it again right now as I type this.
  9. Because the millennial generation with mommy's credit card created this culture. They buy everything regardless.
  10. I could care less about cruising around in a ship. I think most people who are attracted to these type games feel the same. I want long dungeon crawls with puzzles and challenging fights. I haven't even finished one play thru and I'm already bored and feel like reinstalling DoS 2 for another play-thru.
  11. I have yet to lose a ship battle. At the start, check the range or your weapons and his and adjust accordingly. Get within your maximum range. Fire, jibe, fire, jibe, fire. You'll win most battles this way.
  12. This is why turn-based games like Divinity do so well. I haven't gotten as immersed, or played thru a game as many times as I have DoS 2. That is one of my favorite games of all time now. In fact, I'm re-installing it as we speak for another play thru. (along with fallout 4) Turn-based, tactical combat. Not the clunky fast-food combat in this game.
  13. Is there anyway to run this game in windowed mode with no border or a way to run it so that it's not offset like 1/2 inch? I've tried every resolution I would be able to tolerate and all are screwy. I run my desktop at 3840x2160@60. The display shows up slightly offset to the left of the screen. I play a lot of games in windowed mode while I'm working on stuff in the background and only seen one other game do this.
  14. It seemed like chanters skills and abilities in PoE 1 took to long to scale up and become useful and most of the time battles were over or near over. How are they now?
  15. Can you learn spells bought thru vendors and/or scrolls in PoE 2? Haven't figured out how.
  16. I'm playing thru the base game and it seems I'm locked at level 12. Do the expansions add more levels and spell levels?
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