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Everything posted by rhugga

  1. The game was free for you? Please share your secret.
  2. I always multi cipher with my tank (fighter usually) Ditto for chanter, I always multi it with one of my ranged strikers Makes the game very easy though.
  3. Umm it's appearances.... ones that should have been in at release given how few/limited selection there are. Still a cash grab.
  4. It needs to be action-point/turn-based, otherwise it's just an arcade style joke.
  5. Just roll a priest from scratch in in a tavern. Xoti is annoying and useless. That stupid lantern. lol.
  6. *pulls out box of crayons* When you press TAB, it highlight items you can interact with. If you've already interacted with said item, the highlight color is amber... if you haven't interacted with that object yet, it is blue. If you try and loot an object containing cannonballs, for example, and your ship has max cannonballs, you can't loot them.. and the color of the highlight remains blue. So hours of gameplay later you waste time rechecking stuff you forgot you already tried to loot. Lol, yea I know how that works. So you want the game to lie to you? What if you run out of, say, cannonballs and knew there was a place you didn't loot yet to pick them up and they are all marked as looted? Your suggestion goes against the entire system. I myself am completely fine with leaving things incomplete, unlooted, unmarked. God how much pain would I have to endure in life if I couldn't. My god you are one clueless simpleton. Holy cow. Just run along little kid, you're obviously salty and having a bad day. Lol, so much hate. I know right? millennials...
  7. *pulls out box of crayons* When you press TAB, it highlight items you can interact with. If you've already interacted with said item, the highlight color is amber... if you haven't interacted with that object yet, it is blue. If you try and loot an object containing cannonballs, for example, and your ship has max cannonballs, you can't loot them.. and the color of the highlight remains blue. So hours of gameplay later you waste time rechecking stuff you forgot you already tried to loot. Lol, yea I know how that works. So you want the game to lie to you? What if you run out of, say, cannonballs and knew there was a place you didn't loot yet to pick them up and they are all marked as looted? Your suggestion goes against the entire system. I myself am completely fine with leaving things incomplete, unlooted, unmarked. God how much pain would I have to endure in life if I couldn't. My god you are one clueless simpleton. Holy cow. Just run along little kid, you're obviously salty and having a bad day.
  8. Actually just discovered you can loot them if you have it go directly to a player's personal inventory. Won't go to the stash though.
  9. I'm playing the beta patch right now and just got to Nekataka and I can't loot several containers with cannonballs on the docks.
  10. *pulls out box of crayons* When you press TAB, it highlight items you can interact with. If you've already interacted with said item, the highlight color is amber... if you haven't interacted with that object yet, it is blue. If you try and loot an object containing cannonballs, for example, and your ship has max cannonballs, you can't loot them.. and the color of the highlight remains blue. So hours of gameplay later you waste time rechecking stuff you forgot you already tried to loot.
  11. Leaving a node you can't clear on the map...... do you have any idea what this is like for OCD completionists like me? At least have it toggle the node inspected. 1st world problems.
  12. I have yet to make it thru an entire play thru that didn't erode into a mess of bugged quests requiring me to abandon and delete those game saves.
  13. PSYCHE Bet you were about to rage post huh?
  14. Well, you were wrong cause it came out before you posted that. Based on what other people are saying, I'm at work, don't hurt me if I'm wrong. And I'm already gone. DUUUURRRRRRR
  15. No way I'll even still be here. Already reached my fill of the game. I wish I would have waited a year to buy this. That's how single player games go for me now days. Buy it at release, be disappointed, get bored after one month then come back 2 years later when all the DLC is out and play it for real.
  16. Windowed mode is screwy for me.. It's offset from the monitor like 1/2-inch to the left and there is a window title bar.
  17. Is there any way to tweak the game so it doesn't auto-pause when minimized?
  18. Just curious if anyone got anything good for choosing to save the crate. Only time I saved the crate it was just a fine quality weapon, I think a wand IIRC.
  19. I just did a play-thru with 4 of my toons dual-classed and it was a cake walk. Chanter/Fighter - straight OP. A tank that provides constant buffs (which are hella OP) and even damage auras Priest/Monk - straight OP. A healer that can take down enemies or knock them away with ridiculous buffs too boot Druid/Ranger - ridunculously OP. Barbarian/Rogue - GOD MODE Then a vanilla wizard thrown in for giggles.
  20. In other news, they did seem to put a lot of work into the idle animations it does when you're just standing around doing nothing. /facepalm
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