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About dewguru

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  1. Either you are wrong, or the game has another error in what is displayed. Below is a screen shot where I started a brand new group. Notice what it says the Reward is for the Adventure. 5000 GP. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1198960072 I'm basing my expectations off of what the screen showed me. If that reward is only available at the Legendary level, then it's extremely misleading, and breaks from how other rewards are shown to display it as such.
  2. I've the Steam version of Pathfinder Adventures, Obsidian Edition, and I've purchased the Fighters Tale DLC. I've completed the DLC tonight, and I've a screen shot that shows the missions completed: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1196611014 The Fighters Tale Adventure Reward says that it's 5000 Gold Pieces. I did not receive the Adventure Reward for it's completion. I restarted Pathfinder Adventures twice, in hopes that it was simply some kind of delay in the reward being recognized. My account is Dewguru #1298
  3. id: Dewguru #1298 game version: Steam, Pathfinder Adventures Obsidian Edition campaign: Rise of the Goblins issue: Lost numerous items from my Unclaimed Treasure when equipping my goblin party. I ran out of time in the Devil of Sandpoint mission. In the after mission screen where you adjust your loot gained, I decided to equip the group with some items that I had in my Unclaimed Treasure section. It wasn't until having equipped several things, that I noticed it was losing things in my Unclaimed Treasure. If I had multiples of something - if I moved one over, and then switched from Unclaimed to my Stash (to fix the card count), and then back over to the Unclaimed - ALL of the remaining cards of that type would be gone. I even exited out, restarted, and selected another campaign and viewed my Unclaimed Treasure in hopes that it was just a display bug. But alas, the equipment appears to be gone. I've recreated it and taken screen shots below. Rise of Goblins, Manage Decks, I've selected Ranzak and I'm going to give him one of my six Orbs of Ice (item) from my Unclaimed Treasure. Image of the six in my Unclaimed Treasure: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1098687041 Image of one of the six moved up to Ranzak's items, leaving five Orbs behind: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1098689706 Image of my switching to the Stash Tab: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1098689954 Image of my switching back to the Unclaimed Treasure tab - where the other five Orbs no longer exist: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1098690305 Image of Items page 2 of the Unclaimed Treasure tab - just to show the five Orbs didn't slip over there: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1098690635 Here is an estimate of what I've lost (the extras from a stack that were left behind and disappeared): 2 - Kohl of Uncanny Discernment 1 - Quarterstaff +2 2 - Quarterstaff +1 1 - Heat Metal 1 - Agile Chain 4 - Great Club +1 2 - Hide Armor of Acid Resistance 5 - Orbs of Ice (as seen in my screen shots that recreated the issue) Thank you for your help.
  4. I wanted to confirm that I'm experiencing this issue as well. PC version, Pathfinder Adventures, Obsidian Edition Link to a screen shot showing the rune active: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/850467179429232631/00950ECF673C3C859DD0299FA104A345FC0504F0/ Link to a screen shot that shows the 1 point of electricity damage from a Warden of Runes from a failed Con check still forced a discard: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/850467179429233530/377F237628F59B745B5D9C8C79FC908F0F06FE50/
  5. PC Version, Pathfinder Adventures, Obsidian Edition 6-3 or 6-4 (whichever one where you're in the DeathZones scaling the mountain) Facing an Ogrekin, it did it's roll and got #4, which is "After you act, put the Ogrekin on the bottom of the location deck." I failed to beat it, it ended up on the bottom of the deck. I then later killed the Leng Spider, but failed on my close attempt. I can now no longer achieve a close attempt, as the final card is the Ogrekin and every time I face it, it still has the original "After you act, put the Ogrekin on the bottom of the location deck." effect in place, so after beating it twice with it being the only card left, I simply cannot defeat the adventure. There is no villain to defeat, I can only win this level by closing all the locations - and with 12 turns and one location left - I can't beat it because of the immortal Ogrekin. This is so broken it's sad. Edit: I also had my mage with Disintegrate attempt to kill it - which is supposed to defeat a monster "even if it would be otherwise undefeated" - and that didn't work either.
  6. PC Version, Pathfinder Adventures, Obsidian Edition 6-3, Amiri fighting a Frost Worm. Amiri beat the Frost Worm, but during the Frost Worm's "If defeated each character at this location must attempt a Dexterity or Acrobatics 14 check. Characters who succeed are dealt 1 Cold damage; Characters who fail are dealt 1 Combat damage and 1 Cold damage. Amiri failed and only took 1 point of Cold damage. Amiri has Thick Skin and that ignored the Combat damage. Sajan was at the same location, failed and had to discard 1 for damage, and after I discarded, it dinged Sajan again, gave the frost effect and had him discard 1 again. Sajan has Improved Dodge which says "When dealt damage other than Combat damage, reduce that damage by 2." This effect obviously didn't take place since he took the 1 Cold damage.
  7. Unfortunately that isn't relevant to what I experienced. In my case, it was the Barbarian with the Shaman (figured I'd give her a little healing). It was her turn, and I pulled her first encounter, and then I triggered the Shaman as everyone at the location had things in the discard and I was expecting to pull a boss, so I wanted to use it before it may have gotten lost via damage. She played the ally - and it didn't work for everyone at the location (she was there with the fighter and I believe the wizard).
  8. PC version - Pathfinder Adventures, Obsidian Edition 6-1, Treacherous Cave Player ID: Dewguru #1298 Like Longshot11 mentions - whoever triggers Silas Vekker ends up having to beat him twice. Once as part of it's "each character at this location must summon and encounter Silas" and then once again afterwards. If this isn't a bug, it's at least some very poor wording, as the reason I'm here posting in the forum is because it seems as though it's a bug. Especially since this differs from the table top version of Pathfinder Adventures. Here's a page at Paizo's site where they discuss better wording for it (second item) - and that wording clearly shows that someone shouldn't be facing it twice on the same turn. http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2s8x4?Cards-that-trigger-multiple-encounters
  9. PC version, Pathfinder Adventures Obsidian Edition My game tag: Dewguru #1298 6-1, Woods Ezren buries the Wand of Enervation against a Scarlet Walker, knocking it's challenge rating from a 20 to a 14. All of Ezren's other items are unselectable as expected since I already used an item. I go to cast an attack spell against the Scarlet Walker - prompting the Arcane check. I fail the Arcane check, so I can't cast an attack spell. I then notice that the Scarlet Walker is back at a challenge rating of 20, that Ezren's items can be used again, and the Wand of Enervation seemed no where to be found. Not in the Buried pile, not in my discard, hand or even my deck. It's just gone. Kyla was the one being attacked, and Ezren was assisting. The arcane spell he attempted that prompted the check was Incendiary Cloud. Since that didn't work out well, I go try to have Sajan help out with a blessing (Blessing of Erastil). Upon playing the blessing, Kyla's extra dice that she gets from her Enemy Lore Power (it's upgraded to include Outsiders), disappears, taking me from a d6 and a d8+1 to just 2d6. I undo the Blessing and try my best to just reset things with just Kyla, and nothing brings back her Enemy Lore die. After Kyla got curb stomped, the Wand of Enervation at least reappeared and allowed Ezren to roll to recharge it like it should have.
  10. Um, the Steam version isn't multiplayer - so the only option is to use it on your own turn - as you play each character. So if it worked on your own turn on the mobile app, this is a different bug that doesn't work on your own turn.
  11. PC version (Steam, Pathfinder Adventures, Obsidian Edition) Like original post says, the Shaman card states "Recharge this card; each character at your location may shuffle a random card from her discard pile into her deck." - yet while at a location with two others, when I recharged the card, it opened the multiple character selection view and only allowed me to click on one. The other two at the location (including the one with the Shaman ally) did not execute the random card from the discard, shuffled into their deck portion of the card. This error leaves the type 5 Shaman card as weaker than the type B Pallegina card.
  12. Wow, don't mean to bring up a bug that was raised back in November 2016, but the Steam version (Pathfinder Adventures, Obsidian Edition) is still having this issue. Normal difficulty, my first play through, after the option to temporarily close other locations, it returns and BAM - 2 points of damage before I even get the chance to do battle. Now, this is my second time facing Jaagrath, and I didn't notice it hit for two points on the first encounter - although I came across it unprepared so I just ate the first battle results anyway. So it may or may not be an issue on only additional encounters.
  13. This same thing happened to me. It took place when the Close event executed which is "On closing, you may shuffle 1d4-1 random cards from your discard pile into your deck." The result was a 1, so I got zero cards (1-1=0), and it shuffled my deck anyway, then froze just like the images above show. I was using the Monk character, and I'm using the Steam (PC) version. My player tag is Dewguru #1298.
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