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Everything posted by Yewstance

  1. This is an excellent question, because it DOES seem to contradict a few apparent assumptions. For example, as far as we can tell, Gold - and purchasing things via gold as the 'free to play' model - will continue to exist on mobile. But given that if you've unlocked the adventure decks/characters it makes no difference to the PC game currently (even though that's just because said content is automatically redeemed by purchasing it on PC) it seems still uncertain, from the consumer perspective, whether buying any future content packs on mobile will ever be truly reflective across platform. And if they WILL be - if you COULD buy a 'class pack' or adventure on mobile for in-game gold, as part of the free to play model, then cross-platform access it from your PC version for free - then that's something integral for the playerbase to know for certain, because then we should aim to conserve in-game currency (gold) for future content/DLC releases. If they don't intend to have it reflect, that contradicts the "unlocked/purchased content across platforms" statement. If they do intend to have it reflect, that somewhat contradicts "We are not using the free to play model for PC", unless they mean "We will maintain constant content updates over a microtransaction or in-game currency model, but requiring the $25 PC buy-in". The whole thing, even with the clarifications, raises so many questions for me.
  2. Moderately concerned about the patch notes. A few fixes for problems I've never had (like Velociraptor use as/before first exploration) and no mention of the dozens of problems I have had (the top things that come to mind is the Bardic Performance on Drunken Master recharging a liquid, Infinite dice on Lini Strength/Dexterity checks and infinite-gamebreaking-loop when two characters are at a location when passing the check to defeat Muck Graul without the fire trait). Until further notice I presume they will be fixed in later patches.
  3. I confess I have yet to make the time to watch the recording of the recent Q&A stream, but from a summary that was mentioned to me on these forums I recall that the Pathfinder Ambassador program was "Based on the gold or money spent on the mobile version". Admittedly, that may have been a fault of the summary, or an idea that was later disbanded, but I'd like to ask explicitly to be sure. So if you have not spent ~$25 USD on the game, there will be no bonus besides the unique Obsidian cards and a 10% off coupon off the Obsidian Edition for previous players, regardless of quantity of in-game content otherwise owned or earned? In my case, I have spent approximately $10-$15 USD on the game, for a special deal on a character/gold set and for the 'daily gold for a month' setup, but have otherwise been grinding gold in order to acquire the rest of the in-game content, and I have currently earned every other character, every adventure, and about 30 treasure chests, spent in-game gold. I recognize the shift in business model for the good of the game's future, and I'm happy with the 'automatic upgrade' reward as the ambassador program encourages/assigns, but I'm in a position where it may be more financially viable for me to spend $10 on the app, though there's nothing I need or want, rather than outright purchase the Obsidian Edition. Especially depending on how the price points may vary to the Australian steam marketplace. It also makes me feel that my time has been wasted, though the content I've earned is otherwise equivalent (or surpasses) the $25 purchase. Of course, my time isn't valuable to the business in the same way as actual microtransactions are, but the mobile model was built to treat the two equivocally, where the ambassador program clearly removes that equivalence, it sounds like.
  4. That seems a very narrow view. There are a great deal of ways to work around it. For example, look at the (soon-to-be defunct) Quest Mode. It gave you a 'level' based on your number of feats/rewards, and sorted a party into a "Tier"/Adventure Deck based on the highest level/tier amongst the group. Even without Quest Mode, you can still categorize progression by the count of how many feats they have (thankfully, we don't have to worry about the "gaining extra feats mid-scenario" as some other sets outside of RotR do), and/or limit deckbuilding to a specific adventure deck. Oh you are playing scenario 4-X multiplayer? Then you must put your adventure deck 5 and 6 cards in the stash and replace them with basics, and you can't do it with a character that has X feats. Of course... More realistically, they don't need a limitation on 'when' anyway. In the current setup you can use a finished character with loot and adventure deck 6 cards and all of the feats possible and use them to play alongside a brand new character on any scenario you wish. Multiplayer would likely maintain that - just don't restrict who you can/can't play with. If you want a challenge, then perhaps set your own custom limits (Feat count, adventure deck # of cards, even modifiers like wildcards), or just play with a friend who pre-agreed. I don't really think that multiplayer is going to be seen in the foreseeable future. Honestly, I don't think I'd use it if it existed, either. But suggesting that Class Decks (and, by extension, organized play character sheets/tracking) are mandatory to have people play with each other for fun is nonsense. As for card pool available for play - that's generated in the app AFTER the group have adjusted their decks anyway. And the idea of 'losing' cards from the card pool by players acquiring it isn't a concern at all in a digital version (though they may need to consider how they'll limit treasure cards when one or more players lack having unlocked them).
  5. Thank you for the cohesive responses for a lot of the issues discussed over the forums. It provides a great deal of insight and clarification on a few matters, and it's encouraging to see the developer view on the strategy and sale of the game for the future.
  6. Whilst I have come across an enormous amount of bugs in the story mode, a broken 3-3 is NOT one of them, and as far as I can tell it's working fine. Again, to re-iterate, the "Score" you see on the left for Black Magga is simply the overall number of cards she's eaten, NOT how many allies. Even if it says "10", she might be at score 0 - the point is that, like the real game, the information as to how many allies have been eaten and how many are left in the decks is supposed to be hidden information. Furthermore, as long as you never fail to acquire an ally, the difficult of the scenario is not great, albeit some characters (Ezren, for example) do pretty poorly at it. Put all of your party members in locations that have the largest number of allies or locations that allow for additional explorations (Such as the General Store). Ignore closing the locations as a general rule. Take as many explorations a turn as is safe - feel free to throw all of your blessings and allies to explore over and over, then spend blessings from your teammates to make sure you succeed when the opportunity comes to acquire an ally. Certain spells, like Augury, can also effectively function as extra explores, by reducing the number required to hit an ally. Even if things look bad, the scenario tips more and more in your favor as time passes, as Black Magga becomes more and more likely to randomly choose to eat from a location that's already empty, 'wasting' her turn. Remember, the scenario rules are a glorified way of telling you "Acquire X allies during this scenario before the decks are empty. There are extra allies to acquire." Hannibal gave the figures in an earlier post, but it's really not as bad as it sounds with 30 turns, extra allies, and no real reason to not spam extra explorations all game, since there's no real dangerous combat nor longevity to consider. When you've got the number of allies, you can just wait out the clock if you really want. The thing is that even if Black Magga eats 4 cards a turn (worst-case scenario in nonlegendary) it's still surprisingly easy to beat. With blessings and allies, an average character can usually make about 3 explorations a turn or so, and you can intentionally choose locations with the most allies or with extra location effects (Academy, General Store). Black Magga will randomly pick locations, whether they have 3 allies, 1 ally or 0 allies - or even an entirely empty location deck. Black Magga gets less productive turns due to the randomness, and later on in the game will outright waste turns over and over whilst you do cleanup on the location decks that started with the most allies. Just always keep track of how many allies you expect to see in a given location deck. Don't be afraid to dump most, or all, of your party in a single location that is stacked with allies or is giving you some significant benefit for being there. The question to ask, regarding how you're doing, isn't "How much is Black Magga eating", but "How many allies do you have at the end of the game?" The later line of text is all that matters, and the lack of anyone saying an answer suggests to me that a lot of people are early-forfeiting even though they were probably winning the whole time, or had a good chance at winning.
  7. Those links work, but the wild cards are incomplete, I think, at least for Quest Mode. I'm almost certain that in the later tiers I've found one or two not on that list, and I'm certain that the numerical values can scale higher than what's suggested there (such as "4 difficulty increase to acquire boons").
  8. Strictly speaking, they MIGHT be doing that. We'll be hearing on confirmation about the described bonuses to pre-existing players based on a number of factors, hinted in the stream, in the days leading up to release. I doubt it's as straightforward and generous as that, and if it was then I think they should've led their announcements with that explanation if so, but it's not impossible.
  9. The stream's finished? As a result of timezones and work hours, I've been unable to catch any of it; could anyone write up the cliff notes on it? Unless there'll be a blog covering it anyway. Solely from the term alone, Pathfinder Ambassador implies to me some kind of bonus for pre-existing mobile players, presumably for those whom have already unlocked the content that will be 'bundled in' by default in the PC version either by purchasing the RotR bundle through microtransactions or in-game gold. Similar to the Nintendo/3DS Ambassador program given out for 3DS early adopters, before the global price drop. If that is the case, that sounds like an EXCELLENT compromise (one that I'd considered the potential of myself, given my experience with the 3DS ambassador program), assuming the rewards/bonuses are sufficiently pleasing. A rune to increase gold gain permanently? An exclusive character-alt? New players could presumably just install the mobile version and buy the bundle there after getting the PC version if they felt left out. Of course, I'm snowballing ideas here based on literally a 2-word phrase brought up in a stream I didn't watch, so I'm likely making a fool of myself.
  10. The feeling of progression is a powerful draw to many - myself included - to such a degree that I tend to prefer a CCG over, say, a Living Card Game or something else that gives everything 'in the box'. PACG is somewhere in between the "acquire more cards in time" and "own all cards at the beginning" by nature of the rules regarding character growth and card acquisition, with the digital version enforcing that in a way that's simply up to the honor code on the physical version. (I wouldn't see why you'd purchase a game like that just to cheat, but the temptation "ah I was just off by one by the dice, I can re-roll that, losing this would mean I'd have to re-do the whole scenario and that's a waste of my time" is always there, and repeatedly giving into it will damage the enjoyability of the game in some peoples' eyes.) With the PC version, it does SOUND like a lot of the progression will be gone, but not all - at least not without the Obsidian bundle. There's still some treasure to acquire, possibly character-alts, possibly new content outside of the Rise of the Runelords adventure path, I think, including the Goblin adventure? Honestly I'm not 100% sure based on the news we've been given, but I would assume that the expectation, or benefits, of grinding will still exist. I hope so, as it both supports the optional microtransaction model as well as actually add value to a certain subset of players. Other player groups, meanwhile, find content gated behind grinding or further transactions infuriating and unnecessary, so it's a mixed bag all around. The mobile/PC thing is the big thing that gets me. From what I've heard, I serve to gain no content whatsoever to move to PC, but have to pay - in AUD and on the Steam store - likely upwards of $30. Some of my best game purchases in the past years have been some top-notch roguelite or other Steam indie title, or game on sale, for about half that price, so it's extremely hard for me to justify the expenditure for almost literally nothing. But I recognize, financially, why they want to shift models (and I suspect the microtransactions in the mobile version weren't quite as profitable as foreseen), it's just so difficult for them to do with an established player base already existing, and I have a host of concerns as to what this means to players both new and old. We'll see what information comes out, but I find it hard to justify a $25+ purchase or recommendation on a game that can be installed for free - even if it's content that you have to grind up towards.
  11. I hope with the new content, - or even with existing content - that there will be some kind of significant difficulty increase to come. As of now, with treasure card-based boons thrown in by default, combined with these one-use rune bonuses, I worry that players may find the game difficulty trivial once they have a vague grasp of the mechanics. I didn't find the Rise of the Runelords adventure path difficult to start with as-is, so I really don't particularly see the need here.
  12. There are a few elements to consider here, many of which can be solved by reading the rulebook either in-game or the PDF of the board game this is based on. But to answer your questions (and correct your statements briefly). -This is not designed as a collectible card game, and as per the standard board game rules, all cards that you do not choose to keep as a part of your party of characters' decks (defined by their Card List/Card Feats) are 'returned to the box', meaning they return to the pool of cards that can show up in further adventures. You do not get to 'save them'. In the board game, this is extremely important, because otherwise you'd eventually run out of cards to populate the scenario location decks with, if you just keep putting more and more and more of them aside for your own benefits. -The Vault is simply a list of all cards that it is POSSIBLE for you to encounter, since you can add more cards to potentially show up in the game via purchasing treasure chests. As a result, yes, all cards that don't go into your deck return to the vault, or 'box', which is simply the list of what you may or may not come across in scenarios/location decks. -Your statement that your Rogue 'didn't have proficiency for ranged weapons' doesn't actually make sense. In the card game, there is only 'proficiency with weapons', or 'no proficiency at all'. The rogue character, Merisiel, does have proficiency with weapons. She doesn't have the ranged SKILL, but weapons that have the ranged trait always say "For your combat check, use your Dexterity OR Ranged skill + (some other bonus)", whilst a melee weapon will generally say "For your combat check, use your Strength OR Melee skill + (some other bonuses)". Since the rogue has a full d12 dexterity die, and only a d8 strength die, she's extremely capable of using weapons like the Returning Throwing Axe, even if she doesn't technically have a 'ranged' Skill. She's still proficient, and has a huge dexterity die. In fact, both Dagger and Dark rely on the exact same stats, but are generally worse cards, so you really probably shouldn't downgrade like that. EDIT: I'm sorry, I was thinking of a different version of Merisiel from another set. You're correct, Merisiel does not start with proficiency with weapons... though I would argue that you should give her that on your first Power Feat (I believe as a reward for completing scenario 1-3). So yes, the throwing axe might be more difficult for her to use than the dart or dagger for now, but it will become a lot better soon. ======================================= -Finally, an important caveat. If you've been watching the recent updates, you may have heard of the upcoming 'stash' feature. In a couple of weeks this game will get an update that will actually allow you to keep up to 10 cards outside of your party decks in-between scenarios, which is kind of what you're expecting, it sounds like. Furthermore, purchased treasure chest cards will be automatically dumped there, I think, or something along those lines have been hinted. So you would be able to 'collect' up to a small number of extra cards to swap in and out at will, like a 'sideboard'.
  13. The oddity here is that they're selling a game that they were already (and are continuing) to give away for free on a different device. Pathfinder Adventure used the free to play with microtransactions model, a model that, traditionally, assumes cross-platform support and continuance when release on different devices. For example; Digital card games (which are a similar genre), including Eternal, Hearthstone, Solforge, Elder Scrolls Legends, Star Realms, Shadow Era and a number of other titles that exist both on Steam and on mobile devices, all with the same payment model, all allowing login via the same account, and all sharing account progression. If the game already cost a certain amount, and you had to re-buy it on Steam, that'd make a certain degree more sense, though that raises new problems. Notably, mobile games typically do better with microtransaction systems on free games, whereas traditional game purchases/selling costs historically do quite poorly (as a single data point: XCOM Enemy Unknown on Tablets - almost the same as the PC game, portable, about a quarter to a fifth of the price, and overall still pretty mediocre sales). It's a lose-lose situation. Charge on mobile and you risk mobile sales. Give it away for free on mobile and you risk PC sales (because, again, you're asking people to spend $25 - a LOT more than a lot of fantastic indie games already on the market, let alone Steam Sale titles at any given point in time) when buyers know they can get almost the same content for free. I feel that they should have left the free to play model as already exists for the Steam/GOG release, and look into alternative or more extended options for microtransactions to continue financing the title, avoiding this awkward situation. But, I'm not a business analyst (at least not in this field...), nor do I have any knowledge as to the overall finances behind the production and marketing of this title. Either way. The promise of "get all future DLC forever with this pack", combined with the sudden large up-front cost for... well, no content, effectively (because, again, it's actually all free on the tablet/mobile version), has led me strongly to the assumption that the intent is to release one to three large new batches of content, then cease development on the game. If long-term support was on the table (read: Further adventure paths), they wouldn't offer the Obsidian package like they have, and the up-front cost strikes me as something that may simply be there to hopefully get enough people to buy to recoup losses in a short period of time, regardless of the longer term issues of having two simultaneous, identical games, one for $0 and one for $25. But I'm happy to be proved wrong, and looking forward to more details. That said, if there isn't really any benefit to using the PC version (automatically getting some content that I already own or could buy with gold on the tablet version doesn't count), then I suspect most of the Steam reviews will just be "Not recommended" saying "Great game, but want to know how to get it on sale for 100% off? Install it on your mobile device". Unless more news comes out to clarify otherwise how this works, that'll certainly be my honest review.
  14. The Obsidian Edition providing 'all future DLC' makes me somewhat concerned for the longevity of the game, as it implies to me they, for example, have no intent of adding in the full additional sets (Skulls & Shackles, etc) and building into a full digital platform for the entirety of the PACG. Of course, whether they would have or not was entirely up to how successful the digital version went, and what Paizo wanted out of Obsidian, but at this rate unless they released the adventures as different games that seems... less than likely, since it likely wouldn't be a fraction as profitable as Rise of the Runelords. Also, I'm waiting for the full details on the pricing for people with accounts... but if you own all of the content (or effectively all) on the mobile device, whether earned in-game or purchased with real currency... do you really need to spend that all again to play on PC? That feels... really off to me. I dramatically prefer playing on PC to tablet, but if I'm getting no additional content but paying $25 for the privilege I don't really see how I can justify it. I already own all of the adventures, all of the characters, some of the alt-skins, over 90 odd treasure chest purchases and a bunch of dice solely from about $10, a lot of grinding, and a code. Should I pay 250% more for... nothing?
  15. Just confirming the bugs continue. No longer listing them in depth, but off the cuff, a couple more examples: -Oddities with Corrosive Storm when it tries to deal damage to other characters with no hands (or perhaps triggers regarding closing a location/henchman defeat was the problem), discovered in Story Mode. Basically it stays on the screen, doesn't leave, and then when my next character does an exploration he encounters Corrosive Storm as if it was in the location deck (which it most certainly wasn't). -Plays Sihedron Ring to prevent 'before you act' damage from Goblin Commando, then can't play Amulet of Mighty Fists into the check. Even though the Ring clearly has the text "You may play another item on this check". Between that and the aforementioned 'infinite damage reduction', it's clear the Sihedron Ring is simply mis-coded, presumably allowing *itself* to be played again, rather than *any other* item to still be played. Flagged the wrong variable, I imagine.
  16. Oh for goodness sakes. Last one for real. This is just me venting now. Gamebreaking bug ahoy. ----------------------------------------------------- 21. (also known as Bug #20.5) Fighting through this Zombie Horde goes fine... until my entire party have fought them all off. And it still has the "Next" menu showing, but I don't have any more party members to throw at it. Clicking the blue arrow (to auto-select the next party member to fight it) just spawns a Zombie Minion card visual on the right, but doesn't exit the menu or start a check, and pressing the arrow again causes another Zombie Minion card visual on top of the existing one on the right side of the screen, the small animation causing the text to appear to double-up and blur. Even after reloading the app, there is NO way to leave this "Next" menu to finish the horde... and in fact the zombies are appearing in the deck infinitely. Here's a picture to prove it (see the location deck number!). What an absolute farce. Yet another forced forfeit, as if I haven't been pushed into enough of those. And yes, pressing "X" does nothing. Removes the Zombie Minion image, but not the menu, so I have no choice but to keep spawning more. ----------------------------------------------------- Side note, yes, as a recent thread on the subreddit points out, Lini has a hugely exploitable bug that gives her infinite d4s against any check where she has an animal in hand and can use Beast Form.
  17. Oh goodness things are just getting worse. ----------------------------------------------------- 20. On Sajan's turn, he uses a healing potion on Lem at the same location as him. With his "Bring me another!" ability, he chooses to try to recharge the potion rather than banish it. I switch to Lem to use Bardic Performance to help the Fortitude Check, recharging Heat Metal to do so. Uh... ...Without even rolling the dice, as I use Bardic Performance, the appearance/animation of the Potion being banished plays, and the dice/check disappears. But there's the ability to cancel out? So I cancel out, and suddenly the check returns. Still a Fortitude 6 check, now with Lem's bonus die, but it says its a fortitude roll for Zombie Horde (!?) instead of Healing potion. Switching back to Sajan still has the (bizarre) check up, but also has the option of exploring (The location deck glows). I quit to main menu and reload. The check has disappeared again, though Heat Metal is still overlaid under Lem's deck as if ready to be recharged. I cancel out/drag it out, and all seems fine, and Sajan can continue to explore. But no check occurs, and the Healing Potion has been banished. I explore, and the top card of the Location deck is Zombie Horde. So... some variables got mixed up, clearly, and it somehow made the potion banish itself half-way through me adding modifiers to the check, and the check defaulted to trying to make the same DC but applied to the top location deck card (Zombie Horde) for no effect. Absolutely bizarre. I'm probably going to leave my bug reports at this flat 20. I'm certain I'll be coming across more at this rate, but I simply don't have the energy to continue to report on this avalanche of bugs when I'm getting no official response whatsoever on any of it. EDIT: Just confirming that "Lem's Bardic Performance auto-banishes liquids that are attempting to be recharged, then causes more odd occurrences to trigger, especially on a reset" is repeatable, at least on my system. So much for my strategy of combining Drunken Master with Bardic Performance for easy repeat healing potions and the like... -----------------------------------------------------
  18. Really, much like my experience with Story mode, I swear bugs start showing up *more* as I get further into Quest Mode, such that things that were not originally bugged now are. ----------------------------------------------------- 19. Bizarre handling of checks in corner cases. Alright, so this is hard to explain, so I'll just describe what has happened (and is happening) in sequence. 1. Lini encounters Icy Hooked Hammer. Gets a 1d4 to roll for it, as she has only a d4 for strength/melee. This is her second exploration for the turn, and the previous one (which led to combat) had my Lem use Incendiary Cloud, therefore giving her a +2d4 for the combat check at the time, though the effect is still in play for further combat. 2. I use Beast form to discard a Blessing of Pharasma from my hand. I end up with... 2d10? I've switched my strength die to 1d10, but there shouldn't be any other bonus. Furthermore, I can't play a blessing, so it seems to have discarded Pharasma for its effect *and* caused me to use wild form at the same time. 3. I cancel out (press the red X), and I return to... 2d4? Again, it seems to be acting as if I have played a blessing, even though none are missing from my hand. But sure enough, I can't play the Blessing of Pharasma on my hand anymore. I can switch back to 2d10 with Beast Form, but my *intended* play (discard Pharasma for d10, then discard Blessing of Torag for 3d10) is not available. Attempting to discard Blessing of Torag for my check doesn't change anything, just sets to 2d10. There's a small possibility the Incendiary Cloud ongoing effect is relevant, but it just seems to be a mishandling of recharging/discarding as part of a cost with a card that already has an on recharge/discard effect, and therefore may be linked to bug #17 above. That said, it doesn't happen all of the time, and I swear it seems to occur more in older saves, implying possible memory-related issues. -----------------------------------------------------
  19. Few more bugs. Keeping my descriptions a little shorter at this point. All experienced in Quest Mode. ----------------------------------------------------- 16. Issue with "+2d4 to checks against Giants" scenario rule causing odd glitches with certain henchmen, leading to them being auto-shuffled back into the deck or automatically defeated. Another bug report thread already exists on this topic. 17. Invalid stacking/application of bugs continue. An example - on a Divine check, Lem uses Bardic Performance (Solo Performance to use it on himself), recharging Father Zantus from his hand in order to give +1d4+3 to the check. However, instead the Divine check gets +2d4+3 to the check, as if I had also recharged Father Zantus for his effect (for an additional 1d4 for a Divine check), presumably. Invalid stacking, you can't recharge the same card for two different effects. 18. Giant Weasel vault card can be incorrectly applied to checks. For example, Lini uses Holy Light in combat, and so is now using her Divine stat (and 2d6) for her Combat check. The option to Discard Weasel for its effect is available, and doing so adds another 1d6. However, Giant Weasel states that it adds 1d6 to a MELEE combat check, not any combat check, and is therefore an invalid play, and another bug. -----------------------------------------------------
  20. Now that I'm up to that point in Quest Mode, finding odd experiences as well. Notably, with the +2d4 to Giant checks as a scenario power, I've encountered 2 Graul Ogrekin, both were buffed, then rolled a 2 for their effect, and then... ...banished/defeated themselves. No check. I'm given the option to close and everything. Huh. Speedrunning strategies. -_-' EDIT: Yep, depending on the rolls, they tend to auto-defeat themselves or auto-evade, at least some/most of the time. Some kind of funky variable handling going on.
  21. And another bug again. This time in Quest Mode. Moderately gamebreaking. ----------------------------------------------------- 15. Defeating the henchman Dr. Habe at the Junk Beach location, with Dr. Habe being the only card left in the location deck (he'd been encountered before and not defeated due to his effect shuffling him back) caused the When Closing effect to trigger (summon and defeat a Poison Trap Henchman). Dr Habe remained visible underneath the 0-card location deck. Defeating the Poison Trap henchman did not close the location, but instead spawned another one. As a precaution, I exited to main menu and reloaded back in, but I had to continue to fight the second one. Defeating it ended my exploration phase (and DID NOT give me a chance to discard a blessing to explore again or anything), but did NOT close the location. Dr. Habe remained on my UI below the (empty) location deck, and even on other character's turns (at other locations) he appeared in that spot. Dr. Habe never appeared to be banished or otherwise defeated, nor did his on-defeat effect (examine the top 3 cards of a location deck) ever trigger. Result effects - Junk Beach remained open and not able to be permanently closed (any attempt to do so would spawn a trap, but defeating it would not close it) and Dr. Habe remained stuck indefinitely on my screen. Restarts did not help. As with the Muck Graul bugs and other messy loops, not worth my time to work around and I instead forfeited the scenario. EDIT: Actually I hung around to test a bit more. Defeating another henchman, for some reason, cleared off Dr. Habe, and presumably would have let me close the Junk Beach without error, now. It also triggered Dr. Habe's 'examine' effect. Still forfeited - lost too many turns combined with the -5 starting blessings wildcard and my 5 person party. -----------------------------------------------------
  22. Thanks for the response, Hannibal, I've ended up continuing. Finished the story mode and am digging through questing after expanding my vault via a code giveaway from Reddit recently. Will look into getting a physical copy, though a lack of opportunity to play it may mean I end up playing over tabletop simulator or the like instead. Anyone interested in running a game over TTS? With that said, I'll continue to post notable bugs - specifically ones that generally aren't solved by a reset to main menu and back, and/or ones that consistently occur. Bug #14. ------------------------- 14. Burying "Cape of Escape" to move a character at another character's turn (giveaway card step/start of turn) will cause that character to move to the exploration phase *and* remove their ability to explore, except via discarding a blessing or other effect. Example sequence of events from my game (Quest mode). Lem closes a location, ends turn. Valeros begins. In case I topdeck the villain, and before Valeros does anything at all, I have Lem bury Cape of Escape to move him to an adjacent location (yes, should have done so before Lem's end of turn before his hand reset, but this isn't arguing misplays/strategy). Valeros no longer has the option to giveaway a card, nor move, nor explore anymore, and the indicator in the top-right states he's in the exploration phase/main phase. -------------------------
  23. Yet another bug, this one a potentially gamebreaking one. Also, to be - perhaps - slightly more blunt than is necessary, it is clear that the sheer quantity of bugs that I am experiencing is staggering for a game that has been out for this length of time, and the lack of much discussion on some of these (as far as I can tell) strongly implies that my save file - as I previously considered - may in some way be damaged. I have no idea how that could occur, but would, again, appreciate any guidance on the matter or suggestions as to how to improve my experience with the game as I approach the end of the Story Mode. Again, preferably without losing my progress. ---------------- 12. In the scenario "The Road through Xin-Shalast", my wizard Ezren defeated a henchman at the Temple location, the second henchman to be defeated. This triggered the option to close that location (automatic for the Temple), which I selected "Yes" to. At that point, the villain Ghlorofaex's card appeared to use his ability to damage characters at a random open location. It selected the City Gate, with Valeros in it, and the dice roll appeared for the check to try to resist/avoid the worst of the attack. However, instead of the check occurring, with the viewpoint now on Valeros the "emptying deck" animation from closing the previous location (Temple), and then automatically made my roll without giving me the option to use any cards on the check. Valeros took damage, and the frame returned to Ezren...where the 'emptying deck' animation played again, and the Temple closed. However, Valeros' location of the City Gate now had 0 cards in it, when it previously had 9, though it was not closed. I later closed it, like any location with an empty deck, but this bug wiped the deck out of existence; and a henchman with it! I took a screenshot a few turns afterwards, having closed the City Gate now. The screenshot clearly identifies 4 closed location, but - as per the special rules text on the left - only 3 defeated henchmen. Screenshot as shown. This is potentially gamebreaking because if this had occurred three times, then the scenario would presumably become unwinnable, unless closing all locations tricked the game into ending, because there would not be the option of defeating enough henchmen to trigger the villain appearance as per the special scenario rules. -------------- In addition, I would be grateful to have a moderator, developer or community manager response of some kind; without a response I'm forced to believe that the game is no longer being developed for or supported, and that this forum section no longer has any function. The game, for me, has been on a steady decline from excellent, to occasionally touchy, to buggy, and is fast moving to unplayable with the quantity of bugs I'm coming across on a daily basis. This is potentially gamebreaking because if this had occurred three times, then the scenario would presumably become unwinnable, unless closing all locations tricked the game into ending, because there would not be the option of defeating enough henchmen to trigger the villain appearance as per the special scenario rules. EDIT: Whoa! Bug #13 now. 13. When Ghlorofaex's ability did damage to my Valeros later in that same scenario, I could Reveal Sihedron Ring to reduce the damage from the rolled 5 (1d4+1) to 3... then click on the sihedron ring and press 'reveal' again... and again... and again, until the damage went to 0. Its possible the Ring can do this at ANY point I'm taking damage, but I only recently got the card to check. This is getting increasingly crazy. Either what is wrong with my save, or why can I find nothing on so many of these really serious bugs? EDIT 2: Playing the scenario "Scaling Mhar Massif", approaching the end of the story mode, and I ran into the Muck Graul bug for a third time, as well as one time when I wasn't given the prompt to close a location after defeating a henchman Leng Spider (the game just ended my turn, in fact), as well as a small bug where I, without any card or effect, got a +1 to the d6 roll on encountering a Leng Spider (for some reason?). On top of that, I confirmed on no less than 2 occasions that, yes, I can just re-use Sihedron Ring to reduce any damage to 0 without even needing to discard it by repeatedly revealing it. At this point, with how frequently I abandon games due to the Muck Graul bug, and the countless other considerations, I have to finally admit defeat and consider this game no longer enjoyable, despite how close I am to finishing. The plus side is it has encouraged me to look to purchasing a physical copy of the game, at least.
  24. I've recently discovered another bug, so to avoid spamming threads: ---------------------- 11. When discarding Blessing of Nethys to re-organize the top two cards of the location deck and then explore, Ezren's ability Eldritch Exuberance does not trigger upon acquiring a spell. If the wording of the Blessing referred to "Encountering" the card left on top, I would understand this, but given it explicitly states that you re-organize the top of the deck and then explore, this suggests that - like any other blessing aided exploration - it should give the chance for Eldritch Exuberance to function. When Blessing of Nethys resolves, the top card is immediately encountered in how the game handles it, rather than the requirement to click or drag on the location deck like other blessings allow, which suggests it is coded differently; presumably the cause of this bug. --------------------- In addition, after re-reading the "Reporting Issues: Useful Information to Provide" thread, a few possibly helpful bits of information that apply in terms of under what conditions I have experienced all (or almost all) of the above bugs. -My device is a Galaxy Note 10.1, running Android Version 4.1.2. -Pass And Play is off -Permadeath is off -Story Mode -Most bugs were found in a party of the following characters, generally in the following order: Seelah, Ezren, Amiri, Valeros
  25. Largely cross posted (with some editing) from my post on the Pathfinder ACG subreddit where I was looking to see if any of the community was experiencing similar issues or whether my save file is somehow corrupted, because the sheer quantity of bugs as I move through adventure decks 4, 5 and 6 (many of which were not occurring early in the adventure) is staggering. Note this is for the Pathfinder Digital ACG on Android. It is an up-to-date version. PFID#: BFAD46EC71D603F Issue #10 is, by far, the most gamebreaking one, and one that I have experienced 3 times, each of them have ultimately caused me to forfeit a scenario due to the intense damage and frustration caused, and has probably put me off from playing the digital version of the game any further for the time being. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issues have included, but not limited to: 1. Characters having 'exclamation points' to indicate they could help in a check outside of their turn, but frequently being incorrect. Seelah in particular almost ALWAYS has one, which I think is because it thinks she can use Inspired Grace on other turns. This tends to get worse as a scenario runs on, with it rarely popping up early on. 2. Medusa Mask, when used by Amiri and then Amiri moves at end of turn, 'drags' the monster away to where she moves to, rather than staying at the proper location deck. Very upsetting when a leader pops out in a new location when I thought I'd locked it on a different location deck! (Note this has been identified on these forums previously) 3. When trying to use Amiri's Barbarian Rage with an empty hand, or hands where all of my cards are already revealed for use in the check - specifically with the Frothing Rage modification that allows me to bury from my deck instead - the extra bonus and dice are added immediately without any card actually being buried. That is to say, from an empty hand I get it for 'free', no need to bury a card at all. This could be construed as a small exploit, and given that there is a progression system in the game that takes the place of microtranscations, that renders it as a possibly significant concern, and I've found it perfectly replicable on my Adventure save. 4. Certain powers not functioning when not on a players turn, apparently for no reason. Specifically, the "Shaman" ally (that allows each character at your location to randomly 'heal' a card from discard) never lets me press the 'continue' button after selecting characters if its played on any turn but the owner of the ally. 5. Sometimes heals just... don't work, at all. As in, Seelah has 6 cards in discard, I roll 4 to heal 5 (nobody else at the location to target), and... she still has 6 cards in discard. Mostly happens when I try to heal during a different character's turn and click through the die-roll animation quickly. 6. Seelah's Inspired Grace bonus being ignored if I 'roll' the dice before the animation is finished, even though the dice shows up - the value isn't counted. 7. Various oddities with buffs. For example, when I discard a dagger to improve my attack with, say, a sword, with Valeros, the bonus is applied normally... but I get a prompt to use the Close Quarters effect, though I'm not making a ranged attack. Clicking it usually gives me an extra flat +1 for... no given reason. I believe the 1d4+1 being given by what I'm discarding is having the flat +1 applied again for no apparent reason. 8. Various bugs with timing. For example, I move Amiri at end-of-turn to a temple, which causes her to discard, and then boots her to the exploration phase (allowing her to explore again if she uses a blessing/ally), and then when she ends her turn again ignoring the move herself or move-other capability. She never gets to move another, in fact. Also, weirdness has occurred where I've reset my hand, then triggered some end-of-turn effect, location-based usually, and then been forced/allowed to discard or recharge, and then it resets my hand again. 9. Questionable rules interpretation. When a location states "you may only play one card in a check, regardless of type"... the fact I have a blizzard or incendiary cloud out before the check begins prevents me from playing in anything at all? Is that intentional? That is, before my exploration phase, I play Blizzard on myself, then I explore and encounter a creature and suddenly cannot use anything in my hand whatsoever. A lot of the above bugs have occurred when multiple effects try to resolve simultaneously. The final listed one here, though, is actively game-breaking and I've had multiple issues with, and is further making me consider whether my save file has an issue, since I find it impossible to think that it would have passed QA. 10. Muck Graul is broken beyond measure when two characters, neither with the capacity for fire damage, are on the same location as it when its encountered. In multiple different circumstances I've been in that position and the following occurs (using the character names of Valeros and Amiri for demonstration, as both have run into this exact bug). -One character (Valeros) encounters and fights Muck Graul. Passes the combat check, but doesn't have the fire trait. As a part of Muck Graul's effect, the other character on location encounters it. -The second character (Amiri) encounters and fights Muck Graul. Passes the combat check, but doesn't have the fire trait. -The UI shows the Muck Graul icon below the location deck... and another Muck Graul is summoned, fighting Amiri again. Sometimes it seems to switch back to Valeros here. (Bug #10.1) -Every time the Muck Graul is defeated, it appears to be resummoned over and over, usually against the same character. Furthermore, the location deck size is increasing as this occurs, presumably as more Muck Grauls are thrown in, as the indicator for the number of Monster cards is also increasing. -By returning to main menu and pressing continue, or even by hard-resetting the app by closing and re-opening the game, I return to the last Muck Graul fight I was in. Defeating this Muck Graul does end the cycle... but I'm left on the character's turn whom was last fighting it, even if they didn't originally encounter it. In this scenario, I am now on Amiri's turn, not Valeros'. (Bug #10.2) -Further explorations of that location deck will be Muck Graul. Specifically, I believe that each Muck Graul was being stacked on the top, not the bottom, of the location deck for some reason, since repeat explorations (with each bug being partially controlled by closing and re-opening the app) repeatedly will encounter Muck Graul over and over, with the location deck size only decreasing if I actually deal with a Muck Graul with fire, and only repeatedly doing that for every time the Muck Graul 'replicated' , exploration by exploration, to have a hope of clearing them from the deck. (Bug #10.3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The infinite Muck Graul fights keep turning up, and adjusting my decks to prevent the largely gamebreaking state is infeasible unless I jump back to an earlier adventure and start downscaling/downpowering my deck through multiple largely pointless run throughs of earlier scenarios for weak fire-based weapons (of which very few exist outside of Treasure-chest only cards), or level up a new character. Once again, I recognize for the distinct possibility that the sheer quantity of bugs may be due to a save file issue rather than a game one, in which case I'd like guidance as to how to possibly 'fix' my save (preferably without losing over 5 adventures, most of which were completed through both Normal and Heroic, and some in Legendary, and multiple levelled characters, all in progress)... and understand how that could have happened in the first place. I've owned the digital game for about 20 days, and whilst I've played it heavily, I do not understand how it could be displaying such issues after such a short time.
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