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Everything posted by smjjames

  1. Quoting myself on another forum: I don't think he realizes how hard it is to make an amendment to the constitution, and it might actually be enough to trigger the various paramilitaries into trying to overthrow Trump because tyranny. /quote After all, Presidents trying to crown themselves monarches for life is the reason why those militias exist.
  2. RIP the spambots that get the touch of death from liking the thread.
  3. Bad in what way? Also implying that water has any alcohol in it.
  4. His business background is in real estate though, I don't think he's ever actually dealt directly with anything that deals with material products.
  5. And Trump apparently sent the DOW into a nosedive with that tweet of his: https://twitter.com/steveliesman/status/969537929503825920 He's gonna crash Wall Street at this rate.
  6. How deep does his stupidity go? Well... sounds like it's time to get out of the stock market again. He obviously has no clue as to what he's talking about
  7. 4 out of 8 on there. I consider myself to be on the (extreme) edge of millenial as I was born in '83. 6: I was in my teens when I got a cellphone, 14 ish somewhere around there.
  8. Okay, here's a real one, There's a church (a cult rather) in Pennsylvania that literally worships guns: bbc photos article where I saw it first: www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43231638 NPR article linked to on another forum: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/03/01/589808670/ar-15s-are-biblical-rod-of-iron-at-pennsylvania-church?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20180301 And I mean literally worshipping guns, it takes the whole gun thing to another level entirely.
  9. Since we don't have a wtf thread... For some reason, the 2018 celebrity deaths thread keeps getting liked by spambots, what in the wierd....
  10. * It just appears that way due to the two main parties being different from typical European parties in that they're big-tent parties. *copy and paste somehow didn't grab chilloutmans name, but I'm not bothering to fix it here.
  11. No surprise that they're cannibalizing each other over there.
  12. She resigned by her own choice, not fired by Trump or otherwise forced out, at least as far as we know.
  13. Siri is the "intelligent personal assistant" thats part of most Apple smart devices. And quite often used by people as SatNav from their phones. So if your smartphones SatNav voice asks to be let out of the car... I know what siri is, but I'm not sure if siri actually said that or the image is trying to make a joke about something else.
  14. Not seeing the funny in that one, is there supposed to be some visual joke or some kind of error?
  15. Sorry. Not sure why sharp_one double posted it though. I'm on moderated que. Mod need to approve my post before it shows. Wierd that both of you managed to post the same thing though.
  16. Sorry. Not sure why sharp_one double posted it though. As an aside, is anybody getting a warning about prefetching or precaching being allowed when you press the back button after clicking on page five for this thread when on page six? I don't even use google accelerate or anything that does precaching. Probably the forum software being a bit derpy.
  17. Very subtle that one, lol.
  18. Pfft, he started the 2020 campaign almost immediately after inauguration, including all the trappings of a campaign. Though it was in part to pay for his legal bills (which is kind of scammy if you ask me). Practically the embodiment of the eternal campaigning that US poilitics has gotten into.
  19. Theres still the dress uniforms though....
  20. Pretty sure that proverb isn't restricted to the bible, theres probably similar meaning proverbs if you just look around.
  21. I don't get what the word engage would have to do with an old-fashioned (and a somewhat ornately decorated one at that) sewing machine. Something about the fabric of space maybe? Captain Picard: "Make it sew." Oh, heh, that is rather corny. XD
  22. I don't get what the word engage would have to do with an old-fashioned (and a somewhat ornately decorated one at that) sewing machine. Something about the fabric of space maybe?
  23. That's a terrible pun, lol.
  24. I can imagine the cat going 'what are you laughing at?' and looking to find the funny. I'm guessing they're supposed to break those pots, and those two generals (or top brass anyway) look completely unimpressed. I think their mistake was that they chose pots that are rather thick as they look thick.
  25. HA! Good Fun! ps @ gd: is sad/funny to do searches for little kids who were suspended or expelled for making the finger-gun gesture at a school. is not a singular oddity. This poor kid didn't even do that much. He just commented the radix a symbol used in math for some 700 years no is not more looked like a pistol. I guess we'll ban square roots and radicals from class now. It will make math a little easier for the kids. It will be problematic for the future advances in science and engineering though. At least for American students. If someone mentions the + looks like a rifle cross hair maybe we can get addition banned too. Better stop teaching vector product in high schools. Better safe than sorry. It doesn't even vaguely look like a gun IMO, and yes the (over)reaction there was totally dumb.
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