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About Munky_

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. Graphics are less important to me than it running well on decent hardware. This post is brought to you by the news Starfield will be running at 30fps on console.
  2. I agree. I was disappointed to learn that this is shaping up to be The Outer Worlds, but fantasy. Hopefully they can avoid the issues that plagued that title.
  3. This is anecdotal, but the setting of Deadfire did not appeal to my group of friends. Magic on the high seas is a cool concept, but to base an entire game around the setting might have been a bit much. Maybe people need to feel grounded to something more traditional if the IP is unfamiliar? It's a shame because it's a beautiful game.
  4. Thanks buddy. Much appreciated!
  5. I never realized how much I wanted a bird companion for my Ranger until now....
  6. I couldn't find anything out there so I'm assuming not. It would be a lot cooler if you did. Are there any Discord communities out there? Cheers!
  7. Is the original post going to be updated or do I need to search through all 13 pages? ...I'll probably just search through all 13 pages anyways.
  8. An obvious advantage would be having 10 free badass points from the get go.
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