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Everything posted by Madrigaelle

  1. If someone can help me with this one :
  2. J'en ai vu une petite lors d'une conversation avec Caedman Azo, dans la tour des animanciens, dans la zone de l'Escalier Sacré. "Angry mob" a été traduit par "Monstre hargneux". Dans le contexte, ce serait plutôt "Foule en colère". Je ferais une capture d'écran si je retombe dessus.
  3. So do I. I backed PoE2 just after relationship announcement. I'm not upset but disapointed. It leave me a bitter-sweet taste as I was expecting it. I'll play the game anyway but I'm not enjoying it as I should for the moment. (sorry for bad english )
  4. About Xoti, I had a romance option she didn't rebuke, although I have a Female Watcher. (Sorry for my bad english, it's not my mother tongue. Funny things can happen.)
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