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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. Never! *performs a triple drain life manuver* *pink side weakens*
  2. *uses force crush* *trooper gets crushed*
  3. *suffers a 2 point constitution loss but is still able to deflect* *employs force stasis which freezes trooper*
  4. The Pink Side will never fail, fool! Now, for the honor and glory of the Pink Side and Lady Kazic and Darth Gandalf! *Attacks Bokishi with Vibrosword* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *pulls out dual sabers* Now you shall see the true power.
  5. Nooooooooo! 2 followers now. It's getting bigger, but it can be stopped, it still can!
  6. I see you've succombed to the Pink Side already. I always knew you were weak. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Old news, man. I've been Kazic's right hand man for some time now, and I'm her apprentice. I feel the pink side flowing through me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Then we shall duel, winner determines the fate of the galaxy!
  7. I see you've succombed to the Pink Side already. I always knew you were weak.
  8. I can't wait until I can kick Sion's rubber ass.
  9. I want that game. Gimme game now.
  10. I remember that old preview, it went along with the first major update of the lucasarts site, last July or august.
  11. She didn't say review she said preview.
  12. I wonder if jaguars4ever has it now, his Target store puts it out today I think.
  13. Taking Alexia's place are you?
  14. Ur just jealous 'cause you don't have a big thread.
  15. My Idea: Play KOTOR I until KOTOR II comes out
  16. I tried calling when I was near there, but they didn't even answer. So meh, I'll get it tommorow.
  17. And that is the same reason store like EB would not put a game on the shelf prior to the release date, but a chain like Wally World would. The wage slaves at Walmart just grab a box and whatever is in it, so long as it is the right type of item, goes on the shelf. HL2 was on the shelf 2 days prior to the release date at the Walmart in my town, and with one of those goofy "Just Reduced" labels on it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, I don't have much respect for big chain stores when they pull off stuff like that. It seems to me that they pull off this kinda things, because they won't get punished by it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The thing is that even if they do get hit with a fine from the publisher for putting a game out on the shelf early it would barely even show up on their end of the year buget outlook. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ya man, those giant retailers would pay off the fine with their bellybutton lint.
  18. Haha, will do. Does that really work? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not only does it work, it really works. Especially coming from a lovely sweet creamy caramel like Kazic. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bad Gandalf! Stop eating Kazic!
  19. There's like a Target near where where I am driving tommorow, how convienent can you get?
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