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Posts posted by Bokishi

  1. Then how were they able to build all of those wooden contraptions and what not? Plus I hear about wookies becoming jedi in the EU.


    Having enough intelligence to be able to build simple contraptions and having enough intelligence or sentience to have full command of the Force is two different things. A predator in the wild knows how to set traps for its prey, but that doesn't mean that if it broke in to my house it would be intelligent enough to turn on my computer and send email. Ewoks have primitive intelligence that allows them simple thought. My guess (btw, this is just my opinion, since my word is by no means 'canon') is you need much more than that to control the Force.


    As for wookiees, they're supposed to be intelligent beings. Don't forget they're great with mechanical devices and their technological abilities are quite high. Yes, they live in the trees, but unlike ewoks and lesser "creatures", wookiees are considered quite intelligent and thus why it's not unfounded to have a Force strong wookiee.


    Interesting point, but is it intelligence that drives the force at all? Can't the force work as it may and on any living creature? I'm at the impression that controling the force is less about brain power, but more about shutting out any form of thought and merely feeling what the force is. Was Anakin Skywalker such a mechanical genious because of intelligence, or was he merely force-enhanced?

  2. you cant call me or my actions ignorant and then speak about courtesy.

    thats just plain ignorant  :rolleyes:


    You don't deserve courtesy when you're being obnoxious and ignorant towards those who don't want the game ruined for them.


    And instead of this whole pursecution complex, I'll let you know that I'd call someone who is defending the game ignorant if they put spoilers as well.


    I could care less what you think of the game. What I do care about is not having the game ruined for me because some spoiled brat can't even bother to put the thread in the right forum. :thumbsup:


    you're the coolest



    thanks for calling me a spoiled brat.

    I appreciate that too.


    and if you took the time to read the thread (which you haven't) you would see that many defenders of KOTOR II have leaked spoilers as well.


    but you're not concerned with with them are you?


    can we get back to discussing the game, or do you want to insult my mother next?


    Well the thing that they are complaining about is that this thread contains spoilers and you put it in the general discussions section, where some of the posters that hang out here don't have the game yet. You should have put this thread in the Story Line section, where you can discuss this game with others who have it.

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