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Posts posted by Bokishi

  1. Incidently, Bendak was a Mandalorian.  :-"



    Besides, since I went on to defeat Bendak Starkiller, I must have given the guy a massive self-esteem boost. At least until he died gruesomely in Malak's bombardment.

    Funny you would say that. It seems originally Deadeye Duncan was supposed to survive the bombardment and escape the planet. You would encounter him later on Manaan. For some reason that encounter got cut before release, but it's still in the game and there was this mod to re-enable it. It wasn't really completed and so there was a glitch with it but it's still fun. :)


    Yeah, Bio has a finesse for that sort of thing. The re-encounter with Komad (Tatooine--->Kashyyk), and Yuthura (Koriban--->Dantooine), were really nice touches.


    The Opo Chano re-counter in TSL (Telos--->Nar Shadaa) was HORRIBLY implemented. First he's standing at the docking bay shuttle at Telos, and he's in his apartment in Nar Shadaa, rinse and repeat. They seems to forget to remove him from Telos and the conversation trees are representable of this. :rolleyes:




    Yet more proof that this game was rushed.

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