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Posts posted by Bokishi

  1. Bokishi, I don't know where to upload the recording. It's a MP3 file, I believe.


    Try different media players if it doesn't work at first. Until I found a place to upload it: Here is a direct 100% complete quote... (Spoiler alert)


    "Betrayals mount, no matter who wins, the Sith will lose. There is no one left with the power to control the Forge. Though many have tried, I've watched them be devoured, their life drained from them as they attempt to tap into its power. Knowing what we do of the Builders and their fate, I'm convinced that Revan did not intend us to keep the Star Forge - to use it would mean the end of the Sith... the end of the Force. I have done as Revan asked and remained here... [recording ends]"


    Now I shall try to find a reliable host...


    Good enough I suppose.


    *imagines entire post being recited in Jennifer Hale's voice*

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