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Lord Mayyn

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Everything posted by Lord Mayyn

  1. i finally got around to seein Fight Club
  2. not even a damn cookie. disappointing
  3. nothing happens. they say theyv learned from you, and that about it.
  4. i hate those damn kinraths. too many on them. i like the kath hounds more. i liked dantooine in kotor 1 more. there was more to explore and it really wasnt as ugly.
  5. exactly. insignificant
  6. Riiiight. Because the quality of the life in between is irrelevant. its more along the lines of that i dont care. i would use children for my army. send a 10 year old in enemy territory with a bomb strapped to his back. genius. the universe is massive. our world is insignificant in comparison. every action you and i make is meaningless on the grand scale.
  7. this is mine.
  8. im glad im getting my point across. thats all i ever wanted.
  9. either they die now or later. it doesnt matter
  10. that was too fast of a transition. you dont become evill just like that. its a long process, ripping little bits of your humanity away. going from inches away from killing the Sith Lord to slaughtering a dozen jedi children doesn't make much sense.
  11. but at least he somewhat regreted that. he even thought about whether he should kill Tyranus or not. i can get that he was angry at the sand people for what they did to his mother, but killing jedi children right after he became Vader???? come on......
  12. anyone else find it odd that right after Anakin embraced the dark side, he was willing to kill children?
  13. holy crap thats funny
  14. mourning palace- Dimmu Borgir
  15. no i didnt. im still trying to find a good enough artist. and one that wont charge a friggin fortion. but i will.
  16. agreed they better make up for it in kotor 3.
  17. the closest thing to a jedi or sith being able to use 2 double-bladed lightsabers is to use them through the force. like Darth Traya did. thats the only way i could think of that would most likely keep all limbs intact.
  18. lets not get into that again. stay on the subject.
  19. but why? its what i am. it gives me purpose, makes me whole. unlike kotor 2's ending......
  20. an actual ending. thats all i wanted. perhaps with meaning and fulfillment. something that would make me say "that it. thats all i needed. i feel complete. i can die now"
  21. Korriban, of course. i love that damn planet. although i did want to go into some of those tombs again. peragus was too long, and so was citadel station. duxn and nar shadaa were so-so and the rest. here on giligans island
  22. What is it with internets and Sadomasochism? But at least you don't have a warped view on gender roles. So that's ok, I guess. Rofl. Well, I certainly dont want to take a venture into these morning woods spoken about. your right. lets get back to the topic. i play too much star wars. i have about 12 games and i always play them. and i find that Battlefront is one of the best.
  23. Bastilas hot. thats a fact. i would pay her major credits to kick my ass.
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