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Posts posted by mant2si

  1. Yeah, but then this last person seems to be a bit sloppy - if he/she thinks that a Firebrand Great Sword with +25% burning lash and 60 sec duration is balanced with a Faith Attuned Great Sword with 20% and 30 secs duration. I will cut her/him some slack when it comes to Scion of Flame and the Ring of Focused Flame - which both push Firebrand further away from the spiritual weapons. Because this can be overlooked by somebody who doesn't play the game a lot and/or theorycrafts build all the times in their head. But the balance mismatch of the plain weapons is obvious now. How can you "balance" this in such a bad way?


    It's like having a scale with 1 pound on the one side and 2 pounds on the other and in order to balance it you put 1 pound onto the weaker side and take away 0.5 pounts on the stronger... :facepalm:

    Yep, I also asked this question to myself when first time saw street-fighter passive which in summary give you more than all damage/recovery-reduce passives from barbarian tree :D



    Do you planning to play solo ? If yes then, you sure should go with scordeo's + palm shield, with this setup your recovery time will come from scrodeo and time parasite, and attack speed from DW. Palm shield will give you +20 Deflection


    You also needed cloak that scaled with history and bracers that give you +7 to deflection


    From stats you only need int, dext, perception and as start bonus gift of machine, With Durance Effigy's Resentment . I suggest at least 14 CON instead of might

    The real problem for this setup only int immune guys and guys with high fortitude (for dragons take helm that give you +10 to acc, for fampyr amulet + saber).

    I'm not sure about Deadly Deadfire, but normal PotD you should complete without problems

    Problem with palm shield is that when enemies move in on you u start b-slapping them instead of shooting.


    Usually PoE encounters have at least 1 - 2 ranger guys, you need only fill your focus and then cast disintegration (for single class cipher it can do around ~600DM per target) 


    I don't understand why people so much complains about figures, alchemy, items, classes nerfs ? Because they can't play on PotD or because their strategy may become useless on next patch ? 


    I like PoE and I see that easier way to balance game is nerf broken/overpowered abilities and skills, and then step by step add new features


    I can't speak for everybody else, but as far as I'm concerned the problem is not with nerfing per se; the problem is with nerfing stuff that never needed to be nerfed (e.g. Baubles of the Fin, all of the speed buffs, Wildstrike and Greater Wildstrike, etc.) and over-nerfing OP stuff so that it no longer adds any value to anything (e.g. Virtuous Triumph at 25%; it went straight from "must-have" to "why bother?")


    Okay I get it, will be interesting to read why obsidian done that (for example why they stop scaling alchemy bonuses at all, why not +2.5% per level ? ), did they do some calculation or testing fights or they have some big plan how to balance game ? :D 

  4. I don't understand why people so much complains about figures, alchemy, items, classes nerfs ? Because they can't play on PotD or because their strategy may become useless on next patch ? 

    I like PoE and I see that easier way to balance game is nerf broken/overpowered abilities and skills, and then step by step add new features

    Maybe Obsidian can create something like trello boar for further changes in the game (roadmap), to helps players understand what will be fixed, changed in next patches, which things obsidian threat as bug (something like this https://trello.com/b/K0C0i8wF/neverwinter-nights-enhanced-edition)


  5. Build 1.2.1 changes


    Antipathetic Field (Now this spell break charm, we don't need it) -> Iron will
    * Added recall agony, because now it didn't take too much time to cast

    One more dragon fight 1.2, PotD + DD, I started use alchemy, so this fight ended at least 1.4x faster, than previous try


  6. Do you planning to play solo ? If yes then, you sure should go with scordeo's + palm shield, with this setup your recovery time will come from scrodeo and time parasite, and attack speed from DW. Palm shield will give you +20 Deflection

    You also needed cloak that scaled with history and bracers that give you +7 to deflection

    From stats you only need int, dext, perception and as start bonus gift of machine,  With Durance Effigy's Resentment . I suggest at least 14 CON instead of might
    The real problem for this setup only int immune guys and guys with high fortitude (for dragons take helm that give you +10 to acc, for fampyr amulet + saber). 
    I'm not sure about Deadly Deadfire, but normal PotD you should complete without problems 

  7. Quickest way right now sort legit without using "bugs" to finish the game quickly is probably


    -take all money upgraded on Berath blessing,

    -stealth as fast as possible through starting island, 

    -buy galleon or junk with the blessing money and get a few double bronzers.

    -Now sink every other ship on map and sell the loot to upgrade your ship. If that money is not enough steal some high valued items and sell them back basically you want to upgrade your ship.

    -sail to Ukaizo hit guardian with a poison attack and stealth out, wait for it to die.

    -finish the game. 


    pure rogue for an easier time or use invisibility potions. 


    Edit: in next patch it will be a bit harder because cost of Junk/Galleon is doubled but I guess you can still do this with a Dhow

    Yep,  if you need TSC just do that, if you want TSC with non rogue character, just brew potion of invisibility, if you don't like rogue you can take paladin with infinity Brand Enemy

  8. Okay 1.2 didn't break this concept, I still can clear solo Queen with Normal Deadly Deadfire mod

    But I also thinking about building good solo Shaman, because with shaman I can do more interesting role-play walk-through (while spell-blade still look more effective and boring)


    I can't found a good  way to build shaman with 2H :( Obsidian should give priests some love


    Checking your stats, you seem to be dumping lot of perception. Dont you have problems with accuracy early on? Considering the build to be viable as solo from the start till the end, not on a showcase fight with optimal gear and on max level?


    What stat distribution would you recommend?

    This build not ready yet, sorry man, the gear not optimal and I still miss some important parts


    You need Berath blessing (yes this solo build will heavy depend on berath blessing, I'm already has build that can do solo hardcore DD without them, now I tried to build something fun)


    16 + 5 (RES) + 4 (Mig) = 25


    06 MIG    -> 8 with blessing   -> 9 with gift of machine -> 10 with potion that give you 1 attribute -> (+15 with inspiration)

    17 CON   -> 19 with blessing -> 20 With Durance Effigy's Resentment -> 21 with belt -> 23 with per rest bonus (+28 with inspiration)

    16 DEX    -> 18 with blessing -> 20 with boots (+25 with inspiration)

    14 PER    -> 16 with blessing -> 19 with drug -> 20 with per rest bonus 

    18 INT      -> 20 with blessing -> 21 with amulet -> 24 with drug -> 25 (per rest bonus) -> (you can hit 30 if you used some item that give you intellect inspiration

    05 RES    -> 07 with blessing -> 10 with drug 


    I will record videos with all low level fights, in summary  3 x Arcane Veil + Staff

    I also changed race from elf to human (because of +7 ACC and +15% Damage) with all constitution bonuses and (Durance + Gif't from Machine you can get additional +10% to HP), so you can get all your bonuses with near 170HP

  9. Build 1.2 changes:

    Removed: Whispers of Treason 
    Tactical Meld 
    Skill: Athletic -> Alchemy (Use drug that give +3INT, +3RESOLVE, +3PERC), you can start using potions that convert hit -> crit, now it seems ok, and make game little bit faster

    In summary: Patch 1.2 make this builds stronger, now with Tactical Med this class get +5 Perception (+5 ACC, 10 REF) and Aware (50% Graze to Hit), Body Attunement with increased duration, some spell can be cast faster :D


    There a time for self https://pillarsofeternity2.wiki.fextralife.com/Chain+Lightning, oh I need to test new helm with spellblade

    Keep in mind you have to "dump" your reflex to get hit by these "reflex" based spells ... so I don't know how viable that is solo where in general you want to have as high saves as possible. 


    Don't worry you can always increase reflex after Chain Lightning  



    The beta patch notes for 1.2 are out:

    Lots of changes to Lord Darrens Voulge

    I do not understand what all of these changes mean,, but probably we have to say goodbye to the suicide bomber.

    I think you won't be able to damage yourself anymore. Also the helm was nerfed and it's not possible anymore to stack multiple charges.



    Yeah you are right, first since the Static Thunder only works when u have stacks, so you cannot hurt yourself with it, secondly the helm only works on big elec damage now because it is not stackable, so very sad indeed :)


    The helm now give you bonus from first electric damage and then recharge bonus duration ? 


  12. Even better: Wizard/Monk with Citzal's Spirit Lance + Flagellant's Path. AoE Full Attack on every enemy in my path. Bonus points for casting Combusting Wounds first... :lol:


    Edit: works with Swift Flurry and Heartbeat Drumming. ;)

    They already nerf full attack and rooting pain, and accuracy for blights in 1.2, you will end with weaker build than streetfighter + you will lose 50% recovery time, rogue afflictions


    At third you can't relay on int bonus from monk, you don't has it from fight start, only with monk that used drugs

  13. I've seen the OP streaming this build, though just parts where it was already over-leveled, and I can confirm its very effective and kind of interactive.  However, I would question two components, maybe three.


    As an alternative to Assassin, Streetfighter could be the better option in general. As an alternative to MIG, INT since durations could be more beneficial since rogue has huge damage bonuses already, and as an alternative to Explosives, Explosives/Alchemy combo for obvious reasons and since there is a way to enable AoE attacks/inflictions with a firearm.  Maybe even Explosives/Alchemy/Arcana combo, for some fun combinations and options. 

    Streefigther will be good choose, to keep yourself flanked use Blunderbuss passive (you don't need to attack enemies, enough to attack your companion), in second hand take scordeo this will increase your speed much more, while you will stay > 4 meter from enemies you will use only pistol to attack enemies, which mean you can get +50% + ~35%  base recovery bonus, with this bonuses you don't need dexterity, max INT + Perception/Const, I also offer to use hand mortal as blunderbuss, it will make all enemies distracted 100% of time when you need distraction affliction

  14. While this consumable based build, and you get your accuracy from Ghost Heart part, you can always replace rogue part with any other class which will increase your damage and bombs effective, for example you can take Skaen priest, you will has same invisible spell that you need to remove aggro from your character + a lot of buffs + fine AOE spell which can do +500 damage when empowered

    Or you can always choose berserker +2 to penetration, +2 armor, +30% HIT to CRIT, Recover on Kill, AOE attack which you can use unlimited time (this multi-class can solo PotD first island very, very easy)


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  15. I recorded video for all fights with early levels, if I have a time I will upload them :D I really like that fights, of-course some of them you can do without big risk on TSC, some no :D

    I don't get a point to do TSC without risk, you can always pick arcane knight with +20AR and steamroll everething  :D


    Kalakoth's Minor Blights would be my no. 1 choice with the brawling small shield: speed of dual wielding with AoE attacks, defenses of a shield, afflictons in an AoE and lots of damage per hit as well. The +20 ACC is actually the best part of Minor Blights. And it also cycles damage types. It's really good. No Riposte though.


    Would you multi such a build always with a rogue (streetfighter) or would it be better to go wizard/monk to exploit duality of mortal presence for bigger AOE?


    Only street-fighter, because of insane damage passive, 35 int you can hit without mortal presence

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