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Posts posted by mant2si

  1. So the main question - How obsidian will nerf consumable and buff other items, to make game attractive for all groups of players ? For my point of view they should add more unique props on items: Lifesteal, Heal on Crit (to add non-healers classes heal them self), Damage conversion from one type to another, more AOE effects for large weapon on hit/crit

    Of course we needed consumables to break accuracy/defenses barriers for high level enemies, mostly for classes which can't use self buffs but nothing more :D


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    Solo PotD still possible? Guess Obsidian needs to put in some more unavoidable fights with spell immune creatures and remove figurines and scrolls.


    even if they do all of that people will still solo it :)



    Yep, I hate that Intellect immune guys :( 






    Good job :D Look solid

    How do you farm this armor ? I can't get negative reputation with Principi after 1.1 :( 

    Could this build do fight with enemies that used arcane dampener, mostly with level scaling mod ? 


    Unfortunately once you've gained a certain amount of positive reputation with the principi there is no way to get it into the negative. No matter how many of them you kill. Basically only do furrante quests until you get the belt from him and stay away from anything else that gives you principi reputation so you can still get the armor. Or just screw their quests altogether and kill them right away but you will miss the belt. You don't need it later on anymore when you have high enough defenses however it does help early.


    Running this from 4-20 i can count the numbers ive been hit with dampener on one hand. When you're level 20 it wont hit you anymore because you simply have too high defenses. Im not sure what you mean with leveling scaling mod? Like mods that increase the difficulty? I am not sure as i havent tried any yet. Vanilla 1.1 there arent a lot of fights this build has issues with and that is without using potions and stuff so you can probably play it with a difficulty mod. Not sure how this would affect early game though.


    Thanks for explanation  :D Such amazing reputation system 


    How do you fight Akemyr ? In Vanilla he dispel all your buffs and has something like +130 Accuracy and +130 to all defenses without buffs



    Arcane Dampener goes against Will. This build has 172 will defense (167 with circle of protection) so even with 130 accuracy he has an hard time hitting. I dont remember it being an issue when i fought him.


    The biggest weakness of this build are HP sponges like Kraken and stuff because once you've used all your spells and it isnt dead you hit like a wet noodle. This is a pure caster after all. There are ways around that like actually picking a sword with the 7th power lvl spell (i forgot the name, the tensers like one) but it really isnt optimal. 


    Thanks again for explanation :D I think with this build you can beat most of the fights from difficulty mod. You know it remember me about Priest's from POE 1, AOE spell, Stunlock, Such amount of buffs


    If you had a time could you record Queen fight with Difficulty mod (without Arcana/Alchemy)


    Good job :D Look solid

    How do you farm this armor ? I can't get negative reputation with Principi after 1.1 :( 

    Could this build do fight with enemies that used arcane dampener, mostly with level scaling mod ? 


    Unfortunately once you've gained a certain amount of positive reputation with the principi there is no way to get it into the negative. No matter how many of them you kill. Basically only do furrante quests until you get the belt from him and stay away from anything else that gives you principi reputation so you can still get the armor. Or just screw their quests altogether and kill them right away but you will miss the belt. You don't need it later on anymore when you have high enough defenses however it does help early.


    Running this from 4-20 i can count the numbers ive been hit with dampener on one hand. When you're level 20 it wont hit you anymore because you simply have too high defenses. Im not sure what you mean with leveling scaling mod? Like mods that increase the difficulty? I am not sure as i havent tried any yet. Vanilla 1.1 there arent a lot of fights this build has issues with and that is without using potions and stuff so you can probably play it with a difficulty mod. Not sure how this would affect early game though.


    Thanks for explanation  :D Such amazing reputation system 


    How do you fight Akemyr ? In Vanilla he dispel all your buffs and has something like +130 Accuracy and +130 to all defenses without buffs

  5. Most of us like use Scrolls and Poisons, and per-rest items, but no one like when single scroll remove challenge from game. No one like skip such funny part of the game if this part present. I believe Obsidian or Modders will make scrolls more unique and less stronger. Now  I think scrolls simple imported  from previous version of the game :( What the fun to pick pure druid and at middle of the game discover that most of your skills exists in scrolls or potion. 

    They can add really unique effect and buffs to scroll to make game funny, for example random spell scroll :D


    nice video and yes some potions and poisons with high alchemy are op but they are a necessary tool if you play a melee toon. 


    Personally, Guardian of U is not really the hardest fight in PotD upscaled at the moment. I will do a run with a melee rogue/zerker but from my deadly deadfire hardcore run with full party the hardest fights were in no particular order but all more difficult:

    -Druids of Bentwood bog on Sayuka

    -Lucia Rivan and taking her ship

    -The Rotten Lady and her friendz

    -Animancer spire top at end of VTC quest

    -Killing the queen and her company at the end of RDC questline at top of palace in Nekataka


    those five come to mind. yeah but they are optional fights I guess but all present more challenging obstacles to deal with than Ukaizo thanks to multiple dangerous enemies you can't split


    yeah any level 10 build can take the boss with maxed out alchemy or arcana. they are basically godmode. To other people, it's fair game but to me i consider them cheese. That doesn't mean it isn't fun. Heck, even the solo potd build I posted uses maxed out arcana to take advantage of avenging storm. 


    You don't even need a party for the encounters you've posted. They are just all one meteor show/great maelstrom away from dying + withdraw to keep you alive. Or since you are running an alchemy build, Handmortar + stone joint (it's the most op alchemy potion) then use invisibility potion and wham wait for them to die. 


    I do know of a build who can solo the last boss + all the encounters you've listed without any cheese though and that's with level scaling mod from Nexus. So far no one has posted anything like it so that's good! Thinking of posting but I'm afraid it might get too popular and you know how Obsidian likes to nerf popular op stuff. 


    That not true :D I can solo most of them with Cipher/Ranger without Arcana/Achemy/Cheesing

  7. I agreed with all posts in this thread. Now you must limited consumables use.  But without some consumables you can't rise penetration (sometimes I need only 2 - 3 points, not 7 -  8 ), to overpen that annoying armor system, and sometimes I needed +2 - 4 (I assume, this is legal value) to intellect to hit the cup

  8. Today I tried to get negative reputation with Principi and I'm sure that in previous game version you can get  reputation lower than -3 

    Correct me if I wrong, the number which you see in reputation tab is sum for negative and positive reputation i.e |1| + |-1| = 2:

    If you see blue line, then you have only positive reputation
    If you see purple line, then you have both reputations
    If you see red line, then you have only negative reputation 

    When you help you get positive reputation
    When you kill fraction guys you get negative reputation 

    Sound easy right ? :D

    OK let's do simple test I loaded my save game before Neketaka (+3 reputation with Principe), Then I killed that guys which ambush you while delivery boy quest and ... I get 2 purple reputation WTF ? This quest lower my positive reputation by 1 point ? OK ... I killed all guys in Dunnange, Crypt, Deathlight and my reputation ... and my reputations became 3 purple, I killed 3 Principi bosses and maybe get -1 reputation ? WTF

    Let's do one more test (just watch video bellow), we started with +4 positive reputation, then we get 5 i.e (+4 positive and -1 negative) and then  we can't lower reputation futher


    BUT if you kill Neketaka guard (I'm started with +1 Neketaka reputation) you will get -2 reputation

    I'm  also developer and I understand when you get 200 damage with poison, OK wrong Math :D I'm understand when you get 75% damage reduction for armor, OK this system can be modified, just change multiplier 

    But i doesn't understand how killing 3 guards give you -2 reputation, but killing entire fraction can give you -1 reputation, look like very funny bug 

    Sry for my English


    In NWN scythe has x3 crit modifier

    Scythes are 2d4 20/x4 if I remember correctly. There are x4 crit multiplier one handed weapons in D&D 3.5 (light picks and heavy picks) but I don't think NWN has them.


    Yep  (http://nwn.wikia.com/wiki/Critical_multiplier) :D and this is much better than +31% bonus 

  10. In NWN scythe has x3 crit modifier

    I also love how some ARPG implements bonuses for 2H melee weapons:

    For example In MedianXL - Necromancer scythe lover enemies physical resistance to 25% (Similar to constant overpen), Paladin hammers give you 100% evasion for 2 sec on hit chance etc..

    In Grim Dawn and Path of Exile, they make 2H weapons x2 stronger than 1H (not 31% for base damage), but also all weapon aspects, i.e if single hand sword can give you +2MIG, then two hand weapon can give you +4MIG and 30% crush damage...

    For my point of view Obsidian should heavy rework bonuses and enchantments on 2H weapons and add some attractive procs

    Maybe something like this bow https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Saint_Omaku%27s_Mercy

    * Health on Kill 
    * Action Speed on Health drop
    * Immediately recovery

  11. I update build to v0.3:

    * Now it fully supported forum markup
    * Re-calculated some bonuses, because after testing in the game some of them was redundant
    * Changed gear: Boots
    * Changed drug & active consumable
        * Removed scrolls because in current game state they feel too OP
    * Added notes about blessings
    * Added calculation for Penetration bonuses for PB
    * Added better PL calculation 
    * Changed skill plan for late game:
       * Removed Defensive bound, Wounding shot + Modificator
       * Added (Stasis Shell, Pain Link, Camouflage)
    * Added video of gameplay
    * Changed bluff to 
    insight, because most of the quests can be solved with diplomacy and insight

    And to make this post funny. I do G. Street at L7, before leaving port maje (You will end with L7 if you choose L4 Blessing and do all quests solo), without pulling enemies :)



    Avenging Storm is one of the funniest skill for any melee & range builds in 1.1 :D


    Did Moonwell stack with Circle of Protection ?  


    How much deflection you have ?


    Why not hand mortal ?


    They don't stack sadly.


    Deflection varies but it's not too high. Reflex is the focus for this build.


    Hand Mortar is fun for AOE but its single target damage is lacking. I mean you can always have it in your 2nd weapon slot. 


    How you survive fights in small/scripted areas with rogues/rangers enemies ? 


    You can also switch your armor to Fleshmender, and get 1 additional quick slot 

  13. Soo :D I updated my Cipher / Ranger build, now it can solo Hosongo without cheesing and .... it look more attractive and fun, you can find it there https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/102168-build-concept-glanfathan-soul-hunter, but this Is still a concept and I need update some information about 4th weapon and some items 

    Sry for my bad English 

    Fun starts after ~ 5:00
    Attributes screen ~ 1.48 - 1.49



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  14. A big part of CRPGs is using the cheese that is available to you, I agree. These days, though, games throw so many bonuses and microtransactions and rewards at you that it just destroys any sense of balanced challenge, so you have to set some limits. It often becomes a good idea to ignore pre-order bonuses because they are disproportionately good to satisfy people who paid more money; and stuff like Berath is ridiculous as well. BG2 had many ways to cheese but it didn't let you start with 21 Strength or a free +2 sword or whatever.

    In BG2 you can roll stats :D, Paladin can roll 96 - 99, and make near all attributes 18 (I'm sure you re-roll your character until you get near max possible roll, and you never play with 76 roll :D)

    In DOS/DOS 2 existed lonely wolf perk

    In BG you can find best armor in the game, in second city, after 5 min of play

    In Tyrany you can up parry to 100 before first battle

    In POE1 - exists Paladin defensive/accuracy bonuses, in late game no one can hit them (no one carry why paladins started with free blessings)

    In IWD you can enable/disable HOF for additional XP



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  15. This thread reminded me about Divinity Origin Sin 2 armor system, in Divinity Origin Sin 2 exists two independent armor pools which you must destroy, before you can apply CC, but when you destroyed armor you can stunlock anyone, even end game bosses

    Same in PoE 2, if you can overpen or has enough armor you can destroy game content without problem

    I personally don't like approach (All or Nothing), will be much better if obsidian little bit change armor formula, i.e the more difference between attack and defense, the more/less damage you done, with hard cap at 50% for player

    I'm expected something like this
    1 point - 3% DR  | +1% DM
    2 point - 4% DR  | +2% DM
    3 point - 5% DR  | +3% DM
    4 point - 5% DR  | +4% DM
    5 point - 5% DR  | +5% DM
    6 point - 5% DR  | +5% DM
    7 point - 3% DR  | +4% DM
    8 point - 2% DR  | +3% DM
    9 point - 0% DR  | +2% DM


    10 point - 2% DR   | +10%
    11 point - 5% DR   | + 1%
    12 point - 1% DR   | + 1%
    13 point - 1% DR   | + 1%


    Also they can add to game half-immune enemies for example if the add +5%, 10%, 10% to DR if the difference between armor and pen, more than 50, 51, 52 points, then monster will has 50% + 25% DR, but if player can lower monster armor for 1 - 5 points, monster DR will be lower to 50%, this approach can be used for skeletons 

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  16. There already exists thread about Drake fight https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/101970-having-trouble-on-potd-with-the-young-drake-fight, and I also recorded a video (

    ) for cipher / ranger class (the boar didn't follow me, but who cares). Let's be honest that fight no very fun, and cipher / ranger class not fun at all until level 16 :D

    Yesterday I solved solo G Street fight at level 5 with group split cheesing, for my point of view that fight was much, much harder
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  17. There's nothing wrong with using it, you might prefer the convenience or whatever. I just think it's really weird to post builds & strategies that integrate the blessings, or talk about how strong your guy is. I might use the console an cheat myself money or whatever, but then I wouldn't use that experience to discuss how an ability is OP or how this build is really good.

    What the problem with blessings that integrated into builds ? 12 attribute points can't break your game, because attributes capped at 18 ~ 19, if I correctly remember Lonely Wolf perk from DOS 2 give you x2 to all your skills and attributes :D


    For example in PoE 1 you can stack food & drugs buffs, and you can achieve much more than 12 points. For my point of view blessing only helps you break  attributes barrier for end game fights 


    At the end obsidian can make blessing as temporary skill :D 

  18. I added additional info about equipment and updated skills progression
    I also uploaded some videos with low level fighting https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP98PtDgUR9IRl-LGw54-4w, but currently I restarted my play-through because of Serafen weapon, so next video will be with this weapon instead of Scorde's Tropy, it will be more attractive because of a lot of area damage  

  19. I‘d also add 'single target buff clearer' in the Pro section, Ranger has the highest accuracy, plus Borrowed Instinct your Concurssive Tranquilizer can hit anybody, no matter how higher their defenses are.

    Thank for suggestion. On my first (party) playthrough - I didn't use this skill. Now I'm in the middle of my solo run and I still looking a way for better skills distribution. On early game I'm sure you don't need Concurssive Tranquilizer, maybe on late game, I will check it and then update post



    I have played almost same build(PotD Upscale solo). This is a quite solid build imo. Yeah, you need a lot of micro-management.


    Sometime too much, special with enemies which immune to charm and high pierce armor


    Why not go single or multi Beguiler?


    Ascendant Draining Whip give you additional focus and with double pistols and full attack and critical strike you can regen it with single hit

    Ranger give you +30-40 to accuracy and mobility skill + bear for early game + full attack skill



    That's an interesting pairing. You could use your ghost pet as a proxy for your cipher (beam) abilities. I wonder if that could work as a melee character. True it would be a shame to miss the ranged passives of the ranger. :]

    I'm not sure, there no healing abilities, no high armor and deflection bonuses, but you always can use multiple moonwell + shield and face-tank everything, like in POE 1

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