But I know what fortissimo means, isn't that enough Anywho I'm in GT/AP so they make us learn all these stem words, like truculent.
Italian/Latin, I'm sure.
I'm such a pedantic pete.
Latin, it means to speak loudly.
Well in English you can get around with just using basic English but that doesn't mean that's all there is to the English language because there's plenty of words out there like costermonger and fortissimo.
They really should teach us Spanish in elementry school, just make it an extra class. They had something like that when I was in elementry school but it wasn't consistant (I think they did it three of six years I went there but even then the class was only every couple of weeks) and the teachers weren't very fluent. So when I got out of elementry school all I could do in Spanish is count to ten when I should have been able to do much more.
I say we all learn that one langauage spoken in Africa which only uses clicks.
And we hate mongerers! Especiallly those fish ones!
It's a melting pot after all and anywho California used to be owned by Mexico/ Spain. So it's not like all this hispanic influence has popped up out of nowhere.
I hhad it on my favorites but I lost it. I want to download an old version of AIM because with the new one you get this thing popping up every hour asking if you want to download a free trial of AOL Tritan.
Police men where I live bust me and my friends for jay walking (we do it because it's pretty dangerous crossing at the stop light, people drive over the crosswalk and the WALK sign is only up for a few seconds and because all of them cross walks are way out of the way we're going) instead of the people my friends and I see all the time selling drugs in parking lots (sometimes parkining lots with cameras, they're not very smart).
We're not there yet, the Persians just attacked Greece (I think, I need to check my notes).
Have you read 'The Cartoon History of the Universe". It is funny and puts history in perspective.
While plans are good some historians say they can also be confining.
My wife and I sleep better at night knowing ( ) that neither of us has contingency plans to kill the other. :D
You're married?
You can't try to prevent war with out preparing for it.
Anywho I haven't thought about current affairs in about a month. I had to read this book over summer (A short history of the world) and now that school started we're learning about ancient civilizations. So when I think Turkey, I think of the asian minor and when I think of Iran I think of Persia. And the books I;ve been reading says the the Persians were a lot better than the Assyrians.
especailly considering any good gta player would have just crashed his car through the front window of the store.
You can't do that...I would have gunned the cash register person down with ozus...I mean TJ would gun him down...