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Wormerine last won the day on January 14

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About Wormerine

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  1. Yeah, considering the new star system thing, I was surprised how "Outer Worlds" Outer Worlds2 trailer felt. I suppose it's more efficient to build on what you have, than start from scratch.
  2. It has both 1st person and 3rd person modes.
  3. I have no idea how SteamDB works, and what those changes could mean. It is a bit late for the another delay, but they could follow AssCreed:Shadow, and move out of the February - Feb is rather stacked with big releases.
  4. No, the game end on modern age, however, that form what I understand reaches up to 20th century events, and we don't have information/futuristic age. So perhaps in an expansion? I wouldn't count on simple update as new age comes with new systems and it's own civs. . But on launch the game will have three eras, with the last one being modern. With how ages became it's own mini-Civ games with their own mechanics, I wouldn't count it against them if they treated Ages as expansion material.
  5. It’s not an interview - just writing around some bullet points from Josh’s video, which they thankfully posted in “the article”.
  6. Jeez, they still work on this game? Checked the story and amount of DLC is impressive/terrifying. It even has monthly subscription, which considering the price of the DLC might be fairly good value proposition . I tried Stellaris couple times. Tend to loose interest after couple sessions.
  7. Shouldn't it say "most complete package since VI"? I can see the writer is clearly in the CivVI hate train, but it did launched really well rounded as far as systems go. Eitherway, CivVII looks intruiging. It promises a much needed shakeup and I am curious how it will turn out.
  8. looks good. I finally installed KC:D1, and am looking forward to trying it out within the last couple months. I will probably wait till I am done with Avowed though.
  9. Oh they know Mai's fanbase. The written updates have been drowning in innuendos. Below are all official updates from Capcom:
  10. Yeah, there is something about characters design which doesn’t work for me. As to cutscenes, from what I understand they mocap movement for actors performance, but faces animations were build using a library of expressions. Considering the sheer volume of cutscene produced, the quality of them is impressive. They did feel rather…. bland to me. Still closer to classic Bioware’s conversation (unexpressive short/reverse shot), rather than a cinematic feel of something like Witcher3 - though of course, Witcher didn’t have to deal with such reactivity, custom PC and vac hanging conversation spots. still, I question value of a cutscene if it isn’t compelling to watch - I know I am in a minority though.
  11. So Jagged Allience3 is being offered in this months Humble Choice. I remember some people here played it extensively. How good is it? Worth picking up by a non-JA fan? (I bought and launched JA2 a while ago on steam, but never spent a meaningful amount of time with it).
  12. I suggested before that it is Microsoft's way of adding "value" to Gamepass after hiking the price on consoles. "Look how many AAA $70 releases you get". On a sidenotes, it seems the floodgates have been open and games are in general pushing what they can charge.
  13. Hmmm, Elden Ring reward system in a nutshell. Play not for the reward as most of the time you will be left disappointed.
  14. Yeah, in general I hear that lower settings aren't what they used to be these days, and games tend to scale pretty well. I was worried about not being able to run Indy, but from what I watched I will be just fine. Still, it pains my heart to not be able to launch a game, max out all settings and still get 80-100FPS. Staying on a cutting edge is expensive. Need to find a better job.
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