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Everything posted by algroth

  1. You have a link for this? I haven't seen this anywhere myself. Again, I'm not defending China here, but I do think that their part in this mess doesn't preclude the blame that can be placed on others for their handling of the pandemic. It's not China's fault that Italy, Spain and USA botched their response to the virus so badly, and how they then became major players in the spread elsewhere in the world. Just pointing it out because all too often the "China is to blame" argument comes layered with a heavy coat of sinophobia and blame-shifting that other major players are all too happy for their followers to be distracted by.
  2. Initially, yes. But some countries were better able to stop it on their borders than others, and others helped the virus spread in and from their territory. Not defending China whatsoever, but to assume the responsibility for the global spread is entirely on their end is a mistake. I for one wouldn't be surprised if most of the virus' spread to the West could be traced back to Italy for example (that's where the vast majority of cases in Argentina came from - Italy and Spain). USA's current crisis is primarily on them too, having downplayed the threat for months, deliberately obstructed initial testing and containment on a federal level, and so on. You can't blame China for the US government's incompetence.
  3. Might be a slight spoiler, but Disco is a non-fantasy setting to an extent. There are certain paranormal elements to the setting and there's especially a lot of oneiric or surreal influence to all of it. All in all the feel isn't specifically realist or grounded, is what I mean. You might still want to give it a try!
  4. Have you tried either Hollow Knight or Disco Elysium yet? Two of the finest games of the decade imo.
  5. Hausu director Nobuhiko Obayashi.
  6. https://i.imgur.com/ZIJKeE3.gifv
  7. I mean, that's kinda the point.
  8. Looks pretty cool. Seems a bit more promising than what we saw last time, I feel.
  9. If there was ever need of more proof to how massively the government blundered this whole thing, imagine trying to instigate another war with the Middle East in the middle of a pandemic and economic collapse.
  10. https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/307741-patent-troll-sues-to-pull-covid-19-tests-off-market-over-alleged-infringement WeWork people blocking coronavirus tests through a fake patent lawsuit. Some people...
  11. https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/
  12. Krzysztof Penderecki
  13. Got a link to this?
  14. https://www.bz-berlin.de/leute/corona-drama-rammstein-saenger-till-lindemann-auf-der-intensivstation Rammstein singer Till Lindemann in intensive care due to coronavirus.
  15. This is all true. Another couple of issues to remark here: Italy and Spain have been fighting the pandemic at a massive level longer than the US, around March 12 USA had roughly 1500 confirmed cases whilst Italy had 15000. Each active case is an ongoing battle for their health, and the longer one struggles, the likelier the chances of a negative outcome. Many cases in USA are likely newer than the ones in Italy leading to more early cases that could in a week's time result in a greater surge of deaths. USA's also slowly working its way to overwhelming the medical system which will lead both to a surge in coronavirus deaths for what is said above, but also many other casualties most likely as hospitals grow crowded, understaffed and run out of resources. Even if a pandemic has a 3% mortality rate, there will be many other deaths as a cause of the outbreak that aren't accounted for in this statistic. The other issue I don't often see brought up is that the period of recovery for coronavirus can be much, much longer and arduous than the flu for example. I read somewhere, can't recall where now, that the time people struck with the flu with need of a ventilator would stay on it for an average of 2-5 days whereas people with coronavirus might need to be connected for 2-3 *weeks*. If you're suddenly brought in 100 patients to take care of in a single day, that's 100 patients you have to take care of for weeks; and when that influx occurs daily, well...
  16. I need to watch it again, but I wasn't big on it back in the day. It had this film school sophomoric feel I wasn't really won over by, whilst most of its aesthetic tricks seemed lifted straight out of Persona. Mind that it's been at least 15 years or so since I saw it, and I did see it all of one time at that.
  17. I think The Fountain and The Wrestler are his only good films. Haven't seen Noah or mother! though (intrigued by the former, not so much by the latter which feels more in the vein of his Black Swan/Requiem for a Dream psychodramas).
  18. MY LITTLE PRINCESS MY SWEET LITTLE GIRL MY LITTLE PRINCESS MY SWEET LITTLE GIRL MY LITTLE PRINCESS MY SWEET LITTLE GIRL MY That film did my head in. It feels like a David Lynch film only more histrionic, fuller with heavyhanded cod-psychology, and devoid of aesthetic creativity. That said I didn't think Portman herself was bad in the film, I think she delivered the role pretty well in spite of her character, the premise et al being utter pants. Vincent Cassel was like nails on a chalkboard though, a proper Julian Sands level display of AHHRARCTING. Portman's best performance I reckon is Jackie, most likely.
  19. Multi-instrumentalist (though better known as drummer and keyboardist) Bill Rieflin died today, aged 59, after battling cancer. He had a massive and very diverse career, spanning bands from Ministry to R.E.M. to Swans to King Crimson and several more in between. R.I.P. https://ultimateclassicrock.com/king-crimson-r-e-m-drummer-bill-reiflin-dead/
  20. Mississippi governor says he won't do a total lockdown as he doesn't want to be China. Cool, he wants to be Italy instead.
  21. Meanwhile pro-life politicians be like:
  22. USA's so ****ed.
  23. "Trump is a wartime president. And like a great wartime president, first you say there won't be a war, then you refuse to protect your soldiers, then you lie about losses, then you complain about your press, and then you surrender."
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